
A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

author:Honey snow lily honey

【Disclaimer】The pictures in the article are all from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and the infringement must be deleted!

In this busy city, I, Lin Hao, am an ordinary IT engineer. My life was calm and orderly, and everything changed until that unexpected afternoon.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

That day, I walked home as usual, playing the latest internet pop songs on my phone. I had just walked downstairs to our residents' building when I suddenly felt a pain in my head, and when I looked up, I saw a bloodstained sanitary napkin falling from the upper floor. I froze, completely unaware of what was going on.

"Oh, what's wrong with you?" asked Lao Zhang, who was selling fruit next to him, with concern.

I forced a smile, "Maybe it's upstairs that one was careless." ”

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

Lao Zhang shook his head, "In these days, anything is possible." ”

I hurried home and changed my clothes, intending to put the matter behind me. However, it doesn't end so simply. In the evening, I saw a lot of discussions among my neighbors in the community group, and it turned out that the sanitary napkin not only hit me, but also smashed Aunt Zhang's flower pot downstairs.

Aunt Zhang is a person with a hot personality, she was furious in the group, "Who is uneducated and throws garbage everywhere! Find out, you must apologize and compensate!"

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

It suddenly occurred to me that things could get complicated. I decided to go to the property to see if I could find out who had accidentally thrown it.

The property manager Wang is a kind middle-aged man, and when he saw me coming, he quickly apologized, "Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry, it's the first time we've encountered this kind of thing." ”

"Manager Wang, can you check which floor it is?" I asked.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

Manager Wang shook his head, "This is too difficult, unless someone stands up on their own." ”

I was a little disappointed, but I understood the complexity of this kind of thing. I was about to leave when I suddenly heard a hurried voice on the other end of Manager Wang's phone.

"Manager Wang, what's wrong?" I asked curiously.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"Oh, it's Mr. Zhang upstairs, and his family has been doing a bit a bit lately. Manager Wang smiled wryly and hung up the phone.

As soon as I heard this, I suddenly had some guesses in my mind. Mr. Zhang is our upstairs neighbor, and recently his marriage with his wife, Ms. Li, has been a hot topic on the entire floor. I think it might have something to do with them.

I decided to go upstairs to find out. When I came to Mr. Zhang's door, there was a sound of arguing inside. I hesitated, but knocked on the door.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

The door opened, and it was Mr. Zhang, who looked a little haggard. "Mr. Lin, what's the matter?" he asked.

I asked bluntly, "Mr. Zhang, is there anything special happening this afternoon?"

Mr. Zhang's face changed, and then he smiled bitterly, "Mr. Lin, have you heard something?"

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

I nodded, more convinced that it had something to do with their family.

Mr. Zhang sighed and dragged me into the house. Inside, Ms. Li was sitting on a sofa with red and swollen eyes, apparently having just cried. Seeing me, she stood a little embarrassed


A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"Mr. Lin, in fact, this is ......," Mr. Zhang began to narrate.

It turned out that Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li's marriage was in jeopardy. In the afternoon, the quarrel between the two escalated, and Ms. Li lost control of her emotions and accidentally threw the sanitary napkin out the window, which happened to hit the flower pot of Aunt Zhang and me.

When I heard this, I had mixed feelings. I understand their plight, but I also understand that this matter can't just be left at that. After all, it's not just me, but also Aunt Zhang's loss to consider.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"I see," I said, "but this matter needs a solution." What are you going to do?"

Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li looked at each other, apparently not thinking of a solution yet.

"Maybe we should talk to Aunt Zhang, explain the situation, and at the same time compensate her for her losses. "I propose.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

Mr. Zhang nodded, "Yes, we will do that." Thank you very much for your understanding, Mr. Lin. ”

Things seem to have been resolved for the time being, but the uneasiness in my heart has not completely dissipated. I left Mr. Zhang's home, silently thinking in my heart, this community, this home, everyone has their own stories and problems.

The next day, I went to Aunt Zhang to help Mr. Zhang explain what had happened. At the door of Aunt Zhang's house, several neighbors have gathered, and everyone is talking about this matter.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"Young man Lin, why are you here too?" asked Aunt Zhang.

I was just about to open my mouth when I heard a neighbor say, "Do you know? Last night, Mr. Zhang's house had another quarrel, and it seemed to be getting worse. ”

I was stunned, and I couldn't help but worry. I know that the couple's problems are far from simple.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

I explained the truth about the sanitary napkin incident to Aunt Zhang, and her face softened a little after hearing this.

"Hey, these days, who hasn't had a husband and wife quarrel. Aunt Zhang sighed, "Since it was an accident, forget it." However, the two of them still have to communicate well and don't make a big incident. ”

I nodded in agreement, but I thought to myself that maybe this was just the tip of the iceberg.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

A few days later, something was not right in the atmosphere. It turned out that the matter at Mr. Zhang's family became more and more intense, and even news of domestic violence came out. People in the community began to point fingers at the couple, and some even suggested property intervention.

I don't think I can stay out of it anymore. I decided to go upstairs again to see Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li.

When I knocked on their door, I noticed that Ms. Li had bruises in the corners of her eyes and she looked very tired. Mr. Zhang sat on the sidelines, looking sluggish.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"Ms. Li, what's wrong with you?" I asked with concern.

Ms. Li smiled bitterly, "It's nothing, I accidentally bumped into it." ”

I knew in my heart that this was not an ordinary impact. I turned to Mr. Zhang, "Mr. Zhang, you guys are ......."

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

Mr. Zhang was silent for a while, and then whispered: "Mr. Lin, I know you mean well, but this is our family's business,

We'll figure it out ourselves. ”

I looked at them and knew in my heart that it was really difficult for outsiders to interfere in this kind of thing, but I couldn't help but say, "If you need help, I'm willing to do my best." ”

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

They nodded, and I left.

A few days later, another incident occurred in the community. Mr. Zhang suddenly disappeared. The news spread like the wind through the community, and everyone was speculating about what was happening.

Ms. Li was clearly in a state of great anxiety and panic. When I visited her at home, she looked emaciated and had a deep helplessness in her eyes.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"Mr. Lin, I really don't know where he went. She was almost crying, "After we had a fight, he went out and never came back." ”

I reassured her, "Maybe he just needs some time to calm down." ”

But my words didn't seem to bring her much comfort. I began to worry about Mr. Zhang's safety, and at the same time, I was worried that this incident would cause irreversible damage to their marriage.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

In the following days, the atmosphere in the neighborhood became even more tense. Everyone was talking about Mr. Zhang's disappearance, and some people even started to make up all kinds of bizarre theories.

I tried to stay sane while trying to contact Mr. Zhang, but his phone kept turning off. I also asked some neighbors and friends who might know the situation, but I didn't get any valid information.

Just when everyone was anxious about Mr. Zhang's disappearance, someone suddenly sent a message in the community group saying that Mr. Zhang had been found.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

I hurried to the scene and saw Mr. Zhang sitting on a park bench with a sluggish expression and a few worried neighbors standing next to him.

I walked over and asked softly, "Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

He looked up at me, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes, "Mr. Lin, I'...... I don't know what I'm doing. ”

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

I sat next to him and comforted him softly, "It's okay, everything will be fine." ”

While we were talking, Ms. Li also arrived. When she saw Mr. Zhang, tears immediately burst out of her eyes. She ran over and hugged Mr. Zhang tightly.

"I thought I would never see you again. She cried.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

Mr. Zhang looked at her, and his eyes were full of tears. "I don't want to leave you either, I'm just...... I don't know. ”

Watching them hug each other tightly, I understood that no matter how difficult their marriage was, the love between them still existed. Perhaps, this event could be an opportunity for them to start anew.

In the days that followed, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li began to try to solve their problems. They went to marriage counseling and tried to regain their understanding and trust in each other.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

The people in the community gradually stopped talking about them, and life returned to peace. And I learned a lot from it. In life, everyone may face difficulties, but as long as there is love and hope, there will always be a way to solve problems.

Over time, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Lee's relationship seems to have improved significantly. They began to participate in community activities together and occasionally go for walks together. I looked at them and felt a hint of relief. But I also know in my heart that repairing a marriage is far more complicated than it seems.

One evening, while I was walking in the community garden, I happened to meet Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li, who were walking together. They looked much more relaxed than before.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"Mr. Lin, do you have time to have a cup of tea together?" Mr. Zhang invited.

I gladly accepted their invitation. We sat in a small teahouse and talked about life, work, and all kinds of interesting things about the community. The atmosphere is warm and relaxed.

In the tea room, Mr. Zhang suddenly became serious. "Mr. Lin, we actually want to ask you something. ”

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

I looked at him curiously and nodded my head to say please.

"We want a child. Ms. Li interjected, with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

I was slightly surprised, then smiled. "That's good news. ”

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"Yes," Mr. Zhang continued, "but we are also worried about the previous problems...... If it is repeated, it is not good for the child. ”

I pondered for a moment, then said seriously: "Nothing is perfect in life, including marriage and family. It is important that you learn to face problems together and grow together. Children bring a lot of joy, but there are also challenges. As long as you insist on communication and understanding, I believe you will be good parents. ”

They listened to me and looked at each other with warmth and determination in their eyes.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"Thank you, Mr. Lin. Your words give us a lot of confidence. Ms. Li said gratefully.

We talked for a long time until it was getting late. I left with hope in my heart. I believe that Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li will be able to overcome the difficulties and build a happy family.

A few months later, I saw the happy news on the bulletin board of the community that Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li were about to welcome their first child. The news sent the entire community to a state of joy.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

People in the community began to talk about putting together a celebration for them. I also participated in the organization and hoped to bring them a special blessing.

On the day of the celebration, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Li were smiling. Ms. Li's belly was already slightly bulging, and her eyes flashed with the tenderness and happiness that are unique to her mother.

"Mr. Lin, thank you so much. Mr. Zhang said to me at the meeting.

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

"No need to thank me," I replied, "it's your own effort and persistence. ”

At the celebration, neighbors sent blessings and gifts. Everyone sat around and shared happiness and warmth.

At that moment, I felt that the community is not just a place to live, but also a big family full of love and support. everyone

A sanitary napkin fell upstairs and smashed on the man's head, causing a bloody case and the man was sentenced

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!

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