
Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

author:Progress Dominica 5y2o
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Have you heard? Qin Hao is really a big surprise this time! This big man, who has always shown himself as a "straight man," actually gave a giant rose to his wife Yi Nengjing during the Qixi Festival! Well, that's right, you heard it right, it's a "giant" one! This shocked Yi Nengjing, and she questioned Qin Hao's "broken brain" on the spot! It seems that Qin Hao is really determined to whitewash his "straight man" identity this time!

Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

Everyone knows that Qin Hao has never been a romantic person, he pays more attention to his inner things, and rarely shows his romantic side to the outside world. But this time, he did not hesitate to choose a very romantic way to express his love. On the special day of the Qixi Festival, he gave his beloved a giant rose, you must know that this is a very romantic way of expression! However, poor Qin Hao did not expect that his actions actually attracted the doubts of his wife Yi Nengjing.

Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

Yi Nengjing said directly to Qin Hao: "Are you brainbroken?" This is a merciless complaint! Yi Nengjing doesn't understand, Qin Hao has always been a "straight man" and is not interested in romance, why did she suddenly have such a romantic move this time? It is estimated that she was really shocked by Qin Hao, maybe the giant rose scared her! Or did she think that Qin Hao's romantic expression this time was a bit excessive! After all, such a thing as a giant rose is not something that ordinary people can see in their homes.

Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

I want to say, this is really a high-level show of affection! Qin Hao was originally a standard straight man, if he didn't give gifts, he was afraid that he would be scolded miserably by his wife. But as soon as he gave a gift, he was still questioned that his brain was broken, didn't this deceive himself? This is really an embarrassing situation! In this entertainment industry, whether or not he dares to show affection is a big question, and it really makes people laugh and cry.

However, having said that, Qin Hao can't be blamed entirely. Everyone has their own way of expressing love, maybe Qin Hao's way is a bit sudden, but he at least worked hard! Yi Nengjing should also understand her husband's sincerity! Feelings are not simple, everyone has their own way, and they can't be forced to be completely consistent.

Looking at the interaction between this couple, I want to say that Qin Hao really brought surprises and jokes to everyone this time! He has always regarded himself as a "straight man", and this time he suddenly showed a romantic side, which is really surprising. However, in the entertainment industry, this kind of unexpected incident also happens frequently, after all, the behavior of celebrities has always been incomprehensible.

Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

However, even such a romantic expression has been questioned by his wife, which is really ironic. Perhaps, Qin Hao really wants to change his usual image and give everyone a new Qin Hao! However, after all, the incident has just happened, and we don't know what the final result will be, nor do we know what Qin Hao's true thoughts are.

Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

I heard that netizens were full of praise for Qin Hao's romantic move this time? Sure enough, it was an unexpected comment! Everyone said, "Straight men are also romantic"! Yes, Qin Hao gave Yi Nengjing a satisfactory surprise this time, although Yi Nengjing complained about him, but in fact, this is just a way to show affection!

Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

It seems that Qin Hao's romantic move has not completely failed, at least it has been affirmed and supported by netizens. People, there must always be some changes and breakthroughs, Qin Hao, who has always been known as a straight man, tried a romance this time, which can be said to have whitewashed himself a lot. However, Yi Nengjing is a person who was "driven crazy by straight men" after all, and her complaints about Qin Hao are understandable.

Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

However, we have to see some of the details. First of all, Qin Hao's romantic move was shown on the special day of Qixi Festival, this is really an opportunity that cannot be missed! Moreover, Qin Hao has always been called a straight man, and his change of image this time can be regarded as a positive response to himself. Therefore, in a sense, Qin Hao's move this time is reasonable.

Qin Hao was scolded for sending Yi Nengjing's giant roses on Qixi Festival, and Qin Hao complained: If you don't send it, you will provoke it

Although Qin Hao's romantic move this time was complained about by the media and Yi Nengjing, in the eyes of netizens, this is also a show of affection. Everyone's view and approach to romance is different, and it is impossible to generalize. I only hope that Qin Hao and Yi Nengjing can understand each other, tolerate each other, and work hard for the long-term happiness of this marriage and relationship! If they can continue to show their love in their own way, I believe everyone will also give more attention and blessings. After all, sweet jokes and happy news always bring a good mood!

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