
A small group spent hundreds of millions of dollars to throw more than 1.5 million tons of stones into the sea in five years, and now earns 50 million a year

author:Mr. An chatted

In 2003, after graduating from the then 23-year-old Li Bolin, he faced the first major decision in his life. Seeing that many classmates have gone abroad or entered large companies, Li Bolin chose the path of entrepreneurship with the encouragement and support of his parents.

He was optimistic about the promising real estate industry at that time, and decided to give it a go and try to break out of this blue ocean.

A small group spent hundreds of millions of dollars to throw more than 1.5 million tons of stones into the sea in five years, and now earns 50 million a year

As a novice, Li Bolin understands that he does not have much capital and network advantages. So he began to start from the basics, learning Xi while working, and hardships were commonplace.

During the day, I spent time in the library and in the library, trying to enrich my knowledge. In the past three years, Li Bolin has gradually accumulated valuable practical experience and network resources by relying on perseverance and sweat.

In 2006, Li Bolin finally ushered in the first harvest of his life. Through two real estate projects, he has obtained a total of more than 20 million yuan, which undoubtedly proves his strength and vision.

Years of hard work seem to have turned around gorgeously at this moment, and the joy and pride of receiving the goods are full of Li Bolin's heart.

A small group spent hundreds of millions of dollars to throw more than 1.5 million tons of stones into the sea in five years, and now earns 50 million a year

At the same time, the parents were sincerely relieved and proud to witness their son's successful career.

In 2005, when Li Bolin's career was in full swing, his father Li Zhigang unfortunately suffered from a serious back injury due to long-term overwork. He had to face the physical alarm, so he could only follow the doctor's advice to retire early and return to his hometown for recuperation.

After leaving his heavy work, Li Zhigang seems to have returned to the embrace of nature, and he has rediscovered his childhood love for the sea, often driving to the beach to fish.

Just as Li Zhigang was about to go fishing again, the fishermen informed him that the sea area had been privately contracted and that no one else was allowed to enter. It turned out that a large number of precious sea cucumbers were cultivated in this sea area by taking advantage of the excellent geographical conditions.

A small group spent hundreds of millions of dollars to throw more than 1.5 million tons of stones into the sea in five years, and now earns 50 million a year

Li Zhigang was very puzzled by this, and after returning home, he told his son Li Bolin about it.

A bold idea took shape in Li Bolin's mind: to give up the stable real estate industry and enter the unknown field of sea cucumber farming. This decision surprised him a little, but Li Bolin understands that successful people are never afraid to step out of their comfort zone.

After transforming into the sea cucumber farming industry, Li Bolin knew that he had started too late and needed to catch up quickly. So he began to devote himself to the study Xi around the clock, collected a lot of industry information, and studied the breeding technical regulations in detail.

At the same time, he also visited a number of successful sea cucumber breeding bases, exchanged ideas with old farmers, and learned valuable experience.

A small group spent hundreds of millions of dollars to throw more than 1.5 million tons of stones into the sea in five years, and now earns 50 million a year

In repeated research, Li Bolin found that the biggest problem he faced was how to effectively put the aquaculture infrastructure - the submarine stone wall in the 10,000 mu of deep sea area contracted by him at a high price.

During this period, he carried out countless experiments and tests, and finally found inspiration from a chance - to imitate the rock-throwing boat used by a farmer in Yantai. Li Bolin immediately took action, found the shipyard, and designed two large shippers with larger volumes and wider bells.

With such a good "weapon", Li Bolin is full of confidence. He believes that as long as he does all the roads himself, he will one day be able to expand his territory in this unknown blue ocean.

So, he sailed to the deep sea area contracted by him with a special boat and full of hope, and began a five-year journey of rubble construction.

A small group spent hundreds of millions of dollars to throw more than 1.5 million tons of stones into the sea in five years, and now earns 50 million a year

In the five years from 2007 to 2012, Li Bolin ordered two special shippers designed by himself to frantically drop reefs into the rented 10,000 acres of deep water.

These two "weapons" are moving at a rapid pace, and everyone is impressed by the high efficiency of their work. Eventually, more than 1.5 million tons of stone fell into the sea with a roar from the ship's cabin, creating an unprecedented behemoth in the deep sea - Li Bolin's underwater stone garden.

The construction of this "stone garden" has almost exhausted all of Li Bolin's family property, and the investment of hundreds of millions of yuan has made the outside world suspect that he is a "stupid big money" with a brain in water. In the face of negative voices, Li Bolin never flinched, but endured silently, and continued to write his entrepreneurial epic with action.

The most difficult thing was when the capital chain was about to break, Li Bolin's grandmother provided him with all the only savings of 70,000 yuan. Although this amount of money is insignificant, it represents the unreserved support of the family.

A small group spent hundreds of millions of dollars to throw more than 1.5 million tons of stones into the sea in five years, and now earns 50 million a year

Li Bolin will not live up to this expectation, he has worked harder, vowing to protect the trust of his grandmother and family.

After five years of rock throwing, more than 1.5 million tons of reef have built a huge "stone garden" in the deep sea area rented by Li Bolin. But without the survival and growth of sea cucumbers, all investment will be in vain.

To test his hard work, he made his first catch ahead of schedule when his funds were running out.

The two-month harvest performance far exceeded expectations, totaling an astronomical figure of more than 9 million. This brought timely rain to Li Bolin, who was on the verge of bankruptcy, and also demonstrated the vitality of his "stone garden" to cultivate high-quality sea cucumbers on a large scale.

A small group spent hundreds of millions of dollars to throw more than 1.5 million tons of stones into the sea in five years, and now earns 50 million a year

With the blessing of hope, Li Bolin persisted in fighting for another 5 years. In the end, he completed the most ambitious blueprint in his heart - a 10,000 acres of seabed breeding base built with more than 1.5 million tons of stones, which can supply 400,000 catties of high-grade sea cucumbers every year, and Li Bolin's annual sales income of sea cucumbers alone exceeds 50 million yuan.

Now Li Bolin proudly declares that this is his undersea bank, a court of hope poured by five years of sweat and tears!

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