
The woman did not change the sanitary napkin in time after 40 hours on the train and was sent to the hospital for infection and needed surgery


Dear netizens, Tudou is here to talk about a very exciting but alarming true story. Our protagonist is called Xiao Fang, and this lady has to go through an unexpected and painful adventure because of a business trip back - a 40-hour rail trip. Think about it, in the rickety carriage of the train, you have to be careful not to steal your wallet and mobile phone at all times, especially when there are crowds of people and noise everywhere, our Xiaofang is under this pressure, coupled with the discomfort of menstruation, she has to endure the torment of not changing sanitary napkins for 40 hours.

The woman did not change the sanitary napkin in time after 40 hours on the train and was sent to the hospital for infection and needed surgery

Unfortunately, in the days after returning home, Xiao Fang's condition took a turn for the worse, and the pain in his lower body was so unbearable that he couldn't walk. You say it's a big move, in life, this trick is really unwise. When the doctor checked, it turned out to be "Bartholin's gland abscess" - it was scary to hear the name. The doctor said that the long-term hot and humid environment was like a hotbed, where bacteria were carnivaling, and as a result, poor Xiao Fang had to take a reluctant "express train" on the operating table.

The story is like this, but what Tudou wants us to face is actually those small daily habits hiding behind the scenes, and the big problems that may be caused by this. What should we do as ordinary people? Adhering to the principle of never losing a big result of a small thing, no matter how busy or tired you are, you must not be sloppy in personal hygiene. And Xiao Fang, the price of her lesson is inevitably too great. Here, Tudou wants to say that changing sanitary napkins is not a hassle, it is about your health at a critical moment.

The woman did not change the sanitary napkin in time after 40 hours on the train and was sent to the hospital for infection and needed surgery

After all, reminders are reminders, we always have to start with numbers. Do you know? According to one statistic, women change their sanitary napkins at least 15 times during a menstrual period. It's a small amount, but negligence can lead to big problems – isn't that an example of our small side.

"40 hours", this number, like a brand, reminds us of this insurmountable time and space boundary between us and sanitary napkins. Tudou thought that cases like Xiao Fang's are rare in all travels, but every time it happens, it is a violent blow to our alarm bells. You think, dozens of hours of train travel, not everyone can foresee what will happen in it. But think about it from another angle, isn't it the sense of urgency brought about by these unforeseen things that prompts us to reflect on how we can take care of ourselves?

The woman did not change the sanitary napkin in time after 40 hours on the train and was sent to the hospital for infection and needed surgery

So, it's not just a story about travel and hygiene. It's a wake-up call that health and safety should always come first, no matter where we are. Yes, even if you are in a crowded green car, you should not ignore your own needs and desires.

Let's talk about this today, I hope the words of potatoes can make you remember: in this hustle and bustle of the world, don't forget to give yourself a little gentle care. Remember, a sanitary napkin is not a mat, it needs to be changed regularly, don't let it become a catalyst for illness. Next time, let's talk about a lighter topic, so stay tuned!

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