
The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

author:Moe Xi Club

Youth was betrayed, and 16 years of hard work came to naught

In 2007, the year Chen Zhixian graduated from university, he was introduced to his current wife by a friend, and the two were young and vigorous, and it was love at first sight.

His wife is gentle and kind, and Chen Zhixian is deeply attracted.

Soon after the two dated, his wife became pregnant. Chen Zhixian didn't say a word, got the certificate with his wife, and started a new life.

The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

At first, Chen Zhixian was very happy. He worked hard, and every penny he earned was left to his wife and daughter, and he had a little living expenses left. Time is like an arrow, 16 years have passed in a flash, Chen Zhixian thought that he had a happy family.

Thinking that the money from his hard work in the past 16 years was all raised by other people's children, Chen Zhixian couldn't wait to die headlonging. He built a new house for his wife and children, owes 200,000 yuan in debt and has not paid it off, and now he has a debt of 360,000 yuan.

His youth was wasted by his wife, and his dedication and hard work were completely in vain.

Chen Zhixian had mixed feelings and was overwhelmed with grief. The innocent girl at the wedding ceremony has now become a betrayer. It was the son's responsibility to take care of his old parents, but now this task fell on the shoulders of a middle-aged man, and the broken family added to his troubles infinitely.

The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

Presumably anyone from Chen Zhixian's point of view will empathize with what happened to him.

The pain of shattering, trust is in vain

Children are the most reassuring people for parents, and Chen Zhixian's love for his three daughters can be said to have been integrated into his blood. But when the truth was revealed, the moment the results were revealed, Chen Zhixian could not express his inner despair and pain in words.

"Aren't they really my flesh and blood, my blood, my family ......," Chen Zhixian looked at the test report, tears welling up in his eyes. He knows it's not fake – genes don't lie.

He has always been strong, but at this moment, he just wants to scream out loud and vent the surging grief and anger in his heart.

The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

Once upon a time, he would also prepare gifts for his daughters on their birthdays and take them to the cinema to watch cartoons. But now, those good memories have become a joke.

Chen Zhixian knew that the hearts of his daughters were no longer with him.

Thinking of his unreserved love and dedication to his wife and daughters over the years, Chen Zhixian couldn't wait to go back to the past and slap himself twice. He was so naïve that he completely believed a woman.

Now he is rewarded with only the brutal truth of DNA testing, countless ruthless betrayals, and a family that can never be repaired.

The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

Helpless, with a heavy burden to bear

After this change, Chen Zhixian suffered physical and mental damage, and his financial situation also worsened. In addition to supporting his seriously ill elderly parents every month, he also needs to repay debts of up to 360,000 yuan.

This is undoubtedly a huge pressure for a part-time worker.

During the day, Chen Zhixian still needs to work normally to make money. In his spare time, he devoted himself entirely to litigation matters, and worked hard to get a divorce and damages as soon as possible. When I returned to my dilapidated and messy home at night, I was greeted by the ruined faces of my parents distorted by illness.

At this time, Chen Zhixian could only curl up on the hard wooden bed alone, looking at the lonely moon in the sky outside the window.

The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

The feeling of loneliness almost swallowed Chen Zhixian. He had given so much, but he didn't get anything in return. But he knew that he had to hold on—for his old parents, and for those who betrayed his trust.

Filled with righteous indignation, litigation to defend rights

When Chen Zhixian saw the woman and his daughters in the courtroom, an indescribable feeling took over his heart. Once upon a time, this woman was his favorite and most trusted partner, and those girls made him pour all his fatherly love.

But now they have become the perpetrators of betrayal of him, which makes Chen Zhixian both sad and angry.

"I don't think I'm cheating, is it that important to be related by blood?" When he heard the woman's shirk, Chen Zhixian almost couldn't hold back his emotions and rushed forward to reason with her.

The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

He resisted and didn't move, just clenched his hands tightly, and his nails almost dug into his flesh.

Over the years, the woman not only betrayed her marriage three times, but even gave birth to a fourth affair daughter, and kept all her belongings for herself. Chen Zhixian couldn't bear it anymore, and decided to punish them through the law and give an explanation to himself and his old parents.

He believed that the magic weapon of justice would eventually give him the justice he deserved.

The red dust of the past, the eternal pain

Like many ordinary people, Chen Zhixian is just an ordinary worker, he does not seek to get rich, but only wants the safety of his wife and children. But he still can't escape the tragic fate of being tricked by fate - he has spent most of his life and finally got nothing.

The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

This is reminiscent of the many working people who work hard in the cities, who are running for a living, but still cannot escape the impermanence of life.

Chen Zhixian's despair and pain at this moment can only be experienced by those who have really experienced it. Seeing three immature little beings coming to this world, Chen Zhixian's heart was full of hope.

He thought he had a complete family and responsibilities that would make his life more fulfilling. However, fate played a big joke and made him waste 16 years of youth in vain.

Now the pain that I can't forget will always remain in Chen Zhixian's heart. We don't know what the road ahead is, but at least, at this moment, let us wish Chen Zhixian to get out of the haze of life as soon as possible.

The case of 3 babies not being biological has added to the shocking news! The wife gave birth to a fourth child with someone else, and the woman's mother spoke out

A painful lesson to warn the world

Chen Zhixian's encounter can really be described as a tragedy in the "family change".

When young people enter marriage, there will inevitably be enthusiasm and impulse in love. But we must also be wary that behind sensual love, it is equally important to pay attention to rational judgment.

Otherwise, once you meet an irresponsible other half, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In this incident, the woman betrayed and deceived her husband three times and twice, and gave birth to multiple illegitimate children, which is simply outrageous. Only by punishing people like this through the law and making similar people pay the price they deserve can we prevent more families from being ruthlessly destroyed.

May this heart-wrenching incident serve as a warning to the vast number of young people. When you and I face love and marriage, we must not regret it for the rest of our lives because of impulse.