
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"

author:Ginger ginger ginger sugar 318
On the last day of 2023, Qiu Yike, who has always been able to play special effects videos, returned to the basics this time and posted a video reviewing 2023 on social platforms. This video is not as funny as he always has, all of them are photos of him and his beloved apprentice Sun Yingsha and his daily life, with the background music of "True Hero", which is very moving.

At this moment, if one person can only have one chance to make a New Year's resolution for 2024, I hope that in 2024, the master and apprentice will be able to go smoothly!

邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"

In fact, to be honest, before Qiu Yike became Sun Yingsha's head coach, I didn't know much about him, I only knew that he used to be a handsome national table tennis player, and I also knew that he became famous at the age of 18, but maybe because he was banned for longer than the game time, I didn't have the impression of seeing too many moments when he shined on the international stage.

(The young COCO is really good-looking)

邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"

After he took over the position of Sun Yingsha's head coach, I began to slowly get to know him, and I also watched the pair of masters and apprentices gradually cultivate more tacit understanding, and I was moved to be able to have such a person who really paid for Sasha.

Qiu Yike previously posted a photo with Sun Yingsha on Weibo ↓↓↓↓

邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"

Sometimes watching the interaction between the two of them, I feel that he is like a naughty old naughty father, which makes Sasha can't help but be angry and jump; sometimes I think he has a good temper, and the previous prickly energy has also been restrained in front of Sasha, he complains that Sasha didn't hit the ball right, and Sasha has a temper and directly takes the racket and hands it to him to play by himself;

I think Sasha must be very dependent on him, otherwise at the Chengdu Mixed Group World Table Tennis Championships, she wouldn't think that the master could not see it when she sat in the second row, and the next day the master sat honestly in the first row, so that Sasha could see it at first sight.

Qiu Yike's Weibo was actually very few before, that is, it began to increase slowly after 22 years. The most recorded on his Weibo is either the eldest daughter Sasha, or the real daughter Little Pea, an apprentice, a daughter, this must be the most important person in his heart.

Screenshot of Qiu Yike's year-end inventory video ↓↓↓↓

邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"
邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"

Maybe it's because of this, when I saw the 2023 video posted by Qiu Yike, I saw Sasha hugging the little pea tightly, and I was moved by this friendship.

邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"

In 2023, the master and apprentice have experienced successes and failures together, but Qiu Yike said that "2023 has made some efforts and gains, all the past is a prologue, and 2024 will always be on the road and live up to expectations", which is actually the same as Sasha has always emphasized that "everything starts anew after getting off the podium".

邱贻可晒与孙颖莎合照回望2023 愿"2024永远在路上不负所望"

We applaud the achievements of our mentors and apprentices in 2023 and look forward to their joint achievements in 2024.

I hope that when Qiu Yike takes stock at the end of the year in 2024, he can add a group photo of Paris to the video [thank you].

(Copyright Notice: All pictures in this article are from Qiu Yike's Weibo and video screenshots, Weibo ID is Qiu Yike Ping Pong, see watermark for details, if there is any infringement, please contact me to delete; the text part is my original after comprehensive network information, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source.) )


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