
God can swear, why doesn't the Bible permit Christians to swear?

author:Empty saber

Christians know that you should not swear because the Bible commands you. Some Christian scholars have asked why the Bible repeatedly records that God himself swears, but does not allow Christians who believe in him to take an oath? Is it not hypocritical that "the governors should set fires and the people should not be allowed to light lamps?" Is this really the case?

God can swear, why doesn't the Bible permit Christians to swear?

The Queen's Oath

The biblical basis for the inability of Christians to take oaths is recorded in the book of James, where the New Testament indicates that the most important thing is not to swear, and that no one should swear by heaven or earth, no matter what kind of oath is made. When people speak, they say yes, and if they don't, they honestly express no, and there is no need for external oath rituals.

In fact, in the Old Testament, not only did God himself swear, but people also swore often. For example, in the book of Genesis, the Christian Abraham asked his followers to swear: "You are my servant, and I will make you swear by God, the Creator of heaven and earth, that you will never arrange for my son to marry a woman from the land of Canaan."

Another example is the Bible book of Deuteronomy, which says that people are to fear God and to swear by God's name. In the Psalms, God himself takes an oath, and he will not regret it. But in the New Testament, why did the Bible prohibit people from taking oaths?

It turns out that a person's oath is an extremely solemn, sacred, and serious matter, just as God Himself said to people in the Bible: Do not make a false oath by my name, otherwise it is blasphemy, because it is dishonest for a person to take an oath in the name of God and go back on his word.

God can swear, why doesn't the Bible permit Christians to swear?

The king also takes an oath at the time of his coronation

Once a person has made an oath in the name of God, he must keep his promise and not regret it, and if he fails to do so, he will become a lie or empty word. And there is nothing that is impossible for God Himself, for he says that there is, and that he will stand up, and that which he has sworn will surely be fulfilled.

The reason for this provision in the New Testament must be traced back to the history of ancient Israel, and those who have read the Old Testament know that God made a covenant with the ancestors of the Jewish people, but the rebellious ancient Israelites repeatedly broke the covenant, often rebelled against God, and gradually Xi it and had nothing to fear.

As a result, in the end, the people of the ancient Jews at all levels became more and more hypocritical, and their thoughts were extremely incommensurate with their actual actions, and the casual oaths of the people at this time tended to be ritualized, showing a pompous and hypocritical side.

God can swear, why doesn't the Bible permit Christians to swear?

Swear by the Bible with your hands

However, the ancient Israelites were taboo to swear that if they could not be fulfilled in the future, God would settle the score. So they became wise to themselves, and since they did not have the courage to swear by God, they lowered their ranks, and when they lacked trust in one another, they began to swear by pointing their fingers at their own hair, pointing to heaven and earth, or by pointing to the city of Jerusalem, where the temple of God was located, but they often broke their vows and gained weight after they had done so.

Faced with this question, Jesus said: Since a man has made an oath, he cannot break his promise or break it, but people often end up with the oath, but the result is that it backfires and ends up losing their integrity. In this case, it is better to not swear anything, speak to each person, compare the facts, say yes if it is, and honestly admit that it is not.

God's purpose is to be honest, and people themselves often have no foresight or inability to see how things will end, even if they use flowery rhetoric to express their vows. On the contrary, Christianity believes that if you rely on God, you don't need to swear an oath, and God will also give you accomplishments.

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