
He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

author:One person wonderful


A heavy door separated life from death, and the indicator light outside the door of the rescue room suddenly went out with a "snap". The door was opened from the inside, and a doctor, with a heavy face on his face, whispered, "Please mourn." ”

The family members outside the door were stunned and sat down in their chairs, tears filling their eyes. At this moment, life is lost between the fingertips, and the story of one person is also drawn behind this door.

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

On the bed in the rescue room, Ke Junxiong's face showed a kind of serenity, and the vicissitudes of life still revealed the demeanor of his youth. However, at this moment, he has passed away, ending a stubborn battle with lung cancer.

On the evening of December 6, 2015, Ke Junxiong passed away under the torture of illness, and a generation of film bigwigs fell. At his funeral, prominent figures came to pay their respects, and leaders Ma Ying-jeou and Lien Chan also came to see him off.

However, the funeral was missing the two daughters born to Ke Junxiong and his wife. This scene makes people wonder, what kind of grievance made these two daughters so indifferent to their father's final farewell?

Ke Junxiong's life can be described as legendary, starting from the grassroots, he gradually emerged, swept the film industry, politics, and the underworld, and became an amphibious boss. However, his glorious life came to an end in the tragedy of being riddled with illness and dying at seventy.

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

What is the story of his life? How did he go from the grassroots to the pinnacle of his career? And in the end, what caused him to suffer from illness and sink into the vicissitudes of the world?

Childhood sweethearts compose love songs

On a warm spring day in 1967, Zhang Meiyao met Ke Junxiong for the first time.

At that time, Zhang Meiyao was already a well-known actress in the entertainment industry, known as the "chief beauty of Treasure Island", light makeup and heavy makeup are always appropriate, gentle and generous, intelligent and smart, smiling like a flower, and her gestures are full of intellectuality and timelessness.

She has superb acting skills, has played the heroine in many topical movies, and is a well-deserved first-line actress in the film and television industry. Countless suitors flocked to her, asked her to watch movies for fun, and gave her brand-name clothes, but Zhang Meiyao has always been picky with high standards, and her marriage is hopeless.

On this day, she and Ke Junxiong met because of a collaboration on a music program. Ko will be making the soundtrack for her new song, and the two will need to meet several times to discuss it. The fire of love at first sight was quietly ignited.

For Zhang Meiyao, Ke Junxiong seems to be the destined other half. He is handsome and chic, slender and straight, gentle and considerate, and has a polite and polite tone when he talks and laughs. More importantly, his enterprising spirit of self-improvement and spirit of striving for progress just touched Zhang Meiyao's heart.

It turned out that Ke Junxiong was not born in a unique background. He came from an ordinary family in Taiwan, and his family was poor since he was a child, his parents died, and he lived with his sick grandmother. Every day after school, he would go to the community to play the piano or deliver takeaways, and use his meager pocket money to help his grandmother survive.

If you hadn't entered the showbiz later, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to turn over for the rest of my life. Although he has made small achievements in the film and television industry, he has also experienced too many difficult choices to achieve today's achievements.

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

Zhang Meiyao will fall in love with him, not because of superficial achievements and fame. Instead, he took a fancy to his indomitable fighting spirit and indomitable struggle. She sincerely admired his hard work and was impressed by his life accumulation.

Ke Junxiong's love for her has also surpassed all other suitors. He composes love songs for her and tells his heart in the song. He spoke sweetly, was considerate, and held her in the palm of his hand to take care of her. The relationship between the two heated up rapidly, and Zhang Meiyao firmly believed that this was her confidant for the rest of her life.

So in the whispers of everyone, she retreated into the background, gave up her career territory, and was willing to be Ke Junxiong's virtuous helper. She knows that the achievements and fame of the two are too different, and many people say that this family business is not successful.

After all, a popular actress marrying a music assistant is not a good match in the eyes of others. But she doesn't care about these judgments, and she doesn't care about those wrong perspectives. What she sees is Ke Junxiong's potential to shine in the future. As long as there is love, nothing is a problem.

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

After marriage, Ke Junxiong still remains the same, persevering and working hard. Zhang Meiyao did her best to take care of the whole family, took care of family chores, and relieved his worries. Although it was hard, she enjoyed it and just wanted the two of them to grow old together.

Finally, Ke Junxiong ushered in the peak of his career as he wished: he became a powerful film and television boss, with stars looking up to him and countless fames! Zhang Meiyao was also sincerely proud of him - her husband finally proved himself and realized his original ideals and ambitions.

After the peak, everything changed. The husband who was originally gentle and considerate seemed to have once put on the shackles of a big guy and became unrecognizable.

The wind and snow and the moon dye the white head

After Ke Junxiong reached the peak of his career, he became famous all over the world and had a lot of money, but he soon fell into the whirlpool of wind and snow. At first, Zhang Meiyao only thought it was just a few unintentional scandals. It's just that gradually, Ke Junxiong has not returned home more and more times at night, and the cash expenditure on hand has also increased significantly.

Finally one day, Zhang Meiyao found a lipstick mark left by a woman in the pocket of his suit. These signs all show the husband's amorous figure. It's just that there is no option to break up in her marriage concept, and at the same time, she also misses the man she once liked, so she doesn't care about it, and blindly pays silently.

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

Until one day, she saw with her own eyes that Ke Junxiong was eating in a restaurant with a woman and a child. The child's steely evidence showed that she was married to a bad man. All this could not be ignored, and she finally made a decision.

Sure enough, Ke Junxiong frankly admitted that he had abandoned this home. The woman he once loved, this home that was once full of happiness and contentment, was worthless and insignificant in his heart. He needs an heir, and Zhang Meiyao can only give birth to girls. This ridiculous reason is an excuse for him to abandon his family.

Zhang Meiyao was stunned when she heard this, and her heart was like a knife. Years of love fell apart at this moment, and her world was turned upside down. She couldn't understand how this person who once loved her so much could be so cruel now, leaving her to rise and fall alone in the turbulent waves of life.

A betrayal, you can choose to forgive; But this abandonment of his wife and daughter is no longer forgivable. On that day, she filed for divorce from Ke Junxiong. And the amorous man no longer retained, but seemed relieved. For this woman who has always loved him deeply, he is stingy with even a trace of retention and distress.

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

Soon after the divorce, Ke Junxiong married the junior Cai Qinghua. This scandal caused a sensation in the entertainment industry that year, although it was criticized in the past, it was not spurned. Because, people know that it is Ke Junxiong's nature to be romantic, and under the appearance of the jade tree in the wind, there is always a madman full of lust.

Zhang Meiyao and Ke Junxiong's two daughters, Yishan and Pinyin, also live with their mother. Their happy family suddenly fell apart, and they had to endure the pain of separation from their parents at a young age. They gradually understood the past of this family, and naturally they would only choose to continue to follow their mother.

After all, the mother is the one who has always loved them deeply. And the father, although the blood is thicker than water, has long betrayed this family. The love between father and daughter is gone.

Flesh and blood turmoil arose

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

Even though her heart is like ashes, Zhang Meiyao is still running for her livelihood and her daughter. At first, she could only go to bars to sing for a living, but fortunately, she gradually returned to the film and television industry.

The children are also sensible and obedient, and they grow up quickly, which lightens her burden a little. However, there is one more thing that needs to be resolved urgently: Ke Junxiong has not paid any child support to the children.

This is the minimum obligation of a father. Ke Junxiong is now a giant, with deep pockets, and only a small amount of child support should be a problem. But he and Xiao San always pretended to ignore it, forcing Zhang Meiyao to go to court to sue the negative parents.

At first, Ke Junxiong was quite sane. But as the case progressed, his hubris grew. At this time, Ke Junxiong was already among the film and television tycoons, invincible, and leaning towards one side. With a wave of his hand, he directly threatened and bribed the judge and several media outlets in a vain attempt to suppress the scandal from the outside world.

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

Even, there are henchmen who hint that Zhang Meiyao will stop and stop ruining his reputation. But even if the situation is extremely unfavorable, Zhang Meiyao still gritted her teeth and held on, only asking for two meager child support. And Ke Junxiong and Xiao San were unscrupulous, blaming Zhang Meiyao for all the faults, claiming that she was obstructing her ex-husband's new marriage.

In the end, under public pressure and public condemnation, the judge ruled that Ke Junxiong must pay child support or face detention. After that, he still quietly played tricks, looking for someone to secretly send a small amount of compensation, and the person who called the door said that he had cashed in full. Zhang Meiyao knew that it didn't match, so she had to give up.

In 2014, God gave this negative man the best punishment - advanced lung cancer. At the end of his life, Ke Junxiong suddenly repented and missed the family he had abandoned, but it was too late. Zhang Meiyao died of illness two years ago, and her two daughters naturally will not visit this biological father.

What's even more ironic is that after Ke Junxiong sat down, his actions without a sense of morality also brought unwarranted disasters to his two daughters. It turned out that all kinds of speculative businesses failed miserably during his lifetime, and he owed huge debts. deceived and deceived for many years, and the truth was revealed when he was dying.

In order to recover this huge amount of money, the creditor actually approached his daughters in accordance with the relevant legal provisions and demanded that they bear joint and several liabilities. Although the two resisted hard, they still could not escape the catastrophe. My mother also died of illness a few years ago, and I wanted to cut off the relationship with this evil father, but I didn't want his evil deeds to be stormy and unrepentant until death.

So far, Ke Junxiong not only abandoned his family in his lifetime, but also caused irreparable damage to him after his death. Perhaps, this is the best portrayal of the truth of heaven and the unhappiness of retribution.

On the day of the funeral, the mourning hall was empty

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

One day in December 2015, Ke Junxiong died of lung cancer. It stands to reason that there should be a sadness in front of his marquee. In his decades of entertainment career, he has made countless allies, and the industry bigwigs should come to mourn today, sit around and comfort their regrets.

However, the reality is so absurd - his two abandoned daughters still chose to be absent. Even if other people come, they are mostly vain and wronged, and even gloating. The scenery and vanity of this life, in the end, cannot be exchanged for any sincerity.

The junior Cai Qinghua pleaded with them, hoping that they would come to mourn. She constantly emphasized the "father-daughter relationship" and claimed that it was the minimum obligation of her daughters. She even complained with a sad face about the huge debts owed by Zhang Meiyao, as if this was the reason why they didn't show up.

But in the eyes of the two sisters, this man had already drawn a line with them a long time ago. The father-daughter relationship between them is just a piece of paper. How can all the hurts and sufferings of the past be offset by a few hypocritical retention?

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

At this moment, they finally realized that they had no feelings for this man. In the face of the pleading of the junior and the pressure of public opinion, they just treated it indifferently. They have long erased Ke Junxiong from their hearts, and today's funeral has nothing to do with them.

The funeral was hasty. All the guests, including Cai Qinghua and the children born to her, knew that Ke Junxiong's life was full of glory and at the same time, his reputation was ruined. He deserved to be so lonely and desolate, and this may be the only end for him.

A few days later, the junior also issued a statement with his children condemning the two sisters' unfilial piety. They presented themselves as victims, blaming all the blame on the miserable, helpless sisters. All the circle of friends and entertainment headlines are full of speculation and criticism about this scandal.

Now Yishan and Pinyin have long passed through the lives of ordinary people, and they are no longer in the public eye as before. But this nightmare has never been haunted - they have to endure daily abuse from the Internet, and even receive countless threatening letters. They don't understand what they are wrong to endure these unjustified attacks.

He was both black and white, abandoned his original marriage to marry a new love, died of cancer in his later years, and his daughter refused to attend the funeral

Fortunately, they don't care. The taunts on Weibo are nothing more than words, and the threatening letters are just bluffs. The culprit of all this, his evil father, has now gone to hell. They just need to live their lives in peace, and nothing else has anything to do with them.

Perhaps they will occasionally miss the simple years of the past, and they will think of their mother. But that vicious man has long been written off in their minds. Today, they are more cheerful, optimistic and strong than ever. They will eventually come out of this shadow and continue to live their beautiful lives.

After all, blood is not family. Their mothers would be proud of them.