
Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

author:Muzi talks about the world

Niu Qun and Feng Gong: The "Golden Combination" of Cross Talk Art

In 1987, on a cold winter day, Feng Gongzheng was sitting alone in the conference room of the army's art troupe, with a lot of worries. At this moment, a young man with a thin body and a bright eye pushed the door and walked in, and he was - the herd.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

The two quickly began to talk. It turns out that Niu Qun is also a newcomer to the art troupe, he has shown amazing enthusiasm and talent for the art of cross talk since he was a child, and now he can finally show his skills on the big stage of the army art troupe.

Feng Gong admired Niu Qun's talent and hard work, and decided to take him as an apprentice and introduce him to the master Chang Baohua.

Under Feng Gong's careful guidance, the herd grew rapidly. In 1987, the two officially partnered and began to perform on stage. Their first work, Reverie in the Mouth of the Tiger, was an instant sensation and received unanimous praise from the audience and the judges.

Since then, wonderful works such as "Thief Company" and "Ham Company" have come out one after another, and Niu Qun and Feng Gong soon became famous in the cross talk world and are regarded as a "golden combination".

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

However, the good times did not last long, and with the success of his career, the herd began to have a strong interest in other fields, eager to get out of the cross talk world and try new things. His change in mood also directly affected his relationship with Feng Gong.

The two began to communicate with each other, and their irritability and contradictions deepened. Eventually, the herd chose to leave and go solo.

Years later, the two are reunited at a party. The herd has been away from the stage for years, experiencing setbacks in the mall. And Feng Gong is still active on the stage.

After a heartfelt conversation, the two decided to work together again. On the eve when the two sides were ready to present their wonderful works on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Niu Qun once again chose to return to his hometown and continue to devote himself to the cause of rural development.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

Although Feng Gong did not understand the decision of the herd, he still gave full understanding and support. Because he knows that this is the real choice of the herd's heart.

The life of the herd: a legend of courage to chase dreams

Niu Qun was born in an ordinary rural family, and his family was poor when he was a child, but his parents' love for him was rich. Whenever the cows imitated the tone and movements of the performers, the parents would laugh and praise them.

This became the beginning of the herd's love for the art of cross talk.

Niu Qun joined the army in his youth and was fortunate enough to be assigned to the army's art troupe. He actively participated in literary and artistic activities, and soon became famous for his unique linguistic talent and artistic appeal.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

This laid a good foundation for him to later become a professional cross talk actor.

In 1987, the herd was selected by Feng Gong and officially became a partner. With their excellent creative skills and tacit cooperation, the two presented many wonderful works such as "Reverie in the Tiger's Mouth", and Niu Qun has also accumulated rich stage experience in this process.

Soon, he became a well-known star actor, and his life entered the first peak.

However, the good times did not last long, and the herd began to take an interest in other things in the outside world. He chose to leave the familiar stage and tried to run a business and hold an art exhibition, but failed.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

This experience brought the herd to a low point and made him re-examine his life.

By chance, the herd returned to the stage and joined forces with Feng Gong again. The two are ready to present their latest works in front of thousands of households. However, at this critical moment, the invitation of hometown once again awakens the inner calling of the herd.

He resolutely chose to return to his hometown, took up the post of deputy county magistrate, and actively participated in the construction of his hometown. During his tenure, he pushed through a number of measures to benefit the people. But because of this, misunderstandings accumulated, and finally they left in disgrace.

Life is back to square one, and the herd starts again. He regained his love for cross talk and was ready to return to the stage again. However, the responsibility and responsibility in his heart stopped him again.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

The herd finally chose to return to their hometown, no longer on the glorious stage, and dedicated the rest of their lives to the suffering people in their hometown.

The life of the herd is full of ups and downs and is full of legends. He consistently pursues his dreams and has the courage to face life's challenges. Although it is not always successful, the never-say-die spirit will inspire future generations to continue to move forward.

What the herd tells us

The life experiences of the herd have inspired us with many valuable life wisdoms, the most important of which are as follows:

First of all, you must have the courage to pursue your dreams, and don't give up your inner voice because of the barrier of the environment and the criticism of the outside world. From cross talk art to business entrepreneurship to political development, Niu Qun's spirit of courage to change and dare to try has inspired countless people who are stuck in reality.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

Secondly, failure is the ladder of success and a valuable asset. The cow herd suffered repeated setbacks in the shopping mall and in the political world, but he persevered and eventually found his own path to development.

Failure can temper a person's willpower, and it should be seen as a necessary path to success.

Furthermore, we must know how to be grateful and cherish. The herd was able to become a star, and Feng Gong's discovery and help played a key role. Gratitude can make our life path more open, and cherish the present is worthy of the people who have helped us.

Finally, stay humble and cautious, and be content. After many failures, the herd did not become depressed and self-pitying, but continued to face life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

This attitude is worth Xi, because success is always based on inner peace and contentment.

The herd has found another way in life

In the 80s of the 20th century, a dazzling light rose in the cross talk art world, and it was the pair of Niu Qun and Feng Gong. They quickly became popular with works such as "Reverie in the Tiger's Mouth" and "Selling Abduction", and were regarded as the "golden combination" at that time.

Every time the show is broadcast, it will always receive a wave of applause and laughter. On the stage, Feng Gong is serious, the cow herd is witty and funny, and the two cooperate seamlessly, pushing the lively and smooth cross talk art to a new height.

However, by the time the career reached its peak, the inner passion of the herd had shifted to other areas. He is no longer satisfied with being a cross talk actor, and wants to challenge more possibilities.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

As a result, the herd chose to leave the familiar stage and enter the business world instead. He founded a company, ran a magazine, and started a beef business. However, these attempts have failed, and the herd has also suffered a double blow from public opinion and reality in the process.

When confused, the voice of hometown awakens the true nature of the cows. A letter from the county invited him to return and take up the post of deputy county magistrate to promote the economic development of his hometown.

Niu Qun resolutely gave up his acting career and returned to his hometown in nostalgia. During his tenure, he actively innovated working methods, attracted investment, and improved people's livelihood. Although they also encountered misunderstandings, the herd was not discouraged and continued to work hard to revitalize the old family.

After working in his hometown for a while, the herd returned to the stage to work with Feng Gong again. At that time, the two had already wandered at the crossroads of their lives, and their understanding of cross talk art was also more profound.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life

They draw on their own life experiences to create new and excellent works. However, just when the two sides were ready to present the excitement in front of the audience, the herd finally chose to return to their hometown.

Although the applause on the stage made him intoxicated, his hometown was more attractive to the herd. He gave up fame and fortune, returned to his hometown, and reintegrated into the countryside. The herd of cattle in their later years is far from the hustle and bustle and lives a simple life.

However, he did not regret life because it was exactly what he really wanted in his heart.

The selection of cattle is worth Xi. Success is not limited to career and fame, but more importantly, it is more important to find the true belonging of the heart. The herd has found its own path in life, and we must also take responsibility for our own lives and make our own choices bravely.

Facts have proved that the herd that has "disappeared" for 23 years has embarked on a different life path in life


The life of the cow herd is magnificent, and his courage to chase his dreams is admirable. Achieving fame and fortune on the bustling stage, and also gaining peace of mind in the fields of his hometown, these two completely different lives, the herd has explored enough.

Each of us has a voice inside us that beckons to realize our dreams, and the outside world will also give us realistic choices. It is important to know how to listen to your heart and make decisions that make you happy and have no regrets.

The story of the herd reminds us that success is not just based on business achievements. When we find our own state of life and enjoy the ordinary and beautiful, perhaps that is the greatest success in life.

Let us be like a herd of cows, have the courage to follow our inner dreams, go with our hearts, and draw positive strength from our own lives.

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