
A 22-year-old rich girl entered Siberia alone, and the wolves followed her for 4 days and 4 nights, and the snow wolf and vultures shared it

author:Brother Yong talks about the world

Wang Mingqi was born into a wealthy family, and his parents were well-known entrepreneurs. She has lived a life of fine clothes and food since she was a child, her family is extremely rich in materials, and her parents also have high hopes for her.

Growing up in this environment, Wang Mingqi has a lively and cheerful personality and has great curiosity about everything around her. After entering high school, Wang Mingqi was sent by his parents to study in the United States, where he majored in natural sciences.

A 22-year-old rich girl entered Siberia alone, and the wolves followed her for 4 days and 4 nights, and the snow wolf and vultures shared it

Xi life in a foreign country sharpened Wang Mingqi's character, and she gradually developed a strong interest in nature during her college years. Wang Mingqi often signed up for outdoor adventures organized by the school, which gradually cultivated her desire to explore the unknown.

Fascinated by the wonder and beauty of nature, Wang longs to embark on an adventure of her own.

When the winter vacation of 2018 came, Wang Mingqi came up with the idea of going on an expedition to Siberia. She knew that it was a world of ice and snow with barren borders, and it was full of infinite attraction to her.

A 22-year-old rich girl entered Siberia alone, and the wolves followed her for 4 days and 4 nights, and the snow wolf and vultures shared it

Wang Mingqi lied to her parents that this was an ordinary trip, and the parents readily agreed to their daughter's request. After obtaining the consent of his parents, Wang Mingqi began to plan the specific itinerary of this expedition with enthusiasm.

She found two local guides online, rented a fully functional buggy, and purchased ample outdoor camping gear. Facing the ice and snow world of his dreams, Wang Mingqi was full of anticipation and excitement, and finally embarked on this Siberian adventure.

At the moment when the plane took off, she looked out the window excitedly, imagining the unknown wonders that awaited her in front of her.

However, in the first two days of entering the ice and snow world, Wang Mingqi found that the two guides had strange personalities and suspicious behaviors. She could vaguely understand what they were talking about in the local language, and the two of them looked at Wang Mingqi from time to time as they surrounded the fire at night, making her feel uncomfortable and worried.

Wang Mingqi began to doubt his safety, fearing that the two guides would take advantage of the night to do something out of the ordinary towards him. After careful consideration, Wang Mingqi decided to leave, quietly packed some necessary luggage while the two Xiang Xiang were asleep, and left quietly without them.

Wang Mingqi knows that the road back is difficult and dangerous, but in the face of unknown dangers, choosing to leave is the best policy. The jungle in the middle of the night was dark and terrifying, and every slightest hint of wind and grass made Wang Mingqi's heart tremble, but for his own safety, Wang Mingqi could only walk alone into the vast night.

Wang Mingqi soon lost his way in the dense Siberian jungle, unable to find a way back. During the day, she would look at the direction of the sun to roughly determine the direction of her head, but the trees obscured her from the sun, making it difficult for her to pinpoint her exact direction.

At night, Wang Mingqi could only set up a simple tent to rest. As the time passed in the wilderness, Wang Mingqi felt as if "something" was quietly following him behind him.

During the day, when she looked back, she saw a fluttering shadow behind the bushes. At night, the sound of fainting outside the tent made Wang Mingqi's heart beat even more. This terrible feeling of being followed made Wang Mingqi feel unprecedented fear, but in this deserted jungle, she had nowhere to escape, but to record this indescribable feeling of panic in her diary.

A 22-year-old rich girl entered Siberia alone, and the wolves followed her for 4 days and 4 nights, and the snow wolf and vultures shared it

On November 24, after several days of panic and disorientation, Wang Mingqi finally confirmed that it was not a human who was following her, but a group of wild snow wolves living in Siberia.

In her diary, Wang Mingqi recorded in detail how she gradually discovered the snow wolves. At first, she only vaguely felt the following behind her, then she caught their wagging tails among the trees, heard their muffled breathing, and finally, she saw the strong snow wolves trailing behind her in the distance.

The snow wolf did not take the initiative to attack, but stared at Wang Mingqi's every move as if he was observing his prey. Realizing that he had become the prey in the vast jungle, Wang Mingqi couldn't help but be afraid.

A 22-year-old rich girl entered Siberia alone, and the wolves followed her for 4 days and 4 nights, and the snow wolf and vultures shared it

She lamented her small fate in her diary and wrote the last words of this terrible journey.

Wang's diary came to an abrupt end on November 24. After receiving a report from the family, the search and rescue team immediately launched a search in Siberia. After days of arduous searching, a team of members finally found Wang Mingqi's body on a notoriously steep hillside.

Judging by the wounds on her body, it seemed as if she had been eaten by some kind of beast. In order to find out the truth, the search and rescue team found the two guides who had escaped earlier. With guilty expressions, the two finally confide in the truth: they accidentally killed a snow wolf by mistake on this trip, and the snow wolf seems to be the head wolf of the pack.

A 22-year-old rich girl entered Siberia alone, and the wolves followed her for 4 days and 4 nights, and the snow wolf and vultures shared it

In order to retaliate, the entire group of wolf soldiers divided into two routes, one team pursued them, and the other team followed Wang Mingqi. The cunning snow wolf did not take food immediately, but patiently followed, waiting for Wang Mingqi to launch a fatal blow when his physical strength was exhausted.

Fresh life was wiped out in the ice and snow, and Wang Mingqi's family and friends will never forget this sudden tragedy.

Wang Mingqi's tragedy has brought a profound warning to everyone. Perhaps her curiosity and adventurous spirit of the unknown had a positive effect on her personality growth, but this time it bred an unforeseen tragedy.

In the face of nature, we must not only maintain the spirit of exploring the unknown, but at the same time, we must also be well aware of the greatness and unfathomability of the power of nature, always maintain awe and caution, and be well prepared, so as to reduce the painful lessons.

We should also reflect on the insignificance and fragility of individuals in the face of the vast nature through Wang Mingqi's story. When we venture out into the wilderness, we should treat nature with humility and care, and always be alert to the irreversible consequences of possible impulse.

A 22-year-old rich girl entered Siberia alone, and the wolves followed her for 4 days and 4 nights, and the snow wolf and vultures shared it

Despite the tragic end, we should not erect a wall of our hearts and give up our love for nature and life. Wang Mingqi's passionate and uplifting soul is still worth learning from everyone Xi

When we look up at the vast snow-capped peaks of Siberia, we also think of this girl who has the courage to explore and dreams. Although she is gone, her love for nature and her infinite longing for the unknown world will still infect everyone who embarks on an adventure.

In addition to remembering her lessons, we should also inherit her passion for life and nature, and ignite our own passion in the new journey.

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