
Elbow Hu Mingxuan! Kick Zhao Jiwei! Dig out Zhang Zhaoxu! Is this little foreign aid really no one cares?

author:To the late 1

Hello everyone, today I would like to talk to you about some of the "dark moments" that have happened in basketball recently. Do you still remember the little foreign aid who elbowed Hu Mingxuan, kicked Zhao Jiwei, and pulled Zhang Zhaoxu? Yes, they are the ones who have made the court even more hot.

First, let's review the scene where Hu Mingxuan was elbowed. The whole scene happened so fast that no one had time to react. Hu Mingxuan squeezed into the restricted area to grab a rebound, and suddenly felt a huge pain. The referee failed to detect this malicious act, allowing this little foreign aid to get away with it. It's really sad!

Elbow Hu Mingxuan! Kick Zhao Jiwei! Dig out Zhang Zhaoxu! Is this little foreign aid really no one cares?

Next, let's take a look at the kicking incident that Zhao Jiwei was subjected to. It was a fierce match, and Zhao Jiwei was defending his opponent with all his might, when suddenly, he felt a sharp pain coming from behind him. It turned out that the little foreign aid kicked him hard with his foot. Zhao Jiwei immediately fell to the ground, covering his body in pain. Unfortunately, the referee once again turned a blind eye and allowed this bad behavior to continue.

Finally, let's talk about the scene where Zhang Zhaoxu was pulled out of his crotch. It was a memorable scene in the game. Zhang Zhaoxu was about to jump, when he suddenly felt a hand go deep into his crotch. He instantly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground. But the referee still turned a blind eye to this egregious behavior. The little foreign aid left the scene triumphantly, as if no one would care about him.

Elbow Hu Mingxuan! Kick Zhao Jiwei! Dig out Zhang Zhaoxu! Is this little foreign aid really no one cares?

The bad behavior of this little foreign player has sparked anger and dissatisfaction among the fans. People began to question the level of refereeing and the level of protection of the players in the league. These actions not only undermine the dignity of the players, but also affect the fairness of the game. Is there really no one who can restrain this little foreign aid?

As basketball lovers, we should demand a higher standard of sportsmanship and not allow such bad behavior to continue to happen. Referees should strengthen the supervision of the game, and resolutely punish malicious fouls and malicious behaviors, and not allow these behaviors to be lawless.

Elbow Hu Mingxuan! Kick Zhao Jiwei! Dig out Zhang Zhaoxu! Is this little foreign aid really no one cares?

In the next games, we look forward to witnessing more intense and exciting confrontations, and we also look forward to seeing the friendship and respect between the players. Basketball is a wonderful sport, and it should show the style of top-level competition, not malice and harm.

Hopefully, in the future, we will be able to see more of the best moments and not these infuriating dark moments. It is believed that as long as the voice of the fans is loud enough, the league side and the referees will pay more attention to the safety of the players and the fairness of the game. Let's work together to cheer on the game we love!

Elbow Hu Mingxuan! Kick Zhao Jiwei! Dig out Zhang Zhaoxu! Is this little foreign aid really no one cares?

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