
In winter, don't be soft when you encounter it, the whole body is a treasure, buy 20 pounds at a time and stock it up, eat it and take it!

author:Old black food sharing

In winter, people's taste buds also begin to expect warmth and deliciousness. In this season, there is a vegetable that has become the "fragrant bait" on people's tables, and the whole body is a treasure, and it is mustard greens. Mustard greens are not only delicious, but also rich in nutritional value, and are known as the "treasure vegetables" in winter.

In winter, don't be soft when you encounter it, the whole body is a treasure, buy 20 pounds at a time and stock it up, eat it and take it!

In winter, buy 20 catties at a time and stock them up, and take them as you eat, which is very convenient. Let's take a look at the details of how to make this dish!

【Pickled mustard greens】

In winter, don't be soft when you encounter it, the whole body is a treasure, buy 20 pounds at a time and stock it up, eat it and take it!

Ingredients: mustard greens, salt, sugar, liquor


1. Cut and wash the mustard leaves and hang them upside down on a drying rack for a day until they are completely dried of moisture on their surface.

2. Rub the dried mustard greens into thin strips with a cutting board, and then cut the remaining mustard leaves into 3 cm long sections.

3. Put the rubbed mustard shreds and cut mustard stalks into a large basin together, add an appropriate amount of salt, and rub vigorously with both hands, about 20 minutes, the mustard shreds and mustard stalks will become soft, and the juice can be squeezed out by squeezing hard.

4. Knead the mustard shreds until they become soft into a waterless and oil-free jar, sprinkle a layer of salt on each layer of mustard shreds, pickled mustard greens are not afraid of adding more salt, soak and clean them when you eat them, and the taste will be reduced a lot.

5. After all the mustard shreds are put into the jar, then pour the marinated juice together, and finally sprinkle another layer of salt on top to cover the top, then cover the lid, put it in a cool place and store it, and you can eat it after two weeks.

In winter, don't be soft when you encounter it, the whole body is a treasure, buy 20 pounds at a time and stock it up, eat it and take it!


1. When cleaning mustard greens, the soil and other impurities on the surface should be cleaned, and the soil in the cracks can be cut off with an iron wipe or knife.

2. Before pickling, the mustard greens should be dried to dry the moisture on their surface, which can prolong the preservation time.

3. When kneading the mustard shreds, rub them vigorously until the mustard shreds are soft and able to squeeze out the juice.

4. When canning, put the shredded mustard greens into the jar layer by layer and sprinkle the appropriate amount of salt between each layer.

5. During the marinating process, it is necessary to ensure a water-free and oil-free environment, which can avoid the breeding of bacteria and the deterioration of food.

【Stir-fried mustard greens with mushroom vegetarian mushroom】

In winter, don't be soft when you encounter it, the whole body is a treasure, buy 20 pounds at a time and stock it up, eat it and take it!

Ingredients: mustard greens, fresh shiitake mushrooms, garlic, salt, vegetable oil, chili peppers


1. Break the mustard greens into pieces, soak them in water and wash them, then take them out and drain the water;

2. Boil water in a hot pot, add an appropriate amount of salt and vegetable oil after the water boils, then add mustard greens to blanch for about two minutes, then turn off the heat, and then take out the cold water and put it in the basin for later use.

3. Remove the water from the mustard greens that are not hot and cut them into small pieces, cut the fresh shiitake mushrooms into large slices with an oblique knife, peel and slice the garlic, clean the chili peppers and cut them into sections, and set aside.

4. Heat the oil in a hot pan, put the chili pepper and garlic slices in it and fry it to get fragrant, then add the fresh mushroom slices and stir-fry evenly.

5. Stir-fry the fresh shiitake mushrooms for a while to make the soup, wait for the soup to dry again, add mustard greens and stir-fry.

6. Add an appropriate amount of salt to the pot and stir-fry evenly, then you can put it out of the pot and serve it on a plate.

In winter, don't be soft when you encounter it, the whole body is a treasure, buy 20 pounds at a time and stock it up, eat it and take it!


1. When blanching mustard greens, add a little salt and oil to the water to keep the mustard greens emerald green and enhance the taste at the same time.

2. After cooling, the mustard greens should be squeezed out of the water, so that the fried dishes taste better.

3. Cut the shiitake mushrooms into large slices with an oblique knife, so that they can better absorb the flavor of the seasoning when stir-frying.

4. When stir-frying, first fry dried chili peppers and garlic slices, and then add shiitake mushroom slices and stir-fry, which can better stimulate the fragrance of shiitake mushrooms.

5. Finally, when adding mustard greens and stir-frying, do not fry for too long, so as not to overripe mustard greens and affect the taste.

In winter, don't be soft when you encounter it, the whole body is a treasure, buy 20 pounds at a time and stock it up, eat it and take it!

In this cold winter, let's enjoy the delicious and nutritious mustard greens, which not only satisfy our taste buds, but also provide sufficient energy and nutrients for the body. Buying 20 pounds at a time and hoarding them and taking them as you eat is really a trouble-free and healthy lifestyle. Let's discover the winter food with the editor every day!