
Wang Yang: Although I have a relationship with Jiang Xin, I will not disappoint Gauss who has been waiting for me for 6 years for the rest of my life!

author:Cute Entertainment said

Foreword: Recently, an actor named Wang Yang has become the object of heated discussion among many audiences, not because of the film and television works he starred in, but because of his emotional entanglement with his ex-girlfriend Jiang Xin.

originally thought that this relationship would always be buried in his heart, but he didn't want to be dug up by netizens, so he fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Speaking of Wang Yang, he is a late bloomer in the entertainment industry, and it was not until he got married and had children that his career ushered in a hint of improvement.

And Gauss, who can marry him, is simply a well-deserved representative of "Wangfu", which wife can help her husband pick a script while having children?

Perhaps it is precisely because of Gauss's help that Wang Yang has today's achievements.

At the beginning, the relationship between him and Jiang Xin was not noticed by the outside world, and it was not until they separated that they were talked about by countless netizens.

Wang Yang: Although I have a relationship with Jiang Xin, I will not disappoint Gauss who has been waiting for me for 6 years for the rest of my life!

01. A love story with Jiang Xin

In the entertainment industry, emotional matters have always been confusing, and the love between him and Jiang Xin is full of ups and downs and regrets.

At that time, Wang Yang and Jiang Xin were still in the initial stage of their careers, although they were not too famous, but they were full of enthusiasm and dreams.

The two met not because they starred in the same film and television drama, but because of each other's dedication to acting, so they got acquainted with each other.

At the beginning, their way of getting along was also very low-key, no matter what the occasion, they would not disclose their relationship, for fear of being affected by the eyes of the outside world.

When they are together, they will accompany and encourage each other, and when they are separated, they will silently cheer for each other, because of work, the two do not spend a lot of time together.

Until one day, they decided to end the relationship, after all, the most important thing now is their respective careers.

After separation, their lives don't seem to have been affected too much, and they will not be absent when they should fight, but the regret in their hearts can never be erased.

And after his parents learned about this, they were simply overjoyed, they thought that their son would choose to get back together with Jiang Xin, but they didn't expect him to choose to get married.

No matter who she is, when she encounters such a thing, she will feel a little resentful and unwilling, especially when she knows that the object of her marriage is actually Gauss.

In desperation, she could only choose to accept this reality, after all, emotional matters are far-fetched, and I also wish Wang Yang to be happy.

Wang Yang: Although I have a relationship with Jiang Xin, I will not disappoint Gauss who has been waiting for me for 6 years for the rest of my life!

02. Married life with Gauss

Although there is no connection between Wang Yang and his ex-girlfriend Jiang Xin now, this does not prevent their relationship from being discussed by the outside world.

In addition, Jiang Xin is also successful in her career and happy family, which makes many netizens feel a little pity, which is why there are countless speculations and conjectures now.

After his wife became pregnant, Wang Yang did not choose to continue his work, but temporarily put down everything and stayed by her side.

It was at this time that he truly realized that family is the most important thing, no matter how brilliant his career is, what is the point if the people in his family are not around?

It is not so much that he married a "wangfu" wife, but that it is because of the ties of this family that he has greater motivation and courage.

No matter what kind of script it is, his wife will consider it carefully for him, and only if it is really suitable for him, can he promise it.

It is precisely because of the support and help of his wife that his career has improved a little, and when he is really popular, he also brings a happy life to his wife and daughter.

Wang Yang: Although I have a relationship with Jiang Xin, I will not disappoint Gauss who has been waiting for me for 6 years for the rest of my life!

Conclusion: From the past to the present, whether it is the previous relationship with Jiang Xin or the marriage with his current wife, Wang Yang's life always seems to be indispensable to all kinds of emotional entanglements.

No matter what the outside world thinks of him, he will go with the flow, as he should be, and we should give him more encouragement and support.

Wang Yang: Although I have a relationship with Jiang Xin, I will not disappoint Gauss who has been waiting for me for 6 years for the rest of my life!

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