
Myanmar led the way, and the five countries of the Indochina Peninsula also signed with China, and China's strategy goes beyond northern Myanmar

author:The top of the cloud is pointed

With the anti-wire fraud campaign in northern Myanmar, China has taken more active steps in the Indochina Peninsula region, which has had an important impact on the situation in the region. Recently, China held the Fourth Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Meeting in Beijing, which adopted the Naypyidaw Declaration of the Fourth Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Meeting, and signed the Five-Year Development Plan for Lancang-Mekong Cross-Border Economic Cooperation (2023-2027) with Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The plan covers areas such as connectivity, production capacity cooperation, cross-border economic cooperation, water resources, agriculture and poverty alleviation, and will have a profound impact on the economy, infrastructure and people's livelihood in the Lancang-Mekong region. China's footprint extends far beyond northern Myanmar to the entire Indochina Peninsula and is committed to building closer cooperative relations and a community with a shared future. China hopes that through economic cooperation and infrastructure construction, it will achieve good docking with countries in the Indochina Peninsula region, and achieve the goal of win-win cooperation and sharing development dividends.

For the countries of the Lancang-Mekong Basin, this cooperation is of great significance. Over the past few years, Western countries and their supporting NGOs have smeared and denigrated China's exploitation of the Lancang's hydropower resources, but in reality, hydropower generation in the upper reaches of the Lancang River does not affect downstream flows, which is a disinformation spread by Western countries behind the scenes. However, in the process of developing the Lancang River water conservancy, China has fully considered the fate of downstream countries. China has signed a water resources cooperation agreement with the five Mekong countries and supported cooperation projects in various fields through the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund. This series of cooperative efforts has transformed the discord between Western countries into a real community with a shared future.

Myanmar led the way, and the five countries of the Indochina Peninsula also signed with China, and China's strategy goes beyond northern Myanmar
Myanmar led the way, and the five countries of the Indochina Peninsula also signed with China, and China's strategy goes beyond northern Myanmar

On the basis of the Lancang-Mekong cooperation, China has also worked closely with the five countries in the region to promote cooperation in many fields, including water resources, agriculture, capacity building, poverty alleviation, health, women, culture and religion. By working together, Indochina countries will work together to address challenges such as environmental protection, sustainable development and animal protection. In addition, China has further consolidated the cooperative relations between the countries of the Indochina Peninsula through cooperation in the field of infrastructure construction and new energy.

The convening of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Meeting further demonstrates China's strength and adherence to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. At the same time, it is also one of a series of actions taken by China in the process of promoting the settlement of the northern Myanmar issue. Through the implementation of the above-mentioned plan, China has not only brought development opportunities to the countries of the Indochina Peninsula, but also provided strong support for stability and cooperation in the ASEAN region.

Myanmar led the way, and the five countries of the Indochina Peninsula also signed with China, and China's strategy goes beyond northern Myanmar

Looking back at the development of the past few years, China's layout in the Indochina Peninsula region has become increasingly perfect. From cracking down on telecom fraud syndicates in northern Myanmar to promoting peace talks between the northern Burmese armed forces and the Burmese junta in China, to the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders' Meeting, China's influence has grown. Through cooperation with the five countries of the Indochina Peninsula, China has not only strengthened its influence in the region, but also laid a solid foundation for cooperation with other ASEAN countries. Especially for those countries with stable relations with China, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, they will benefit more from the establishment of a community with a shared future for the Lancang-Mekong countries.

In short, China's strategy in the Indochina Peninsula goes beyond northern Myanmar and focuses on comprehensive cooperation in the Lancang-Mekong basin. By promoting economic and trade cooperation and infrastructure construction, China and the countries of the Indochina Peninsula have established a closer community of interests and a shared future, injecting new impetus into the development of the region. With the passage of time, it is believed that this cooperation mechanism will bring earth-shaking changes to the Indochina Peninsula region and achieve the goal of win-win and shared development.

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