
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has determined that the new model is coming, and there is no need to fight!

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has determined that the new model is coming, and there is no need to fight!

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has determined that the new model is coming, and there is no need to fight!

In the current harsh environment, ordinary people not only have no access to investment channels, but it has also become very difficult to even keep the money in their pockets.

As you can see, in the past week, the deposit interest rate has dropped again, and the big A has also started a 2900-point defense battle, which can be said to be a dangerous signal, which means that the investment can not make money, and it is possible to lose all the principal. Under the cold wind, consumption downgrading should be the choice of most people.

But the only thing I don't understand is the property market, which says that fewer and fewer people are buying houses, and housing prices in many cities have also fallen.

For example, the leader of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that from January to November this year, although the transaction of new houses decreased year-on-year, the transaction of second-hand houses increased by more than 40% year-on-year.

Another example is the city data released by the agency, and the second-hand housing transactions are all supported. In Nanjing, the second-hand transactions by December 20 have exceeded 96,800 units, which is about the same as the high point of the property market in 2021;

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has determined that the new model is coming, and there is no need to fight!

In Hangzhou, the city's second-hand housing transactions in November increased by 40.79% month-on-month, up 54.29% over the same period last year, a new high in the same period in the past three years. In addition, the number of second-hand residential online signatures in Guangzhou increased by 83.69% year-on-year in November, exceeding 10,000 cases again after half a year.

In addition, second-hand housing transactions in many hot cities across the country have a trend of further improvement.

Fang Shuojun constantly emphasizes that it is difficult to sell houses, which is the current situation in all cities, and why the second-hand housing market has come out of a completely different market, the reason is actually simple and straightforward:

Price for volume.

Adapt to the situation and sell the house at a lower price, which is the best way for real estate companies and second-hand house owners at the moment. But it is also a reduction in housing prices, firstly, the new house is not as casual as the second-hand house, not only the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau has to re-file, in case the drop is too ruthless, the old owner backhanded a complaint, and the developer will lose more than he gains.

Take a real estate project in Chengdu as an example, the price of the project certificate is 15,000 yuan/square meter, and now it is sold at 9,000 yuan/square meter.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has determined that the new model is coming, and there is no need to fight!

Moreover, in the environment of continuous clearing of real estate companies, buying a new house is like opening a blind box, and the uncertainty is too great.

The adjustment of second-hand housing is much more flexible, not only paying with one hand and delivering with the other, but also reducing the price faster, so we have seen that the second-hand housing transactions in many cities are rising, and behind this, it is the result of countless owners who have reduced prices and compromised.

In a word, when the price adjustment is in place, the first to move are those buyers who were originally waiting and seeing. I think this is why the official says that the demand for housing has not shrunk significantly.

At the same time, it also made me see the hidden property market situation - real estate development is not the barbaric pattern of "both volume and price" in the past, but a more people-friendly low-price route. The emergence of this situation means that the development trend is different from the past, buyers are more wait-and-see, less starters, everyone is worried that the market will continue to adjust, and there is no hurry at all. To put it bluntly, no matter how strong the measures to stimulate the purchase of houses are, the effect is not satisfactory.

However, as an important part of the economy, the development of real estate can not sit idly by, in the market still needs to be cared for in the environment, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development released an important signal:

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has determined that the new model is coming, and there is no need to fight!

constructing a "new model" of real estate development;

Establish a "new mechanism" for the linkage of "people, housing, land and money";

Create a new track in the housing field and make efforts to build "good houses".

In other words, real estate cannot be the same day, and the reform that was prepared to be launched in the past will enter the year of landing, and from the content point of view, the three major projects, including the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for both ordinary and emergency purposes, and the transformation of urban villages, although each has its own focus, but they are all running towards the same goal. On the one hand, it is the supply-side reform, and on the other hand, it is to revitalize the stock market, with the aim of stabilizing the current real estate market, which also has a plus effect on improving livability. In view of this, there will be 2 trends in real estate, or it is inevitable.

One is that the renovation of old communities is inevitable. In the past two years, the state has been committed to solving the problems of weak supporting facilities and poor environment in old communities, but it is difficult to reach a consensus on the cooperation of residents. In particular, the installation of elevators is a good thing, but in most cases, due to the loss of interests of low-rise residents, the installation or non-installation is debated, resulting in the installation of elevators has been shelved. However, the elderly and disabled people can't wait.

In fact, the barrier-free environment construction law implemented not long ago stipulates that it should support the installation of elevators or barrier-free facilities in existing multi-storey residential buildings in old communities. It also emphasizes communication and coordination, and on the basis of friendliness, cares for the elderly and helps groups with travel disabilities. In addition, more than 10 cities, including Hefei, Zhuhai, Beijing, Suzhou, etc., have canceled the "right to veto", and it is predicted that more cities will improve the installation of elevators next year.

The other is that the allocation of affordable housing is unavoidable. As mentioned earlier, affordable housing is an important piece of the puzzle to open a new model in the housing field, and the main price is not high, which truly meets the needs of housing. Therefore, this discount is only available to two types of people, either there are real difficulties, or there are talents who have contribution, and they can also share this cake.

Since it's a cake, there are more people who want to share it. In the past, many public rental housing and affordable housing were taken away by related households, and recently there have been more reports on the chaos of affordable housing, such as a public rental housing community in Xianyang that was exposed to a forest of luxury cars at the door, as well as 4 public rental housing communities in Lianyuan, 766 public officials were found to move in, and some people can get houses by relying on the approval of leaders. Therefore, the development of affordable housing, to cut off this arbitrage space, it is estimated that you have to be ruthless, intensive reporting may be just a prelude, strict closed management will cover a wide range.

Fang said that with the evolution of the real estate development environment, the entire market will practice the essence of housing not speculation, provided that the property market can recover, which is not a big problem, but the question is, how to make the property market recover?

The pictures used in this article are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete. The article is the original of "Daily Room Talk", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint and plagiarize. (Written by: Fang Shuojun)

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