
Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

author:Sima Lance


Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 2005 with the words "Transforming Independence and Gradual Unification, Comprehensively Revitalizing China" in his urn. This phrase has caused people to speculate and ask: what does this mean, and why is there such a word?

As time goes on, more and more evidence suggests that this phrase is not a simple eulogy, but hides an important secret. So, what is this secret? The story also begins with Mr. Ma Heling's life experience......

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

1. In 1987, it was difficult to return home

In 1987, Taiwan's political situation underwent important changes, and a landmark event occurred - Taiwan opened the channel to the mainland to visit relatives. This move has given many families separated from each other hope of reunion that they have not seen for a long time. In the streets and alleys, people are talking about it, and visiting relatives has become a hot topic.

However, for Ma Heling, although the news is exciting, it also brings a touch of sadness. As a high-ranking Kuomintang official who had important influence on the mainland, Ma Heling's status made it impossible for him to leave for the mainland immediately during this sensitive period. He stood on the balcony of his home, looking into the distance, and his heart was full of longing and expectation for his hometown.

Ma Heling knew in his heart that what he was looking forward to was not just a simple trip to visit relatives, but also a day when cross-strait relations would be fully opened up and reconciled. He hopes that one day he will be able to return to his hometown without any obstacles, see the changes in that land with his own eyes, and feel the vigorous development of the motherland.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

In this anticipation, Ma Heling did not stop his work. Despite his advanced age, he still pays close attention to the political developments on both sides of the strait and hopes to make a contribution to promoting the improvement of cross-strait relations. He often reads newspapers and listens to the radio in his study at home to keep abreast of the latest situation on the mainland.

Ma Ying-jeou looked at his father, his heart full of admiration. He knew that his father's heart had always been concerned about the mainland and the future of the two sides of the strait. Ma Ying-jeou often stayed with his father, listening to his memories of the mainland and his vision for the future. "Father, I believe that one day your wish will come true. Ma Ying-jeou encouraged his father.

Ma Heling smiled and nodded, his eyes shining with hope. With the passage of time, cross-strait relations have gradually developed in a new way. Although Ma Heling was temporarily unable to go to the mainland due to identity issues, he learned about the great changes in the mainland of the motherland through various channels.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

Whenever he heard about the mainland's new achievements, a sense of pride swelled up in his heart. Ma Ying-jeou is becoming more mature in the political arena, and he is also working hard to promote the improvement of cross-strait relations. In public, he often expressed his hope for strengthening cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, hoping that one day his father's wish would be realized.

Ma Heling's later years, although there were some regrets, he saw hope. He knows that with the passage of time, there will eventually be a breakthrough in cross-strait relations and his wish will eventually come true.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

2. After a 50-year absence, I will finally return to the mainland

In 1995, Ma Heling's life journey was about to enter its last decade. This year is of great significance to him, because he finally has the opportunity to return to his long-lost homeland on the mainland. As the plane slowly descended and passed through the clouds, it was the first time in 50 years that you could see your hometown up close.

At that moment, all thoughts and emotions converged into tears and silently slid down Ma Heling's cheeks. After the plane landed, Ma Heling stepped out of the cabin door and took a deep breath of the air of his homeland, which was the smell he had longed for for fifty years. He stepped on the land, lowered his head, and gently stroked every inch of the ground under his feet, every blade of grass, every little tree.

These ordinary scenes have an extraordinary meaning to him, they carry half of his life's memories and endless thoughts. Ma Heling's itinerary in the mainland is full of emotions and thoughts. He visited many cities and saw the earth-shaking changes and development of the motherland. Each new scene shocked him and deepened his desire for the cause of the motherland's reunification.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

He did not stop at mere memories and feelings. Ma Heling began to actively campaign for the cause of the reunification of the motherland. He believed that only through the reunification of the two sides of the strait can the common prosperity of the entire Chinese nation be realized. As a result, he began to visit well-known scholars, experts, and influential democrats on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

During the meeting, he sincerely shared his insights and vision, and called on everyone to work together for this great goal. Ma hopes to form a cross-strait group focused on promoting the reunification of the motherland and the return of Taiwan. In his exchanges with people from all walks of life, his sincerity and passion have infected many people.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

They were moved by Ma Heling's deep desire for peaceful reunification, and they expressed their willingness to make joint efforts to contribute their strength to the realization of peaceful reunification between the two sides of the strait. The establishment of this group marked an important milestone in Ma Heling's later life. He is no longer a mere homesick, but has become an active participant and advocate in promoting the development of cross-strait relations.

Despite his advanced age, his spirit is still vigorous, and his actions and remarks have had a wide impact on both sides of the strait. In the years that followed, Ma Heling continued to travel between the two sides of the strait, participating in various meetings and activities. His efforts have promoted understanding and exchanges between the two sides of the strait, and have also made important contributions to the improvement and development of cross-strait relations.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

3. Inheritance and mission: Maintain the principle of one China

In the last moments of Ma Heling's life, his persistent thoughts and beliefs remained clear and firm. In a hospital ward in Taipei, Ma Heling was lying on the bed, although his face was pale, his eyes still revealed deep persistence and faith. Ma Ying-jeou sat on the edge of the bed, holding his father's hand, feeling the warmth and strength that came through his skin.

Ma Heling said to his son in a weak but firm voice: "Yingjiu, we must 'turn independence into unification', this is our responsibility, and it is also my life's pursuit. Ma Ying-jeou stared at his father and nodded in response: "Dad, I understand your will, and I will continue to work hard." "This is a deep and unwavering commitment between father and son, and it is a mission inheritance that transcends the ages.

Ma Heling has traveled a long road from Xiangtan in Hunan to Chongqing and then from Chongqing to Taiwan in his life. Every step embodies his deep affection and loyalty to his motherland. Although he experienced turbulent times, he always maintained a firm belief in the reunification of the motherland in his heart. In his heart, no matter where he is, he is an authentic Chinese.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

During his years in Taiwan, Ma Heling was not deceived by power and status, and he always adhered to his beliefs and principles. He actively participated in cross-strait exchanges and hoped that through his own efforts, he would promote cross-strait reconciliation and integration. He exchanged views with scholars and politicians from the mainland, promoted cultural and economic cooperation between the two sides of the strait, and did his best to narrow the gap between the people on both sides of the strait.

Despite the complex political environment, Ma Heling never gave up on his ideals. He believes that only through sustained communication and understanding can the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait be gradually realized. His persistence has not only won the respect of many people, but has also had a far-reaching impact on the development of cross-strait relations.

After Ma Heling's death, his urn was engraved with the words "Turning independence into gradual reunification, rejuvenating China in an all-round way, and working together to help the strong and the weak, and marching together towards great harmony." This is not only a summary of his lifelong beliefs, but also an expectation and sustenance for the future of cross-strait relations. Ma Heling's last wish has become an eternal guide in Ma Ying-jeou's heart.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

After the death of his father, Ma Ying-jeou felt more deeply the responsibility on his shoulders. He worked hard to fulfill his father's last wish in the political arena and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. During his term of office, remarkable progress has been made in cross-strait relations, exchanges and cooperation have deepened day by day, and the feelings of the people on both sides of the strait have become closer and closer.

Ma Ying-jeou is well aware that the development of cross-strait relations cannot be achieved overnight, and it requires long-term efforts and persistence. He stressed the importance of cross-strait peace on various public occasions and called on both sides of the strait to make joint efforts to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

Fourth, Taiwan's political arena

After Ma Heling's death, there have been new changes in Taiwan's political scene. The development of cross-strait relations has become the focus of discussion among many politicians. Some of Taiwan's leading political figures began to make statements one after another, calling on the two sides of the strait to continue to maintain a peaceful situation and expressing their hopes for future reunification.

At an important public event, several important political figures in Taiwan gathered. The atmosphere in the conference room was tense and serious. A veteran politician stood up, his voice calm and powerful: "We all know that cross-strait peace is not only the aspiration of our generation, but also the inevitable trend of history. We have to work towards it. ”

Another politician took over the conversation with a firm tone: "We should inherit the aspirations of patriots of the older generation like Ma Heling, not only to maintain the existing peaceful situation, but also to strive for future reunification." There was a whispered discussion in the room, and many people's eyes flashed with thought.

Ma Ying-jeou's father, Ma Heling, died in 05, and the urn was inscribed: Transform independence and gradually reunify, and comprehensively revitalize China

In Taiwanese society, the topic of cross-strait relations has always been sensitive and complicated. Some people support continuing to promote cross-strait peace and cooperation, while others have reservations. However, Ma Heling's efforts and wishes, as well as Ma Ying-jeou's contribution to cross-strait relations during his tenure, provide an important reference for this discussion.

In addition, the development of cross-strait relations has also attracted the attention of the international community. Countries around the world have expressed the hope that the two sides of the strait can develop peacefully and achieve ultimate reunification. Many international political analysts believe that cross-strait reunification is not only an internal affair of China, but also an important factor in maintaining stability in the Asia-Pacific region and even the world.

In Taiwan, after Ma Ying-jeou left office, he continued to actively participate in discussions and activities related to cross-strait relations. In a speech, he said: "The peaceful development of cross-strait relations is the responsibility of our generation. We must not live up to the expectations of our forefathers, let alone ignore the trend of history. ”


  1. Tang Congyi, Ma Heling, the father of Ma Ying-jeou whom I know[J].Archives Spring and Autumn,2014(2):57-59

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