
The cost of medical insurance has risen again, triggering a wave of payment cuts? Don't be impulsive! Teach you how to use medical insurance in the most cost-effective way

author:Consumer Digest

Recently, there has been a news spread on the Internet: 40 million people will choose to give up medical insurance payment in 2022, which may be a huge temptation for those who have paid for a long time but rarely use medical insurance.

However, why do the cost of medical insurance continue to rise? In fact, how many people really choose to stop paying? For ordinary people, should we continue to pay medical insurance? In the face of various questions, let us sort out and answer them one by one.

The cost of medical insurance has risen again, triggering a wave of payment cuts? Don't be impulsive! Teach you how to use medical insurance in the most cost-effective way

1. Why is the price of medical insurance always rising, and are there really 40 million people who have stopped paying their premiums?

First of all, we would like to clarify the issue of the decrease in the number of people enrolled in health insurance. Recently, there are rumors on the Internet that 40 million people will give up their health insurance contributions this year. However, is this really the case?

According to the National Health Insurance Administration, 134592 million people participated in basic medical insurance in mainland China in 2022, and 136297 million in 2021, with an overall participation rate of about 95%. It can be seen that the number of insured people in 2022 will only decrease by 17.05 million compared with 2021, far lower than the 40 million reported online. Therefore, the situation of disconnection is not as serious as rumored on the Internet.

So why are health care costs still rising?

There are three main reasons.

First of all, the increase in prices has directly led to an increase in medical costs. From 2012 to 2022, consumer prices in the mainland have maintained an increase of about 2% for ten consecutive years, and the wage level has also risen by about 2.95 times in the same period.

Second, with the aging of society and the increase of chronic diseases, medical insurance expenditures are getting higher and higher. The health insurance fund needs to balance income and expenditure in order to maintain sustainable operation.

Finally, the scope of medical insurance is gradually expanding, and compared with the original new type of rural cooperative medical insurance, today's medical insurance includes more drugs and treatments, and requires more funds.

The cost of medical insurance has risen again, triggering a wave of payment cuts? Don't be impulsive! Teach you how to use medical insurance in the most cost-effective way

Second, the importance of medical insurance and the use of skills

While it's true that the cost of health care is rising, that doesn't mean we should give it up. Medical insurance is not an investment, but a social system that protects life and health.

Whether it is employee medical insurance or urban and rural residents' medical insurance, its original intention is to reduce the economic pressure of the public in the face of sudden diseases, so that everyone can get timely treatment when the disease comes.

In the process of using health insurance, we can use the following tips to save money more effectively.

First of all, choose a medical service provider designated by medical insurance. The so-called designated medical service organization is a hospital or clinic that has signed a contract with a medical insurance unit and can provide services to the insured.

When selecting these designated institutions, we need to comprehensively consider factors such as the level of medical institutions, the quality of care, the level of service and their geographical location, etc., to choose the most suitable service organization for us.

This not only makes medical care easier and faster, but also helps to reduce the cost of treatment.

The cost of medical insurance has risen again, triggering a wave of payment cuts? Don't be impulsive! Teach you how to use medical insurance in the most cost-effective way

Next, for minor illnesses and discomforts, a community hospital is a good option. These small community hospitals often have the advantages of low payment thresholds, high reimbursement ratios, and fewer queues, which can save us a lot of time and money.

In addition, the doctors in community hospitals usually have a lot of clinical experience and can provide us with prompt and effective medical services.

Finally, if you need to seek medical treatment across regions, it is absolutely a key part to apply for medical insurance for medical treatment in other places. For patients who plan to leave the local area for medical treatment, they must complete the filing of medical insurance for medical treatment in other places in advance to ensure that they can obtain the relevant benefits of medical insurance.

If you do not file for the record, you may face a reduction in the reimbursement ratio or even no reimbursement. The filing of medical treatment in other places can be completed through the national medical insurance service platform or the medical insurance management agency in the place of insurance.

3. Risks and misunderstandings of impulsive payment

In the face of rising health insurance costs, some people may impulsively choose to stop paying health insurance, but this behavior actually carries a lot of risks. If you get sick or injured during the period of disconnection, you will not be able to receive financial assistance from health insurance, which will cause financial stress.

The cost of medical insurance has risen again, triggering a wave of payment cuts? Don't be impulsive! Teach you how to use medical insurance in the most cost-effective way

At the same time, in addition, the number of years of medical insurance payment has an important impact on future medical reimbursement and retirement benefits, and the interruption of payment will lead to the interruption of the individual's insurance period, which may affect the future medical security rights.

Therefore, we need to look at the issue of medical insurance price increases rationally and not be misled by some online remarks.

Write at the end

Summary: Medical insurance is the most economical and affordable guarantee in the lives of ordinary people. Even in the tide of price increases, we still have to understand and adhere to the principles of medical insurance. After all, who can guarantee that they will never get sick for the rest of their lives?

Whether it is for yourself or your family, medical insurance is the best protection. Therefore, we should pay enough attention to it and use it rationally, rather than blindly cutting it off.