
Yogurt improves gut health, but lactose intolerant people should avoid it and choose dairy products that are suitable for them

author:Department of Cardiology: Dr. Guo Xuefeng

"Have you ever felt like a healthy ritual to your routine after enjoying a cup of yogurt? Today, we're not only exploring the science behind this feeling, but also why some people feel uncomfortable while enjoying it. "

In our daily lives, yogurt has become an indispensable part of many people's tables, it is not only delicious, but also the secret weapon of gut health. But did you know that while yogurt is a healthy option for most people, it can come with a range of discomforts for people who are lactose intolerant?

Let's review the case of an Uncle Zhang. Uncle Zhang is a retired man who loves life and pays attention to health. He has a cup of fresh yogurt for breakfast every day. At first, he enjoyed every moment of yogurt, until one day he began to feel bloated and uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but wonder: is this healthy food that he loves really suitable for everyone?

Yogurt improves gut health, but lactose intolerant people should avoid it and choose dairy products that are suitable for them

Benefits of yogurt: the guardian of the gut

Yogurt, a seemingly ordinary dairy product, actually plays an important role in our gut health. Not only is it a delicious breakfast option, but it's also a great friend of the gut microbiome. Next, we'll dive into how yogurt can be a powerful supporter of your gut health.

Probiotics: good companions of the gut

The key to yogurt's intestinal benefits is that it's rich in probiotics. These tiny organisms play important roles in our gut, such as aiding digestion, boosting immunity, and even potentially regulating mood. When these probiotics enter our system through yogurt, they begin to work synergistically with the original flora in our body to maintain a healthy balance in the gut.

Yogurt improves gut health, but lactose intolerant people should avoid it and choose dairy products that are suitable for them

Yogurt and gut diversity

Research shows that the diversity of gut microbiota is essential for our overall health. A diverse gut flora can more effectively defend against pathogens and facilitate nutrient absorption. The probiotics in yogurt help to increase this diversity, which in turn strengthens the gut's defenses and functional efficiency.

Yogurt improves gut health, but lactose intolerant people should avoid it and choose dairy products that are suitable for them

The positive effect of yogurt on digestion

In addition to increasing the diversity of intestinal flora, yogurt also improves the digestive process. It helps break down some of the hard-to-digest components of food, such as lactose, by providing essential probiotics. Not only does this help reduce the symptoms of indigestion, but it also improves the absorption of nutrients.

Backed by scientific data

Several studies have confirmed the positive effects of yogurt on gut health. For example, one study showed that regular intake of probiotic-rich yogurt can significantly improve the functioning of the digestive system and help relieve certain intestinal problems, such as constipation and bloating.

Lactose intolerance: the challenge behind the deliciousness

When exploring the benefits of yogurt for gut health, we have to mention a relatively common but often overlooked problem in middle-aged and older age groups – lactose intolerance. This problem can be an invisible obstacle when it comes to enjoying yogurt, bringing unnecessary challenges to the health of some people.

Lactose intolerance is not a disease, but a physiological phenomenon. It stems from the body's inability to break down lactose efficiently, which is mainly found in milk and dairy products. As we age, the activity of lactase in many people's bodies gradually declines, resulting in an inability to break down lactose adequately, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms. These symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, etc.

Yogurt improves gut health, but lactose intolerant people should avoid it and choose dairy products that are suitable for them

Demystifying Lactose Intolerance: What Is Your Body Telling You?

Lactose intolerance is not uncommon, especially in middle-aged and older people. It stems from the body's reduced ability to digest lactose, resulting in lactose not being completely broken down and absorbed. This phenomenon can lead to a range of digestive discomforts. So, how can you tell if you are lactose intolerant?

Symptom observation: signals from the body

Typical symptoms of lactose intolerance include bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and excessive gas. These symptoms usually appear within a few hours of consuming lactose-containing products. It is important to note that these symptoms correlate with the time after consumption of dairy products, which is a key clue to identify lactose intolerance.

Yogurt improves gut health, but lactose intolerant people should avoid it and choose dairy products that are suitable for them

Self-testing: a simple and effective method

A practical self-test is to temporarily stop eating all lactose-containing foods, such as regular milk and yogurt, to see if there is any improvement in symptoms. If symptoms resolve, gradually reintroduce lactose-containing foods to see if symptoms recur. Although simple, this method is effective in helping individuals identify the possibility of lactose intolerance.

Medical testing: professional confirmation

If self-test results indicate that lactose intolerance may be present, a professional medical test such as a breath test or blood sugar test is recommended. These tests can provide you with more precise answers to your questions.

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