
The taboos on New Year's Day, remember these, the new year will be smooth, and the old traditions still cannot be lost

author:Middle-aged and elderly emotional station


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On the first day of the new year, New Year's Day, it is as new and pure as a baby, and it carries countless hopes and expectations from people.

In such days, our ancestors left behind some traditional Xi and taboos, which may seem outdated or even superstitious to modern people, but these old traditions contain profound cultural heritage and life wisdom.

In the new year, let's respect and follow these traditions in order to usher in a smooth and happy day.

1. Open the windows for ventilation to welcome the New Year

On New Year's Day, every household should open their windows early to ventilate.

This Xi stems from the ancient people's reverence and gratitude for nature, they believed that at the beginning of the new year, the breath of heaven and earth is the purest and most peaceful, and opening windows to ventilate at this time can fill the home with the breath of the new year and drive away the bad luck of the year.

Standing in front of the window and feeling the morning breeze gently brushing your cheeks, you can hear the birdsong and the laughter of children in the distance.

At this moment, my heart is full of expectations for the New Year and yearning for a better life.

Opening windows and ventilation is not only a Xi, but also an open-mindedness and cheerfulness, which allows us to learn to let go of the troubles of the past and welcome the new year with a new attitude.

The taboos on New Year's Day, remember these, the new year will be smooth, and the old traditions still cannot be lost

Second, do not sleep lazy, diligently start a new journey

Don't sleep on New Year's Day.

In the ancient people's concept, the first day of the new year was a new beginning, and new challenges and opportunities should be greeted with high spirits.

Sleeping lazily is not only a waste of time, but also makes people lazy and depressed, which affects the fortune of the year.

When the sun shines through the curtains on the bed, we should get up to the rising sun, set sail for the new year with diligence and hard work, whether it is studying, Xi working or living, with a positive attitude.

Continuous pursuit of progress is the only way to achieve great results in the New Year's journey.

3. Avoid conflicts and welcome the New Year with harmony and wealth

On New Year's Day, avoid conflicts with people.

The first day of the new year is an auspicious day, and it is believed that conflicts on this day will ruin the harmonious atmosphere of the new year and bring unnecessary trouble and distress to both parties.

Therefore, we must learn to restrain our emotions and value harmony.

On this special day, let us let go of the resentment and prejudice in our hearts, and resolve the contradictions with tolerance and understanding.

Be more patient and caring with family, friends, and co-workers, and be less blaming and complaining.

Remembering the principle of harmony and wealth is especially important on New Year's Day.

When we treat others with kindness, we will not only gain peace of mind and joy, but also attract more good luck and opportunities.

The taboos on New Year's Day, remember these, the new year will be smooth, and the old traditions still cannot be lost

Fourth, don't move, seek development in stability

It is not advisable to move on New Year's Day.

In Feng Shui, moving means a change in the living environment that may affect an individual's fortune and aura.

The first day of the new year is an important turning point, and stability and stability at this time are crucial for future development.

Of course, this does not mean that we should remain unchanged and stick to the rules, but seek development and breakthroughs on the basis of maintaining stability.

We can use the New Year as an opportunity to plan and adjust our lives, set clear goals and plans, and then work on them to achieve them.

Seeking development in stability will not only enable us to achieve better results in the new year, but also make our mindset more mature and stable.

Following these taboos on New Year's Day is not a superstition, but a kind of respect and love for life.

They remind us to face life's challenges and opportunities with a positive attitude in the new year.

When we really do this, we will find that the new year can really be smooth and happy.

In addition to the four taboos mentioned above, there are some other Xi customs on New Year's Day that deserve our attention and inheritance.

For example, in many places, there are big celebrations where people sing, dance and gather to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

The taboos on New Year's Day, remember these, the new year will be smooth, and the old traditions still cannot be lost

These colorful activities not only greatly prosper our cultural life, but also bring us more fun and enjoyment.

More importantly, they invisibly shorten the distance between people, deepen the friendship between each other, and promote social unity and harmony.

In addition, on the first day of the new year, many families hold a family feast.

The whole family sits around for a hearty meal, shares the past year, and looks forward to a better life ahead.

This kind of family reunion atmosphere makes people feel warm and happy, and it also makes us cherish the time we spend with our families even more.

At the same time, New Year's Day is also a good time to send blessings.

We can send greeting cards or text messages to friends and family to express our concern and blessings to them.

A simple "Happy New Year" or "All the best" can make the other person feel our heart and warmth, and this emotional exchange is one of the most beautiful gifts of the New Year.

On this day of hope and anticipation, let us remember these taboos and Xi on New Year's Day and welcome the arrival of the new year with a pious heart.

I believe that as long as we respect the tradition, cherish the present, and work hard, we will be able to achieve more brilliant results in the New Year's journey and realize our dreams and wishes!

Finally, I wish everyone a healthy body, a happy family, a smooth career and a rich spiritual life in the new year! Happy New Year! All the best!

Pay attention to the middle-aged and elderly emotional station, everything you want to see is here.

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