
Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

author:Home Recipe Food Diary
As the saying goes, "the time of the day lies in the morning", breakfast must not be ignored, and try to eat well, today I will share with you 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices, tired of eating breakfast bought, you might as well try these 8 kinds of home-cooked breakfast practices, simple, delicious and nutritious.

Brown sugar and jujube cake

Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

The thick fragrance of jujube cake wafts back and forth in the room, let it warm you at this moment of winter, red dates, brown sugar, honey, rum are slowly fermenting, the newly baked jujube cake has a rich fragrance, the entrance is sweet, and a hot bite will make you suddenly happy!

Ingredients: 8 inches, egg yolk paste, 70 grams of red dates, 30 walnuts, 50 grams of milk, 10 grams of rum (optional), 20 grams of honey, 50 grams of corn oil, 10 grams of brown sugar, 4 egg yolks, 4 egg whites, 50 grams of brown sugar, 120 grams of cake flour, 2 grams of baking soda


1. Add the cut jujube slices and walnuts to milk and rum, and beat them into granules with a food processor.

2. Add honey, corn oil, egg yolk and brown sugar and stir well

3. Add brown sugar to the egg whites in three times, beat to small sharp corners, and preheat the oven at 160 degrees

4. Mix the egg white with the egg yolk paste in stages, and add the low powder and baking soda through a sieve to mix quickly, and squeeze it into the mold with a piping bag

5. Finally, sprinkle dates, almond slices and sesame seeds on top, the key to delicious after baking, the small mold is 160 degrees for 30 minutes, and the eight-inch mold should be baked for a long time

Pork pot helmet with prune vegetables

Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

The price is not cheap, a plum cabbage pork pot helmet, our store here to sell up to 12 pieces, although the pork is very expensive recently, but it is really a little expensive at this price, or go home and make it yourself!

Ingredient Preparation:

Dough: 300 grams of flour, 180 grams of water, 10 grams of oil, 3 grams of salt, 3 grams of yeast

Filling: 200g pork, 2 handfuls of dried plum vegetables, green onion, ginger, sugar, five-spice powder, salt, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce,

Garnish: white sesame seeds


1. Put all the dough ingredients together, stir them into a flocculent shape, then knead them into a smooth dough, and put them in a warm place to ferment until they are twice as large;

2. The fermentation time is just right to make a pork filling with plum vegetables, soak the plum vegetables in water, wash them twice, squeeze out the water, and chop them into minced pieces for later use!

3. Wash and chop the plum meat, add the ginger, shallots, dried plum vegetables and their seasonings, and stir clockwise with chopsticks;

3. Take out the fermented dough and vent it, divide it into 8 parts (you can divide it into 10 parts if you make it smaller), roll it round and flatten it, wrap it with plum vegetables and pork filling, and put it aside to rest for 10 minutes;

4. Put the dough on the kneading mat, flatten it and smear some oil, roll it into a cow's tongue shape, pat on the sesame seeds and continue to roll it out and continue to shoot, pat it into a big cake shape, it doesn't matter if the skin is broken, the thinner the rollout, the better, so that it is cooked faster and more crispy!

5. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees for more than 5 minutes.

6. After the preheating is completed, put the baking tray into the middle layer of the oven, 200 degrees for 20 minutes, and wait for the food to come out of the boiler;

7. The dough of the pot helmet needs to be moistened a little, the water absorption of the flour is different, so when kneading the dough, take a look at the state, and increase or decrease the appropriate amount! The dough can be divided into several more, so that you can make a few more small ones! The taste of the filling can be adjusted according to your own taste! When baking, you should see, each oven has a different temper! Don't burn!

Corn shrimp buns

Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

Ingredients: shrimp, carrots, fungus, corn kernels, oyster sauce, salt, thirteen spices


1. Mash 100 grams of shrimp into a puree, soak the fungus in boiling water for 30 hours and chop it, chop the grass root carrots, 200 grams of corn kernels (I bought canned corn to eat directly, no need to cook it anymore) in a bowl, 1 pump of oyster sauce, an appropriate amount of salt and thirteen spice powder, stir well in one direction;

2. Roll out the purchased dumpling wrappers a little thinner, add fillings, and wrap them into the shape of small buns (the skin is not easy to pinch, so it is easy to pinch it with some water on the skin);

3. Wrap the small buns, put them on the steamer after boiling water, and steam them for about 10 minutes to cook...... It's delicious and not fat, so arrange it!

Hong Kong-style Western Toast

Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

A mouthful of Hong Kong-style Sidoxi, you can finish it in ten minutes, you must try it if you like it, I guess you will like it!

Ingredients: 4 slices of toast, 2 eggs, peanut butter, condensed milk, and grated cheese


1. First of all, after beating the prepared two eggs, then cut the toast into squares, take a slice of chopped toast and spread it with peanut butter, then sprinkle with a thin layer of grated cheese, and then cover with another slice of toast.

2. Then evenly dip the toast into the egg mixture, brush the oil on the sandwich maker and fry the toast for a while, cover the sandwich maker and press for two minutes. Milk or yogurt is especially nutritious in the morning.

Cranberry yam cake

Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

No one can refuse the oil-free, sugar-free, 0-flour health yam cake. The whole process does not need an oven or whipping, and it is low-calorie, low-fat and super satisfying, and novice Xiaobai can also succeed at one time

Ingredients: 120 grams of yams, 2 eggs, 5 grams of dried cranberries


1Peel and cut the yam into sections, and beat in a food processor with the eggs until fluffy (about 3 minutes)

2Pour into the mold, shake out the bubbles, and sprinkle crushed cranberries on the surface. Cover with plastic wrap and prick a few holes

3. Steam on cold water for 20 minutes, simmer for a while, take it out, let it cool and cut into pieces~ It tastes delicate and soft, cranberries are sweet and sour, especially love the natural taste of this food~ If you like sweetness, you can add a small amount of sugar substitute to taste~

Rock sugar lily porridge

Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

The cool weather in autumn is often accompanied by high temperatures, rapid loss of water in the body, irritability, and poor sleep.

Ingredients: lily, rice, rock sugar, goji berries


1. After preparing all the ingredients, clean the rice and lilies, put them in the rice cooker and add an appropriate amount of water.

2. Press the porridge cooking button, and the rest of the work will be handed over to the rice cooker!

3. When the time comes, put the prepared rock sugar and wolfberry into the porridge, stir until the rock sugar melts!

Millet apple porridge

Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

Ingredients: 100 grams of millet, 1 medium size apple, 8 red dates, 15 grams of wolfberry, 1500 ml of purified water.


1. Wash the millet three times, just wash the surface dust, don't wash too much, so that the nutrients of the millet are lost. Bring the water in the pot to a boil, put the millet into the pot and boil, bring to a boil over medium heat, skim off the foam, turn to low heat and cook slowly, and the lid of the pot is half buckled to avoid boiling the pot.

2. Use a disposable toothbrush or small brush to scrub the dust on the surface of the jujubes, rinse them well, and boil them in a pot with millet. Wash the skin of the apples, remove the core and cut into small cubes, boil the millet porridge until it begins to thicken for about 15 minutes, add the diced apples and continue to boil.

3. Rinse the wolfberries and set aside, the whole boiling time of millet porridge is 30 to 40 minutes, and in the last 5 minutes, put the washed wolfberries into the pot, boil again, turn off the heat, simmer for five minutes, and you can enjoy it.

4. The taste is sweet and sour, the sweetness of apples, integrated with millet, plus red dates and wolfberries, this porridge is rich in nutrients and is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and the period of weight loss and fat loss.

Mrs. Soong's beloved Meiling porridge

Don't panic at breakfast, learn 8 kinds of nutritious breakfast practices at a time, delicious and healthy are not the same

Women recommend drinking more of this porridge, there are many benefits, the entrance is sweet and silky, and it is delicious and does not gain weight

Ingredients: 60 grams of glutinous rice, 30 grams of rice, 150 grams of yam, 600 ml of soy milk, 200 ml of water, a little rock sugar, a little wolfberry


1. After mixing glutinous rice and rice, add water and soak for a few hours in advance, peel and cut the yam into pieces, wash it, steam it in a pot and press it into a puree

2. Add glutinous rice and rice to the pot, add soybean milk and water, boil over medium heat, turn to low heat and cook until the rice is soft and rotten (stir and stir from time to time, open the lid and cook the whole process, don't ask me how I know)

3. Add the mashed yam, then add rock sugar to adjust the sweetness you like, and put the wolfberry on it before cooking~ When you cook, you can smell the rich bean fragrance, no wonder Song Meiling, the goddess of the Republic of China, loves it so much, smooth and delicate, light and fragrant.

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