
Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

author:Ai Orange tells stories

In the opening draft of "Yanxi Raiders", a show girl imitated bubu shenglian in front of Qianlong, and as a result, Qianlong's face was cold, and he dragged it out and cut it!

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

Stills from the Yanxi Raiders draft

Why was Qianlong so angry? Only because this allusion to the step-by-step lotus comes from The famous disaster water pan Yu'er of Southern Qi, and the corresponding is the Xiao Bao Scroll of the Fallen Emperor. Xiu Nu imitated Pan Yu'er, so wouldn't the emperor want to be like Xiao Baohuan? Qianlong was deeply angry, so he was furious.

So what kind of superlative was Xiao Baojuan that made Qianlong so disgusted?

In fact, he was a spoiled bear child, and he was still a teenager who picked up an emperor, and then he had a meal of ho ho ho at Jiangshan, and finally made a furious and resentful person, and ended up with a tragic ending.


Xiao Baojuan was lucky because he was the crown prince of Southern Qi.

Xiao Baojuan was also very unfortunate, because he had lost his mother since childhood, so he developed a willful and withdrawn personality when he was young and lacked maternal love.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

Xiao Bao roll

But he was still lucky after all, his father had a thin heir, and his brother was disabled, so naturally he could not inherit the unification. Therefore, although he did not like to study and did not do the right thing, it still did not affect his father's determination to pass the throne to him.

When he was still a prince, Xiao Baojuan was a naughty bag without compromise. He often led a group of eunuchs in the harem all night to play with holes and catch rats, or to serve the good horses, without the restraint and discipline that a prince should have.

Because of his reclusive personality and lack of ambition to govern the country, he could not talk with the serious ministers in the DPRK, and the traitor Xiao Xiao, who was extremely obedient to him and could not bend the means to please him, became his close confidant.

His father did not care about this. Moreover, in order to take care of Xiao Baojuan's personality of not liking government affairs, he actually issued an edict to change the ancestral prince to a three-day dynasty, so that this bear child could play more unscrupulously in the harem.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

Emperor Qiming, the father of Xiao Baojuan


Xiao Baojuan likes beautiful women, especially the kind of demon-like style.

The empress chosen by the imperial family for him was the daughter of Taichang Chu Cheng. This empress was born noble, and her mother was Princess Lujiang, the daughter of Emperor Wen of Song, who was a typical lady, with a noble temperament and dignified elegance. However, the empress was not the type that Xiao Baojuan liked, so for this empress, he had always been cold.

Xiao Baojuan once said after drinking: "If you marry your wife, Princess Ruode Shanyin, you will have no regrets." "This Princess Shanyin is not the princess of the Han Dynasty, but Xiao Baojuan's sister. Such a ridiculous statement, others only dare not hear it. Unexpectedly, later, the wayward Xiao Baojuan actually spoiled this princess, completely disregarding etiquette and shame.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

Xiao Bao scrolls in film and television

The favored courtiers around Xiao Baojuan saw that Xiao Baojuan's demand for beauty was so strong, and they were very aware of his personality preferences, so they sent a beautiful woman Pan Yu'er to the palace more than he liked.

Facts have proved that people who can take a good picture of the leader's ass for a long time still have a lot of brushes. The beauty of Pan Yu'er, whom they had sought, received the grace as soon as she entered the palace, and was soon crowned as a noble concubine second only to the empress, with thousands of favors in one.

Legend has it that Pan Yu'er is not only beautiful, but also can sing and dance, with a variety of styles, especially a pair of "three-inch golden lotuses" that Xiao Baojuan loves to let go.

Xiao Baojuan specially built the "Jade Shou Hall" for her, and the whole palace was extremely luxurious, with gold beads embedded in the walls and white jade paving the floor. Xiao Baojuan also specially let the craftsmen use gold to create lotus flowers on the white jade floor. He liked to see Pan Yu'er walking barefoot on it, felt swaying, surprised by the heavens, and once sighed: "Immortals go down to mortals, step by step to give birth to lotuses."

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber


Xiao Baojuan treated Pan Yu'er differently.

Before other women, he was a king high above.

In front of Pan Yu'er, he is particularly keen to play role-playing games. He transformed himself into a little slave and let Pan Yu'er become the queen. He happily poured water for her tea, pinched his feet and pounded his back, and respectfully served his "Imperial Concubine Taishang". When traveling, he let Pan Yu'er sit comfortably in a car where people could lie down, and he rode behind on horseback.

Pan Yu'er's birth was actually not good.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

Pan Yu'er in film and television dramas

She was born in the city, her father was only a small trader, and belonged to the lowest level of the social class of ancient scholars, farmers, industrialists and merchants.

So she has seen the world's fame and profit since she was a child, and she has also learned the small means of pleasing men, so as soon as she appeared, she defeated many noble women in the harem and became the only winner.

But in the roots, Pan Yu'er always likes to do business.

In order to make her happy, Xiao Baojuan ordered the opening of a market in the palace to restore the scene of the city to the greatest extent. He also used a large number of eunuchs and palace ladies to pretend to be traders and customers, and let Pan Yu'er serve as the "city order" to rule the palace bazaar.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber


Under the influence of Pan Yu'er, Xiao Baojuan also had a strong interest in doing small business, and he himself lingered in it every day, and even rolled up his sleeves to sell meat, and let Pan Yu'er sell wine on the side. As a result, the folk have the folk song of "Reading martial arts hall, planting willows, supreme slaughtering meat, PanFei gu wine".


The so-called one person gets the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven, this word is very appropriate to pan Yu'er's father.

He was originally a small trader at the bottom of society, and after Pan Yu'er became favored, he was made an official, and Emperor Xiao Baojuan called him "Ah Zhang", which made him respectable.

Although he had a noble status by virtue of his daughter, the merchant still had a huge desire for wealth in his heart.

After gaining momentum, he innovated the way he earned money. From the previous upside down, it has directly become a costless business of short glove white wolves.

As long as he saw which minister in the DPRK had money in his family, he tried every means to frame them and use them to wantonly embezzle their property. Moreover, in order not to be retaliated against in the future, he fabricated many crimes to completely kill others and never have any trouble, so that everyone in the DPRK and China would endanger themselves.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

Pan Yu'er's father

In this regard, Xiao Baojuan only turned a blind eye. Everyone knows that Xiao Baojuan is extremely fond of Pan Yu'er, and he also dares to be angry about it.

Perhaps Xiao Baojuan himself still found this robbery of other people's property quite interesting, so he had to do it himself.

During his reign, he had more than 20 days to go out in January, sometimes daytime, sometimes night.

What to do? Rob the little people in the city!

"Enter the rich room to get things, all of them are exhausted." He didn't like to be seen, and when he went out to rob someone, he was going to kill him. Therefore, the local officials had a lot of headaches, and they had to play the spirit of twelve points at all times, and as soon as they saw the emperor leave the palace, they immediately ran and shouted to disperse the people.

After his long-term tossing, the capital, which was originally quite prosperous, gradually became depressed.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber


Originally, as a high-ranking emperor, it was not unusual to regard the lives of the people as grass and mustard.

However, in addition to treating the people, Xiao Baojuan did not discriminate even with the imperial nobles and humeral ministers, and if he was slightly unhappy, he ordered him to be killed.

He has two cousins, who may always go to counsel with a little kinship, let Xiao Baojuan play less, and manage the government more, Xiao Baojuan does not like to listen, and kills.

Shocked, Xiao Yaoguang, the king of Shi'an, rebelled and was destroyed.

The close eunuchs around him told him that the old courtiers in the court disobeyed him and killed them all.

Even Xiao Yi, who had made great contributions to quelling the rebellion, was also killed.

Such a reckless disregard for people's lives and a large-scale killing order made everyone in Southern Qi, large and small, endanger themselves, and they were silent, and they dared to be angry at what the young emperor did.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber


Under Xiao Baojuan's several tosses, the SITUATION in which civilian officials were afraid and the military generals were thinking of change was already in the dprk.

Soon after, The Southern Qi lieutenant Chen Xianda rebelled.

The following year, the Pingxi general Cui Jinghui rebelled.

Although both rebellions were eventually suppressed, this trend of rebellion against the emperor became more and more intense.

Unfortunately, Xiao Baojuan was still immersed in his various plays, and he did not know that his country was crumbling.

Immediately afterward, Xiao Yi's younger brother Xiao Yan, who was killed by Xiao Baojuan, rebelled. This Xiao Yan was the later Emperor Wu of Liang, who was highly talented in military affairs and soon led his troops to the capital.

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

Emperor Xiao Yan of Liangwu

Even though the battle was so urgent, Xiao Baojuan did not pay any attention to the matter of fighting, and he still took a group of cronies to practice the army in the palace, just for fun.

When Xiao Yanbing approached the city, the drums outside the city could already be heard in the palace. At this time, Xiao Baojuan was extremely excited, put on a big red robe, and actually ran to the top of the building to see the liveliness.

At this time, even the trusted eunuchs around him who were lying could not sit still, and he asked Xiao Baojuan to quickly reward the soldiers guarding the city and make them swear to resist to the death.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Baojuan was extremely miserly, he said, "Is the anti-thief only catching me?" Why do you want me to give a reward?

Dong Di Hou: An absurd emperor who does not love Jiangshan and loves acting, and is obsessed with the role of butcher, slave, and robber

Xiao Yanbing approached the city

The words were so reasonable that the trusted eunuch was speechless, only sadly thinking, My life seems to be accounted for here!

When Xiao Yan's army invaded the main hall, Xiao Baojuan quickly fled, but in the end he did not run away, and was beheaded by two eunuchs who usually looked at him unfavorably.


The victorious Xiao Yan soon proclaimed the new monarch and announced that xiao Baojuan would be deposed as the King of Fuling, and later demoted to the title of "Marquis of Dongxia".

Empress Xuande also published a long treatise for Xiao Baojuan to count his bad deeds: "The ugliness of three years of play, the chu and the bamboo of Yue, are not enough to say"! This is the origin of the idiom "bamboo is difficult to write".

Xiao Baojuan, a young tianzi, was only 16 years old when he ascended the throne, and when he was killed and destroyed, he was only 19 years old, but in just three years of his reign, he did countless absurd things, harmed the lives of countless people, and made a country full of holes.

Some people blamed pan Yu'er for the mistake he made, the demon woman who had brought calamity to the country and the people, and even Qianlong thought that she was an obscure woman. But she was actually just an ordinary woman, if she didn't have Xiao Baojuan's absurdity and wanton behavior, with how she Pan Yu'er fell into the city, she wouldn't be able to shake a country.

The faint character of Dong Xiahou was also an objective evaluation for Xiao Baojuan.

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