
CCTV host Zhu Xun: Cancer has been on the Spring Festival Gala twice and seven times, and his beloved has left a lifelong regret!

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Zhu Xun, the former first sister of CCTV, her life is full of legends. In her glorious experience of appearing on the Spring Festival Gala seven times, she not only faced professional challenges, but also suffered from cancer twice. Growing up in a poor family, her parents worked outside the home all the year round, and she showed excellent acting talent under the care of her grandmother. Her early involvement in film and television has laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

CCTV host Zhu Xun: Cancer has been on the Spring Festival Gala twice and seven times, and his beloved has left a lifelong regret!

Dreams and Sacrifices: Zhu Xun's Study Abroad in Japan

However, Zhu Xun's life was not all smooth sailing. As a teenager, she missed her studies because of her dedication to acting. During the rise of her career, she quickly made the decision to study in Japan. However, her parents' income could not afford her tuition, so Zhu Xun could only rely on her work-study perseverance to seek her studies in a foreign country. When she was studying in Japan, her four or five hours of sleep became a symbol of her tenacity and tenacity, and in order to continue her education, she was willing to engage in hard work, cleaning toilets and washing dishes, all of which showed her perseverance and hard work.

CCTV host Zhu Xun: Cancer has been on the Spring Festival Gala twice and seven times, and his beloved has left a lifelong regret!

The line between life and death: Zhu Xun's fight with hemangioma

However, fate does not always favor hardworking children. While studying in Japan, Zhu Xun suddenly felt unwell, but the results of the hospital examination made her jaw-dropping - hemangioma. This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and Zhu Xun's whole person fell into deep fear. In order to pay for the expensive surgery, she chose a small hospital, however, the operation failed. When the family learned of the situation, they desperately took her to another hospital for a second operation. Zhu Xun was hovering on the line of life and death, but fortunately, she successfully survived this fight with death.

CCTV host Zhu Xun: Cancer has been on the Spring Festival Gala twice and seven times, and his beloved has left a lifelong regret!

The Companionship of Love: The Touching Story of Zhu Xun and Wang Zhi

In her life, Zhu Xun encountered one of the most touching stories - her acquaintance and marriage to her current husband Wang Zhi. Just when her father was seriously ill and helpless, the two bonded. They support each other and face life's difficult times together. In 2002, Zhu Xun's father was diagnosed with intestinal cancer, and since then he has started a long career of accompanying the bed, taking care of him for 8 years. However, this companionship did not bring his father a recovery. At the moment of dying, his father gloomily expressed his desire to go home, and Zhu Xun knew that if he pulled out the tube, his father would not be able to get out of the hospital. Zhu Xun tearfully refused his father's request, but then his father passed away quietly at home, and Zhu Xun always felt guilty for failing to fulfill his last wish.

CCTV host Zhu Xun: Cancer has been on the Spring Festival Gala twice and seven times, and his beloved has left a lifelong regret!

Plunged into darkness again: Zhu Xun suffered from cancer for the second time

In the midst of a career upswing, disaster struck again. Zhu Xun suffered from cancer for the second time, this time with thyroid cancer. The surgery may have had an impact on her vocal cords, and the throat has been crucial to her career. Zhu Xun felt at a loss for a while, however, with the comfort and encouragement of her husband Wang Zhi, she bravely walked onto the operating table again. This time, the god of luck seemed to have mercy on her, and the operation was very successful. Zhu Xun once again defeated the disease.

CCTV host Zhu Xun: Cancer has been on the Spring Festival Gala twice and seven times, and his beloved has left a lifelong regret!

The Light of Life: Zhu Xun's Deep Understanding of Happiness

In Zhu Xun's life, every corner flows with tenacity and open-mindedness. She learned to cherish and understand the preciousness of life in the ups and downs of life. Her story teaches us that no matter what kind of adversity we face, we should face life's challenges bravely and cherish the happiness in front of us. Zhu Xun's experience is like a beacon, guiding us to move forward in the dark, draw strength, and exude our own life light.

The above content materials come from the Internet and do not represent the author's point of view

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