
Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

author:Don't be an old master

The annotated volume of the Collected Poems of The Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions


Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them
Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them


Preface to the Commentary on the Poetry collection of Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions... 2

Translator's Preface... 8

Qing Beiwenyu's engraved copy of the Poetry Collection of Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions (excerpt photocopied)... 8

The origin and solution of the title "Ask the Flower Water Pavilion": ... 9

Author of "Old Stories Under the Sun", when it was written, editions and history, and academic value: ... 11

"Ask Hua Shui Xie Poetry Collection" author Bei Wenyu origin and other surnames to find the root of the examination... 13

The original text, annotations and translation of the "Foreword" of "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Poems": ... 19

BeiWen's life and official examination... 20

"Ask Flower Water Pavilion Poetry Collection" Source: ... 29

The photocopy of the manuscript of "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Poems" is provided by Sichuan Tongzong Bieling... 29

I digitize and annotate poems and the problems and solutions I encounter... 29

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > the preface to the Commentary on the Poetry of The Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions</h1>

Sichuan Beiling

From discovering the qing dynasty sage Bei Wenyu's "Qing Hua Shui Xie Poetry Collection" collection catalog, to consulting and copying this collection of poems, and then annotating and digitizing it, in less than half a year, the relevant people who enthusiastically paid attention to and studied the culture of the Bei family for a long time, tirelessly and selflessly dedicated, adhering to the mission of disseminating family culture, quickly displayed the illustrated "Notes on the Poetry Collection of Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions", and the Relatives of the Bei Clan had the honor of reading and praising this masterpiece of the old ancestors.


On May 9, 2021 (Sunday), Mr. Li Pingchuan of Yanjin County, Henan Province, who is keen to pay attention to the study of other surname culture, sent a catalogue of the collection of Qing Dynasty Bei Wenqiu's "QingHua Shui Xie Poems" through WeChat, and sent a screenshot of the relevant situation of Bei Wenqiu in historical books such as "Tooth Records of the Same Year Selected by Provinces (Qianlong Heyouke)" collected by harvard university libraries in the United States, asking me if I had seen this book. Our descendants know from this that there is an old ancestor's surviving masterpiece treasured in the Beijing Library, and we are especially grateful to Mr. Li Pingchuan for providing this valuable information. The next day, the unit arranged for me to study in Beijing for two months, which provided a good opportunity to consult this book.


On May 22, 2021, it was a weekend break to study in Beijing, through the preliminary reservation, I went to the Ancient Books Library of the National Library of China located at No. 7 Wenjin Street in Beijing, after on-site temperature measurement (to prevent the new crown pneumonia epidemic), security inspection and self-service "reader card", to the second floor reading room to handle the application and consultation procedures, half an hour later the staff took the "AskIng Flowers and Water Pavilion Poems" from the warehouse. This collection of poems, which is a line-bound edition of Qing carved, a total of 1 volume, 106 pages folded in half, blue cover, the title page is "Qing Hua Shui Xie Poetry Collection" 6 big characters, the first page is printed with the words "Tianmen Beiwen Donghe" and "Yanjing Yonggu 240 Songs", and stamped with the seal of "Beijing Library Collection". The library stipulates that it is not allowed to take pictures during flipping through, and if the research needs to be filled out, the form can be filled out and stamped by the unit and then applied for reproduction. When I explained that it was a descendant who copied the works of the old ancestors, I exempted the unit from the procedure of stamping, that is, signed an agreement with the library to copy this collection of poems, paid the fee a month later and received the copy of the "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Poetry Collection".


The relevant historical records of the Qing Dynasty record the situation of Bei Wenyu, which is collected in the Harvard University Library in the United States, and the "Tooth Record of the Provinces Selected in the Same Year (Qianlong Heyouke)" contains: "Beiwen 㨙, Zi Donghe, No. Jilin, Qianlong Gengchen was born on September 25, 2019, and Was born in Tianmen County, Hubei Province. Great-grandfather Long, great-grandmother Yu Shi, Zu Tingyi, grandmother Luo Shi, father Jiang, Mu Ma clan, Gu Qingxia, Uncle Hai, wife Cao Shi, Zi Ying" But here the Bei Wen Yu is written as "Bei Wen Yu", which should be a clerical error.

The Hubei Yiwen Zhi compiled by the Hubei Tongzhi Bureau reads: "4021 "QingHua Shui Xie Poetry Collection", Qingbei Wenyu (Tianmen Zhi), Wen Que, Zi Donghe, Ji Lin, Tianmen Ren. Qianlong 54 years of tribute, the official Huangzhi County", but here the number of Bei Wenyu is written as "Ji Lin".

"Qing Dynasty Jinshen Record Integration (VII)" contains: "Neihuang County... Zhixian Plus Grade I, Bei Wen Yu, Hubei Tianmen People, Bagong, Twenty-two February Election".

Qing Guangxu's "Chronicle of Neihuang County" says: "Beiwen Yu, Tianmen, Bagong, twenty-two years of appointment to Daoguang five years of return, Xun Liang has a legend" "... By Bagong, Yu Jiaqing 22 years of office..." (courtesy of Mr. Han Bingqiang, Shanxi on August 29, 2021).

The "Into Neihuang" (2003 edition) series records the merits of BeiWenyu in harnessing the river when he was serving as Neihuangzhi County, but the time record is wrong.

From the analysis of the above records, Biewen was born in 1760, became a Gongsheng in 1789 (at the age of 29), served as Zhi County in Neihuang County, Henan Province in 1817 (at the age of 57), and stepped down as Zhi County in 1825 (at the age of 65). What he did after the tribute to Renzhi County, he has not yet been investigated.

The Collected Poems of Qinghua Shuixue was written by Bei Wenyu during his tenure in Beijing after the tribute, and his poetry was highly praised by posterity. For example, the third volume of the "Poems of Xi Jingzhai" (written by Fang Tingkai of the Republic of China) commented: "Mr. Tianmen Beijilin made Nei Huang with his outstanding works, had a virtuous voice, and wrote a poem of "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions". Taste a sentence cloud: 'Skinny and thin has long been won by the horse, and the love is more than the flowers are known' 'Every time people gradually feel that there are fewer brothers, and the knowledge of the road is because of the many guests' are all good sentences." As a descendant of another surname, he was very amazed and admired by the talents of his ancestors, and his reverence for his ancestors was born spontaneously. This collection of poems is of great significance to future generations of other surnames, and it is a rare cultural treasure.


Although some classics record the works of ancestors with different surnames, such as the "Hanshu Yiwenzhi" recorded that there are six works in the catalogue of works: "Yin and Yang Family's "Don't Chengzi Wangjun Qi" six articles. Figure three volumes"; the Southern Song Dynasty "Complete Works of Crane Mountain" has a manuscript of the Southern Song Dynasty's Counselor in the Government Affairs (Zai Chancellor) Bei Zhijie, but it has not been able to be consulted so far, and whether it exists is unknown. Bei Wenyu's "Collected Poems of Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions" is undoubtedly very precious, and will be the thoughts and heirlooms of the descendants of the Bei clan to the old ancestors. Therefore, I consulted with my patriarch Berdyrin and asked him to annotate and digitize this collection of poems so that more of his relatives could read and praise this collection of poems from his ancestors, and he gladly accepted this heavy work.

Mr. Bei Daolin, 74 years old, is a native of Xiantao, Hubei Province, he is versatile and knowledgeable, has worked as an industrial, agricultural, commercial, scholar, teacher, performer, administrative cadre and enterprise executive, and loves literature, music and computers. He founded the "Chinese Family Name Network", enthusiastic about the inheritance and promotion of the family culture, conducted in-depth research on the origin and development of the family name, of which the eight origins of the origin of the family name broadened the thinking of the origin of the Chinese family name, made important contributions to the tracing of the origin of the family name and the promotion of the culture of the family name, and the poetry collection of the annotated sages was also his.

The annotated poems not only had a great workload, but also the difficulty of translating ancient poems, coupled with the need to digitize, made Mr. Dowling feel doubly stressed, but he did his best to work day and night, citing scriptures, and completed the annotations in less than three months. The original text of this poetry collection is 240 poems with 9600 words, the author adds 241 articles with a total of about 30,000 words, and the content of the annotations reaches 60,000 words, and the illustrations reach more than 700, which shows that Mr. Daolin has spent a lot of hard work, worked hard, and has immeasurable merit, and has made another major contribution to the promotion of the culture of the Bei family.


After the release of the information on the collection of poems of the ancestors of other surnames, it has aroused positive repercussions in the country, and some clan relatives who are enthusiastic about the culture of other clans and care about the development of other surnames believe that this is a major discovery of the great literary heroes in the history of the Bei clan, and the works of the annotated sages are conducive to spreading the culture of the bei clan, and the descendants of the other clan should take this poem collection as an enlightenment teaching material for family education, especially to let the descendants of the other clan seriously study and discuss, incorporate the content of family style and family teaching, and let the cultural context of the Bei clan continue to be passed on.

Mr. BeiJiang, a Sichuan calligrapher, inscribed the title of the electronic version of the annotated "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" and wrote five poems from the poetry collection to insert into the book for appreciation. He will also select some of his poems, write them on rice paper, and send them to the Chinese Bee clan cultural collection for preservation. It is advocated that calligraphy enthusiasts with different surnames throughout the country write more poems of their ancestors, so that the poems of the sages will be widely circulated and shine.

"The family is the smallest country, and the country is ten million." "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions" is a very precious historical and cultural imprint of the Bei family, family culture is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, carry forward and inherit excellent family culture, can enhance cohesion and promote family unity, form patriotic love for the family and positive and enterprising spiritual force. Some Bie clan relatives suggested that in addition to publishing the digitized poetry collection on the Internet, it can also be sent to the publishing house for official publication and distribution, and the required expenses can be accepted for voluntary donations from powerful Bie clan relatives, and donated free of charge to libraries, Bie clan relatives and literary enthusiasts, so as to pass on the torch, widely promote and disseminate the Bep clan culture, continuously enhance the consciousness and self-confidence of the bie clan culture, and make due contributions to the Bei clan in the process of building a socialist modern power and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

August 29, 2021 in Chengdu, Sichuan

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="42" > the translator's order</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > Qing Beiwenyu's "Collected Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" (excerpt photocopied).</h1>

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

This book was engraved and printed in about the twentieth year of Qing Jiaqing, that is, after 1815 AD, and is bound in blue thread. The bold font size of the book is the text of the poem, and the small font size is the author's supplement. The title page of the book is 55 pages, and a total of 240 poems are contained.

Inference: Since this book was engraved and printed at that time, it must have been issued in a certain number, at least there will be many copies circulated among the other surnames at that time. However, two hundred years later, only a single copy will be stored in the National Library, which cannot but be said to be a major regret in the inheritance of clan culture and even traditional Chinese culture!

Today, I can find this book, and it is gratifying that I have turned a great regret into a great blessing! Of course, as an elder with a different surname at present, I should naturally assume the responsibility and mission of annotating the whole book, promoting the works of the ancestors of other surnames, and inheriting the culture of other surnames.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > the source and solution of the title "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions":</h1>

"Ask Flowers" Provenance:

[Ancient text] look at the flowers - ask the flowers without explanation.

Commentators believe that "asking flowers" means a little deeper than "seeing flowers".

Flowers, "Sayings" is written in Hua. Rong also. From the cocoon. "Tang Yun Guyin" press, flower characters, from the Southern and Northern Dynasties above the book is not found in the book, the following books of the Jin Dynasty idle use of flower characters, or posterity Shuyi. Only the "Later Han Shu Li Huan Shu Fu" said: The trees are moving in the spring and moving, and the grass is flowering in the face of the year.

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

The commentator believes that the author is borrowing the title to tell us that the flower he sees and asks is the strange wonder in the literary garden of the "Old News Under the Sun" in the history of Yuantai!

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

"Water Pavilion" Source: Tang Dynasty Sikong Tu "Even Title"

The water pavilion is full of flowers, and it is before noon on a sunny spring day.

Birds peep into the sills, and horses whip through the partition walls.

Water Pavilion – a house on the water or on the water for people to play and rest. The typical form of a water pavilion in a Chinese garden is to erect a platform at the water's edge, part of which is erected on the shore and part of which is extended into the water. The platform is partially erected above the water with beams and columns.

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

The commentator believes that the author tells us here that he is exactly the year of "Nian Yihai", "needs the second capital gate, the guest is flawed" (after the tribute, waiting in Kyoto, staying at the inn, idle), in this water pavilion "exhibition of Mr. Zhu Zhuyuan's "Old News under the Sun"" and wrote this "AskIng Flowers and Water Pavilion Poems".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="63" > Author, date of writing, edition and history, and academic value:</h1>

The author of "Old Stories Under the Sun" is Qing Zhu Yizun. Zhu Yizun (1629–1709) was a Qing Dynasty poet, scholar, and bibliophile. The word tin mane chàng, the number of bamboo crank chá, also known as the boat, the late number of the small long reed fisherman, also known as the golden wind pavilion chief. Han Chinese, Xiushui (present-day Jiaxing, Zhejiang).

In the fifty-third year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1788), Qing Yinglian and others were compiled by Feng, and Wu Yingdian carved the "Examination of the Old Wen of the Emperor Under the King". A total of 48 volumes, 160 volumes, stone green silk surface and letter set.

  This book is based on the Qing Zhu Yizun's "Old Stories Under the Sun", which has been deleted and filled in the gaps, aided the ancient and the present, and examined the evidence one by one, and is the largest collection of Official Repairs in the Qing Dynasty, the longest editing time, the richest content, and the most detailed examination of the Historical Records of Beijing that have been seen so far. It was first built in the thirty-eighth year of Qianlong (1773) and written in the forty-seventh year of Qianlong (1782). The book is divided into 18 doors, in order: The Star and Earth, the Century, the Shape, the Imperial Palace, the Palace, the Palace, the Imperial City, the City, the Official Office, the National Dynasty Garden, the Suburbs, the Gyeonggi (Gyeonggi Annex), the Household Edition, the Customs, the Property, the Border Barrier, the Doubtful and the Miscellaneous.

  The "Examination of the Old News under the Sun" still follows the style and catalog of the "Old News under the Sun", but the content and length have been greatly increased. 20 volumes of "Imperial Palace Room" were added, 2 volumes of "General Records of the Capital City", 4 volumes of "Imperial City", and 14 volumes of "Imperial Court", 12 volumes of "Official Office" were listed separately from the original "City" gate, "Suburban" was increased from 6 volumes to 20 volumes, and "Gyeonggi" was increased from the original 10 volumes to 30 volumes. Delete the original book "Qiao Zhi" door. The book has the words "original", [supplement], and "addition", [original] is the original quotation of Zhu Yizun, [supplement] is the supplement of Zhu Kuntian, the son of Zhu Yizun, and [add] is the new entrant. Zhu Yizun was originally marked with the word "Zhu Yizun originally pressed" according to the language. The newly added examination is marked with the words "Subjects, etc. are carefully followed".

  This book refers to nearly 2,000 kinds of ancient books, collects and preserves a large number of original materials on the history of Beijing, especially the central organs of the Shun, Kang, Yong and Qian dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, as well as the construction, evolution and current situation of Shuntianfu, palaces, gardens, gardens, landscapes, and monuments, which have high historical and academic value.

  The General Bibliography of the Four Libraries is bibliographed and given a high evaluation: "... Ancient Shido Kyo... When this is the basis of this".

  In addition to this edition, there are also copies of the Inner House during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the school point version published by the Beijing Ancient Books Publishing House in 1988, and the photocopy of the "Wenyuange Siku Quanshu".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="72" > author of "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Poems" Bei Wenyu's origin and surname search for roots</h1>

(1) Where is the person's clan in Tianmen?

The "Collected Poems of Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions" is signed as "Tianmen Beiwen 榽", and the author's place of origin is already very clear. But which specific place is the author's gate of heaven? Where is the author's ancestral grave buried?

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them
Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

Maozui Zhujie is the birthplace of the real Qiuyang surname, and the root of Beiwen Zhujie is in Maozui Zhujie.

(2) The author Bei Wenyu shall be the great-grandfather of the commentator, that is, the old taizu generation

In the preface to the "Genealogy of the Bei Clan", Bei Wenyu dropped a handwritten letter: "Daoguang Seventeenth Year Ding You's Fourteenth Generation Sun Wen Yu Zhen Preface". This settlement determines that Bei Wenyu is the fourteenth generation grandson of The Ancestor Miaozu of Qiuyang. This preface is a photocopy of the original handwriting of the Beiwen Shu.

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

It can be seen from this that the author Bei Wenyu and I, the commentator Bei Daolin, are the same root, the same local people. However, Tianmen is not the accurate birthplace of the surname of Qiuyang in Hubei, and only the Maozui Zhujie is the birthplace of the surname of Qiuyang in Hubei. Because in the second year of Liang Tianjian, that is, in 503 AD, when the county was established, the county ruled the tomb, and at the same time set up a county of Qiuyang (小沔阳). Maozui Zhujie is in the south of the Han River, and the ancient genus Isling, which is later the Gate of Heaven. Maozui Zhujie was called Jingling Nanxiang Liusi River in ancient times.

In 1951, with the Han River as the boundary, Maozui Zhujie was transferred from Tianmen County to Qiuyang County. Because of the division and merger of regions, even my translator has three nationalities: when I was born in 1948, Maozui belonged to Tianmen, and it is reasonable to say that the place of birth should be Tianmen; the growth era was in Qiuyang; in 1986, Qiuyang County was changed to Xiantao City, but the place of work was in Xiantao. But no matter how the administrative divisions of my native country change, the location of Maozui Zhujie has never changed, the orientation is always in that old place, and no one can move away!

(3) Because of its different surnames, Maozui Zhujie has been able to become the birthplace of Qiuyang culture twice

For Qiuyang, this area is a veritable cultural birthplace, and it is the lesser-known birthplace of the two cultures of Laoqiuyang.

Once, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the area of Yun Mengze gradually shrunk, and the land of Maozui was formed by the siltation of the two rivers. After the Southern Song Dynasty prime minister Bei Zhijie returned to the field, he brought his family from Yingzhou (now Wuchang) to the land of Maozui to reclaim the wasteland and breed. Family culture and court culture have profoundly influenced the newly reclaimed land of Maozui, making Maozui the cultural birthplace of the Xiaoqiuyang area, and many of the Maozui folk songs of Qiuyang are from here.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Bei Zhijie's grandson Bei Buhua was the prime minister of the Yuan Dynasty, and was killed by the imperial court because he was implicated by Chen Youyi, the leader of the Qiuyang Rebellion. In order to avoid the disaster of the nine tribes, Maozui Zhujie and other surnames in Yingzhou scattered and fled overnight. According to Kao, the surnames of Xingshan and Zigui in present-day Hubei, Neixiang and Xixia in Henan, and Yancheng in Jiangsu all fled to these places at this time from Maozui Zhujie and Yingzhou to live in seclusion. The three sons of Don't Spend, Miao Yuan, Miao Yin, and Miao Zu, were secretly escorted by Chen Youyu to the Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi province as a fisherman to take refuge from disasters.

After Chen Youyi's army defeated Poyang Lake, Zhu Yuanzhang searched huguang and washed away The Yang Dynasty in blood, and all the people of Qiuyang were killed. Maozui survived because of the ancient genus, and the original culture was preserved. In the second year of Hongwu, Hu Tingrui (Hu Mei), the former chancellor of Chen Youyu, was recruited by Zhu Yuanzhang to be demoted to the position of prime minister, and Hu Mei and Chen Youyu were both protégés of Beibuhua, and in gratitude for the kindness of the mentor, they went to Jiangxi to find the three sons of Beibuhua, and in the name of the restoration of the eunuch's nationality, recalled the descendants of Beibuhua to their original hometown of Maozui Zhujie. The eldest son Miaoyuan returned to his native Shaanxi province, the third son Miaoyin remained in Jiangxi, and the second son Miaozu received the field of the army and horses, which was located in Zhujie, south of the boundary. So he multiplied here and became the ancestor of the other surname of Qiuyang.

After Zhu Yuanzhang washed Qiuyang in blood, he forcibly emigrated from Henan and Jiangxi to Qiuyang. Immigrants came from the lowest people from all over the world, had no culture, and after arriving in Qiuyang, there were no schools for many years. And Maozui and Qiuyang immigrants from the fields to the fields, households rely on households, and naturally for the second time have become the birthplace of the old Qiuyang culture.

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

The place name in the picture above is Zhujie Temple, which is a temple built by the late Yuan Dynasty Zai Xiang Bie Bu Hua (the biological father of the first ancestor of the Chu Yang Bei ancestor Bie Myo Zu). In 1955, it was converted into Zhuji Primary School, and in 1960, it was demolished and rebuilt into the later Zhuji Elementary School/Middle School. During the summer vacation of the fourth grade to the fifth grade, the author of this article participated in the demolition of Zhujie Temple and the construction of a new school site, and was one of the important witnesses when Zhujie Temple was destroyed.

(4) Other surnames on the Jianghan Plain in Hubei Can only be called "Qiuyang Other Surnames"

No matter what historical records say that during the Qing Dynasty, Beiwen Yu was a person of whom, it must be the current Maozui Zhujie people, because the birthplace of the other surnames in Qiuyang is in Maozui Zhujie, the ancestral tomb of the other surnames in Qiuyang is in Zhujie, the other family Dawan is in Zhujie, and the BeiwenQi who has a different surname of the fourteenth is definitely a Maozui Zhujie people's clan, which undoubtedly belongs to the other surname of Hubei Qiuyang. Therefore, it is most accurate to say that the place of origin of Beiwen Yu is Qiuyang. Of course, it is not bad to say that Beiwenzhu's place of origin is Tianmen, because at that time, Maozui Zhujie originally belonged to Tianmen, Tianmen County was called Jingling in ancient times, and Jinling belonged to Daqiuyang, which not only managed Jingling, Hanchuan, Hankou, hanyang, but also Xiaoqiuyang (including Honghu lake and Jianli). This is also too complicated to go around and not understand, so only the use of the surname of Qiuyang is the most accurate. Some people will say that now that Qiuyang was changed to Xiantao in 1986, why not call it Xiantao another surname? To tell the truth: the name of Xiantao is too young to bear the thick history and culture of Qiuyang.

Of course, there are also ancient books that write that Beiwen is a native of Tianmen County, Anlu Province, which is not bad, because Tianmen once belonged to the jurisdiction of Anlu Province.

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="107" > the original text, annotations and translation of the "Foreword" of "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions":</h1>


Year Yi Hai needs the second capital door guest Mu Duo Flaw exhibition Mr. Zhu ZhuYuan's old news volume under the day, the hardships and difficulties Xu Qiangji is to pick up one of which can become a poet to compose a number of poems in Yanjing allusions To chat About Ji Shiyi Thought that the help of the tour If the predecessors mixed bamboo branches, they did not dare to imitate it

Preface Notes:

Yihai: It has been verified to be the 20th year of Jiaqing (1815) Yihai year.

Needs: In the old days, after being appointed by officials, vacancies were filled in order of seniority.

Tomon Gate: Kyoto City Gate

Guest Chuāng with "window", flaws with leisure, leisure

Exhibition: Exhibition Reading, Viewing, Zhu Zhu: Refers to the "Zhu Zhu Yuan Tai Shi Ji" and "Old News Under the Sun".

Mr. Yujo, 垞chá, refers to 垞太史. He is the author of "Old Stories Under the Sun".

Nishita: Refers to Kyoto. Old news. I've heard about it in the past. Old Stories under the Sun, a Qing Dynasty book, a total of forty-two volumes.

Volume zhì is painstaking, volume: the length of a book or article. Vast: Vast and multitude

It is difficult to remember, and it is difficult to be allowed to memorize

Pick it up: Pluck it

Talk about Ji Shi yi: Talk: Let's go, reluctantly; Ji Shi Yi, record one-tenth

Miscellaneous Bamboo Branches: Words and Deeds, Bamboo Branches, Word Brand Names

Effect: Imitation

Translation of the Preface:

In the year of the second year, after the tribute, in Kyoto waiting for vacancies, living in an inn, idle, exhibiting and reading a book by Mr. Yujo Mr. Zhu Zhu Kyoto, this book is suffering from a long and huge work, it is difficult to be remembered a little strongly. So I took a few poems from yanjing that could be composed by poets, and the allusions barely recorded one-tenth of them, but as for the miscellaneous bamboo branches of the predecessors, I did not dare to imitate them.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="128" > the life and official examination of Beiwenyu</h1>

(i) Be wenyu's family and birth

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

(2) The name of the "榽" has three different ways of writing:

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them
Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them
Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

The character "xī" next to this handle is used to write the name of Beiwen Yu (now there is no such "㨙" character in the Wubi Character Library and Baidu Chinese Character Library, and this word can be written by pinyin input method or by hand in the mobile phone).

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

(3) When will BeiWenyu pay tribute?

1. What is Tribute?

Tribute: A type of student who selects tributes to the state in the imperial examination system. In the Qing system, it was initially set once every six years, and in the seventh year of Qianlong, it was changed to once every twelve years (that is, every unitary age), and the students and politicians of each province selected students who were both literate and excellent, and paid tribute to the Beijing Division, called Bagong Sheng, referred to as Bagong Sheng. At the same time, after passing the imperial examination, those who are selected are appointed as seven pin jing officials of the first class, zhixian of the second class, and third class as teachers; those who are even more inferior are dismissed and returned, which is called the abolition of tribute.

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

2. When will Beiwen Yu pay tribute?

Qianlong changed from seven years to every twelve years (that is, every unitary age).

Bei Wenyu was born in the twenty-fifth year of Qianlong (1760), and the time of the tribute was the fifty-fourth year of Qianlong (1789). He was 29 years old.

The Qing Dynasty's use of Gongsheng stipulates that if you become a Gongsheng, you will be a student. If the student member cannot be lifted for a long time, he will gradually ascend from epiphytic to proliferate, from hyperplasia to lǐn, and from the sheng to the gongsheng. Gongsheng students are divided into gong (once every 12 years), nian gong (selected once a year, according to the time of school), Engong (indefinite), Yougong (no regular), and deputy gong (once every 3 years, selected by the students who have obtained the deputy list in the township examination). As the name suggests, Gongsheng Gongju became a Tai student in Guozijian. The actual Gongsheng students are not imprisoned to study, but to obtain the qualifications of too many students, on the one hand, they can directly participate in the township examination, and on the other hand, they can pass the "Interpretation Selection" (Interpretation: Selection of Talents to Appoint Officials. In ancient times, the rank of a judge was consistent with the election of officials. If a soldier is elected, he is an official). He held official positions, mainly as instructors in local schools.

(4) When did Bei Wenyu become the zhi county of Huang County, Henan Province?

1. In 1817 (at the age of 57), Bei Wenyu was appointed as the zhi county of Neihuang County, Henan Province

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

2. Bei Wenyu's appointment as an official of Huang County is quite good

(1) Geographical location of Neihuang County:

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

(2) Neihuang County Chronicle and The Genealogy of the Beiyang Clan contains texts praising The Beiwen Dynasty

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

(3) The genealogy of the Beiyang clan is recorded as a stele of the Biewen Shu li

Notes on the Poetry collection of Qinghua Shuixue The preface to the first few articles of the "Annotated Poems of Qinghua Shuixue" Preface Toqing Beiwenyu "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Engraved Printed Edition (Excerpt Photocopied) Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Origin and Explanation of the Title "Qinghua Shuixue" The Author, The Time of Writing, The Edition and Historical and Academic Value: The Author of the "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Author Bei Wenyu Origin and Other Surname Seeking Roots Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" "Preface" Original Text, Annotation and Translation: The Life of Bei Wenqiu and the Official Examination "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" Source: "Qinghua Shuixue Poetry Collection" The photocopy of the manuscript is the problem and solution encountered by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling in providing his own digitized poems and annotating them

(5) When did Bei Wenyu write the "Collected Poems of Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions"?

1. The specific time of writing the "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Poems":

The first sentence of the preface in the "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions" is: "Year Yi Hai", then only when Bei Wenyu was 55 years old, that is, the twenty years of Jiaqing (1815), it was the year of Yi Hai. In 1817 (at the age of 57), Bei Wenyu became the zhi county of Neihuang County, Henan Province, and wrote the poem during the period when he was waiting for office in the capital.

2. Later generations' evaluation of the "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Poetry Collection":

Later generations spoke highly of The poetry of Bei Wenyu. For example, "Xi Jingzhai Poetry" (written by Fang Tingkai of the Republic of China) Volume III evaluation: "Mr. Tianmen BeijiLin made Nei Huang Zhi with his outstanding work, had a virtuous voice, worked poems, and wrote "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Manuscripts".

Taste a sentence cloud: 'Skinny and thin has long been won by the horse, and the love is more than the flowers are known' 'Every time people gradually feel that there are fewer brothers, and the knowledge of the road is because of the many guests' are all good sentences."

When the "NetEase" subscription channel described the second hometown of Huangmei Opera, there was a paragraph about the "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Poetry Collection":

In the ninth year of Qing Daoguang, in Bie Jilin's "Collected Poems on Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions", the description of a bamboo branch is more vivid: "There are many rice on the cloudy mountain, and there are fishing waves in Taibai Lake." Meet this year to pay the owner of the society, and the villages and villages will sing tea picking songs." This author, Bie Jilin, is the number of Bie Wenyu. Strangely, after I translated 240 poems of Beiwen Yu's "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions", I did not find such a bamboo branch of Bie Ji Lin. Therefore, this poem is placed at the end of the article.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="172" > The Collected Poems of The Flower and Water Pavilion Source:</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="173" > a photocopy of the manuscript of the "Qinghua Shui xie poetry collection" was provided by Sichuan Tongzong Beiling</h1>

A photocopy of the manuscript of former Xianbei Wenyu's "Collected Poems of Asking Flowers and Water Pavilions" was sent from Chengdu on July 12, 2021 by Tongzong Beiling, Sichuan. Photocopies of the documents sent are up to 55 pages long.

Bei Ling is a person with a heart and has made great contributions to the search for the origin of Chinese surnames. Thanks to Bie Ling for copying this poem by the former Xianbei Wenyu of Qiuyang at the National Library, and for proposing to "organize an electronic version".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="177" > the problems and solutions I encountered in digitizing and annotating poems</h1>

As a descendant of a different surname, it is my duty to digitize and annotate the poems of the former sages of other surnames. However, digitizing the poems encountered four major problems:

First, the poems have no serial number and no title.

Second, the local effect of the photocopy is not good, and many non-text small characters (that is, the original author's notes) are not clear and difficult to identify.

Third, the ancient text has no standard and no points and the text is difficult, and the ancient characters and variant characters are all over the text.

Fourth, the length of the poems and annotations is too long, which is inconvenient for publication, dissemination and browsing.

Solutions to these four major problems:

1, no serial number without title - according to the modern article layout plus the serial number, choose to draw up the title.

2. The annotator annotates the poem according to the appreciation habits of modern people; the original author's body text supplement is not a small body character of the body, because the photocopy is not clear in many places, so the part is omitted, and the necessary part is punctuated with sentences, which is listed as the author's supplement. The annotator annotates only such key text that is not important to the body to reduce the duplication of effort and save the article.

3. For the problem of difficult text - take the method of multi-party sentence breaking, multi-directional speculation, multi-dimensional examination, and multi-directional comparison to finally determine the correct interpretation. For the place names and people involved in the poem, it is necessary to add pictures to annotate them. For unclear text in required paragraphs, an ellipsis is substituted.

4. The length of the poem and the annotation is too long, which is inconvenient to publish, disseminate and browse. The author of the "AskIng Flowers and Water Pavilion Poetry Collection" has a preface of seven words and four sentences, although the single article is not long, but the number of 240 poems is large, and the use of Word documents plus translations is expected to reach more than 300 pages, which is undoubtedly long. In order to facilitate publication and browsing, it is proposed to compile 30 poems and annotations into one volume, and split 240 poems into eight volumes and columns.

5. The original preface with a circle is added to the note in the verse, such as: "Tiger (1) Dragon Disk (2) Earth Pulse Relief (3)", where the circled ordinal number corresponds to the translational ordinal number in the following. After taking into account the characteristics of network query, the circled ordinal numbers in the text of the verse are all cleared to facilitate the complete copy and query of the verse.

(Note: The above article was originally placed in the first verse of the commentary of the "Asking Flowers and Water Pavilion Poems", and later considered that this article has a lot of content and is too long, it is appropriate to list it separately.) At the same time, in order to take care of the reader' straight to the point, the single hair was split from the original first curtain. )

September 16, 2021