
What are the causes of abdominal distension and constipation in the elderly, and how to treat them?

author:I like to laugh sadly

In a quiet town, Grandma Li, a 70-year-old retired teacher, enjoys her peaceful and regular retirement. Her daily routine is filled with gardening activities, casual chats with neighbors, and daily board games with old friends. However, in recent weeks, Grandma Lee has begun to feel some discomfort, a pain she has never experienced before.

What are the causes of abdominal distension and constipation in the elderly, and how to treat them?

Whenever after a meal, Grandma Li would feel a noticeable bloating, as if her stomach was filled with gas, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable. At first, she thought it was just ordinary indigestion, but it seemed to become more frequent as time went on. Most worryingly, she also found herself having difficulty defecating, which was unprecedented in her regular life. What started as a daily routine gradually turned into once every two or three days, accompanied by significant discomfort.

What are the causes of abdominal distension and constipation in the elderly, and how to treat them?

At first, Grandma Li didn't worry too much. She tried to adjust her diet and increase her fiber intake, hoping that these small changes would ease her discomfort. However, despite these changes, her bloating and bowel problems did not improve. She began to wonder if these symptoms were a common glitch in older people, or were they hiding deeper health problems?

What are the causes of abdominal distension and constipation in the elderly, and how to treat them?

One morning, while she was working in the garden, Grandma Li decided that it was time to consult a medical professional. She needs to understand the real reasons behind these symptoms and how to address them effectively. She picked up the phone, dialed the number of the community health center, and was ready to begin her journey to find answers.

Grandma Li came to the hospital accompanied by her family, both apprehensive and expectant. She described her symptoms in detail to the doctor: bloating pain in her abdomen from time to time, difficulty in bowel movements, and sometimes even straining. The doctor listened carefully to her description and began a series of tests.

What are the causes of abdominal distension and constipation in the elderly, and how to treat them?

First, the doctor asked about her eating Xi and lifestyle. Grandma Li admits that after retirement, her pace of life has slowed down a lot, her activity has decreased, and her diet has become casual, occasionally eating some greasy or spicy food. The doctor nodded and explained that as we age, the function of the digestive system decreases, and irregular eating Xi habits and lack of exercise can lead to indigestion, which can lead to bloating and constipation.

After palpation of the abdomen and some basic laboratory tests, doctors initially ruled out the possibility of a serious illness. However, in order to make a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor recommended that Grandma Li have an abdominal ultrasound and a routine stool examination to check out potential gastrointestinal problems.

What are the causes of abdominal distension and constipation in the elderly, and how to treat them?

Grandma Li completed all the tests as instructed by the doctor. During the few days of waiting for the results, she followed the doctor's advice and began to adjust her diet, try to avoid greasy and spicy, eat more fruits and vegetables, and try to walk for at least half an hour a day.

A few days later, the results of the inspection were in. Fortunately, no serious physiological problems were found. But Grandma Li's symptoms did not ease as expected. Her bloating and constipation problems not only persisted, but even worsened on some days. This situation has not only affected the quality of her daily life, but also caused great concern for her family. Although she followed the doctor's advice and made lifestyle adjustments, she still couldn't solve the problem fundamentally, which made Grandma Li feel helpless and anxious.

What are the causes of abdominal distension and constipation in the elderly, and how to treat them?

One night, Grandma Lee's abdominal pain was unusually severe, forcing her to go to the hospital again. This time, the doctor conducted a more comprehensive and in-depth examination of her, including an ultrasound of the abdomen, a gastroscopy, and a more detailed blood test. After a careful diagnosis, the doctor found that Grandma Li's symptoms were not simply indigestion or ordinary constipation, but were caused by colonic diverticulitis.

Colonic diverticulitis is a relatively common condition in older people and is caused by inflammation or infection of small pouches (diverticulums) that form in the walls of the colon. Grandma Lee's doctor explained that the condition is often related to long-term dietary Xi, lack of adequate fiber intake, and weakened bowel movements. He noted that while it can be difficult to detect in the early stages, it can lead to more serious complications if left untreated.

What are the causes of abdominal distension and constipation in the elderly, and how to treat them?

The doctor developed a comprehensive treatment plan for Grandma Li. First, she needs to take specific antibiotics to control the infection in the diverticulum. At the same time, the doctor advised her to adjust her diet and increase her fiber intake, for example by eating more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. In addition, to improve the movement capacity of the intestines, the doctor also recommended that she do a moderate amount of physical activity, such as walking or light yoga.

Grandma Li strictly followed the doctor's guidance, and her symptoms gradually improved. With diet and lifestyle adjustments, her bloating and bowel problems have significantly lessened. A few weeks later, she returned to the hospital for follow-up check-ups, which showed a significant improvement in her health. The doctor expressed satisfaction with her recovery and stressed the importance of regular check-ups so that possible health problems can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner.