
The Philippine foreign minister took the initiative to call to cool down, and our foreign minister picked it up and said eight words, and the South China Sea set the tone for counterattack

author:Agile Evening Breeze HxK

Title: Tensions between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea Rise, China Sticks to a Strategy of Combining Legal Rights Protection and Diplomacy

The Philippine foreign minister took the initiative to call to cool down, and our foreign minister picked it up and said eight words, and the South China Sea set the tone for counterattack

In the recent turmoil in the South China Sea, the relationship between China and the Philippines has once again become the focus of attention on the international stage due to the dispute over the sovereignty of the islands. Despite a series of provocative actions by the Philippines, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken a firm stance and reaffirmed that it will safeguard its maritime rights and interests in accordance with the law and resolve differences through diplomatic channels.

The Philippine foreign minister took the initiative to call to cool down, and our foreign minister picked it up and said eight words, and the South China Sea set the tone for counterattack

It is reported that at a regular press conference, in response to the recent actions of the Philippine side on the South China Sea issue, Foreign Minister Wang Yi responded with a concise and powerful eight-character motto: "Be bold and fearless. The brief but strong statement underscores China's firm determination to safeguard its territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests.

The Philippine foreign minister took the initiative to call to cool down, and our foreign minister picked it up and said eight words, and the South China Sea set the tone for counterattack

China has always stressed that its activities in the South China Sea are in full compliance with international law and domestic law. The patrols of Chinese coast guard vessels are seen as a sign of legitimacy to assert sovereignty and guard against potential risks. At the same time, the author of the article pointed out that China is willing to defuse tensions through peaceful dialogue and cooperation, but this needs to be based on mutual respect and consultation on an equal footing.

The Philippine foreign minister took the initiative to call to cool down, and our foreign minister picked it up and said eight words, and the South China Sea set the tone for counterattack

In addition, while warning the Philippine side not to misjudge the situation, the article also did not forget to warn external forces, including the United States. The author alludes to the attempts of some countries to exploit regional disputes to achieve their strategic goals, and warns that such an approach will only lead to damage to regional stability.

It is worth noting that the essay enhances its persuasiveness through the use of exaggerated rhetorical devices. For example, the description of the "Shandong ship heading south" not only conveys the actual dynamics, but also metaphorically alludes to China's military strength and determination to advance in tandem.

In conclusion, in the current complex and volatile international environment, China has demonstrated a strategy that is both resilient and flexible. On the one hand, we will insist on legal means to protect our interests from infringement, and on the other hand, we will strive to reduce tensions through diplomatic means and seek a win-win outcome. This strategy reflects China's steady, pragmatic approach to dealing with regional disputes.

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