
Fresh and sour sea bass in sour soup, easy to learn, tender and nutritious, suitable for all ages

author:The taste is flowing for years


Fresh and sour sea bass in sour soup, easy to learn, tender and nutritious, suitable for all ages

Fresh and sour sea bass in sour soup, easy to learn, tender and nutritious, suitable for all ages

Sea bass in sour soup is a delicious home-cooked dish with a sweet and sour flavor that is often evocative. And I, as a home-based chef, already know the cooking methods and skills of this dish.

When I think of sea bass in sour soup, I always think of that warm and unforgettable taste memory. I remember the day I first moved into my new home, and I couldn't wait to show off my cooking skills. On that night full of anticipation, I chose sour sea bass for dinner.

Fresh and sour sea bass in sour soup, easy to learn, tender and nutritious, suitable for all ages

The fish is placed on the board, and the fresh aroma comes to the nose. I felt like I was in a famous and long-established restaurant, inspired by the unique culinary skills of the celebrity chefs. At this time, I couldn't help but search on the Internet and found a time-honored restaurant known as the "king of sour sea bass". It is said that their sour sea bass in sour soup has a unique flavor that is hard to ignore in the food circle.

Fresh and sour sea bass in sour soup, easy to learn, tender and nutritious, suitable for all ages

I decided to visit this restaurant myself and use my visit interview to show you the unique flavor of sea bass in sour soup. Walking into the restaurant, a smell of fish came to my face, which made me instantly appetite. In my conversation with my boss, I learned that fresh sea bass is used in the process of making sea bass in sour soup, combined with a special sour soup base. Their base has been developed over the years and cooked in a secret way to bring out the best in sweet and sour tastes.

Fresh and sour sea bass in sour soup, easy to learn, tender and nutritious, suitable for all ages

When I got home, I followed what I saw and heard in the store and began to prepare this delicious dish. First, wash the fresh sea bass and slice it thinly. Next, I heat the base of the sour soup to a boil, and then add an appropriate amount of sugar and lemon juice to make it sweet and sour. Once the base is cooked, gently place the sea bass fillets in it and let the fillets cook quickly in the sour broth. Finally, sprinkle with chopped green onions and coriander as garnishes to add a flavorful finish.

Fresh and sour sea bass in sour soup, easy to learn, tender and nutritious, suitable for all ages

After trying it a few times, I found something that could be optimized in the cooking process. For example, the thin slices of sea bass should be cut evenly so that the flavor of the sour soup can be better absorbed. In addition, the cooking time and temperature of the sour soup base also need to be managed properly to maintain the acidity and tender taste of the sour soup.

Fresh and sour sea bass in sour soup, easy to learn, tender and nutritious, suitable for all ages

Pay attention to the taste of food, and take you to learn more about food-related knowledge and skills.

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