
It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

author:Chenchen doesn't like to eat tofu c

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It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

Text/Chenchen doesn't like to eat tofu c

Editor/Chenchen doesn't like to eat tofu c


Mosquitoes are a species that no one should not hate, and millions of people worldwide are infected by mosquito bites every year, and many of them die as a result, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, where mosquito bites account for the majority of cases.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

Such as malaria, dengue fever, etc., but the main food of mosquitoes is not human blood, in fact, only 20% of mosquitoes will suck human blood, but even this can cause human death, especially mosquitoes living in tropical areas, in the process of biting, will introduce their own diseases into the body.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

Accidental death after being bitten

In 2021, a 21-year-old woman in England died accidentally due to a mosquito bite, the girl named Oriana Pepper, she and her boyfriend obtained private and commercial pilot's licenses, and as early as May 20, 2021, they went to Antwerp, Belgium to combine the final stage of flight Xi.

James, the girl's boyfriend, said they had been bitten by a lot of mosquitoes here, but nothing happened. But in July, the girl had an adverse reaction after being bitten by a mosquito on her forehead, and her skin was very swollen.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

On July 7, she felt very unwell, so her boyfriend took her to the hospital, where the doctor said that she was infected with the virus, most likely from a mosquito bite. After that, the doctor prescribed her medicine, and it did not improve after returning to take the medicine.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

On July 9, the girl became more serious, began to be delirious and even had some difficulty speaking, and then fainted directly, and her boyfriend took her to the hospital, and three days later the girl died in the hospital bed, her parents were very puzzled by the mysterious death of their daughter, so they asked a professional coroner to examine the body.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

It was eventually determined that the cause of the girl's death was septic embolism in the brain, a type of vascular embolism in which Staphylococcus aureus infection and an insect bite on the forehead, as well as an insect bite on the forehead, were all causes of the disease.

The coroner said that after she was bitten, the virus entered her skin and then into the carotid artery, causing a septic embolism in the brain, and even the coroner was surprised by such a bizarre death, he had never seen such a death.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

In fact, mosquitoes kill people not a few, according to statistics, 100,000 people die every year due to mosquito bites in the world, its lethality is far more than many large animals, mosquito venom for mosquitoes, is able to make them more easy to suck blood.

But mosquito venom is basically harmless, the lethality rate is very low, and it is not the venom itself that causes human death, but the pathogens hidden in the venom, malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever, which are transmitted by mosquitoes.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

More than 600,000 people die from malaria every year, which is still quite a horrific number, but the vast majority of people are still alive and kicking after being bitten by mosquitoes, but the places where they have been bitten will be particularly itchy.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

Especially at night, when preparing to rest, the buzzing sound in its ears is really annoying, for this reason, people have put a lot of effort into mosquito repellent, some people will light mosquito coils, mosquito repellents, insecticides and other chemical means to kill mosquitoes.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy


There may be many people who will have questions, why mosquitoes always appear in summer, this is because the environment suitable for mosquitoes to live in is different from other insects, in the southern part of the continent can generally be seen in April every year, while in the north there are basically mosquitoes in June, until August, is the most rampant time for mosquitoes, and its number can reach its peak.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

This time is also the best period for mosquito reproduction, mosquitoes grow very fast, generally in a day or two can produce eggs, and then need to go through four times of shedding skin, become mosquitoes, this stage as long as the temperature is right, generally ten days can be completed, because its life is short, so in order to reproduce must appear in groups in summer.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

Eats 3,000 mosquitoes a year

So people feel that this mosquito can't be beaten no matter how it is beaten, so it will use a series of means to kill mosquitoes, but in fact, the fastest way to repel mosquitoes is biological mosquito repellent, which is not only efficient, but also has no impact on the environment.

In reality, there is such an insect that can eat nearly 3,000 mosquitoes a year, and it is also a beneficial insect, and it will not affect the local agricultural ecology and people's daily life.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

But because it tastes very good, it has been made into a delicacy by people, and has been caught in large quantities, this insect is the water fly, you may feel very unfamiliar when you see this name, I don't know what it is, in fact, it is the larva of the dragonfly, and the dragonfly is the natural enemy of the mosquito, and in this regard, the water fly is not inferior to the dragonfly at all, and it can eat nearly three thousand mosquitoes a year.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

But few people give them a chance, and the water fly grows very slowly, it takes eight years to become a dragonfly, but before they can grow, they are already in people's stomachs.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

In the growth stage, the water fly generally lives in small streams and stone crevices, mainly feeds on plankton and some small insects, the color of the water fly is generally divided into two types, one is dark brown or dark green, and it has been living in the water during the growth period until it becomes an adult dragonfly.

The size of the water fly is very small, basically three or four centimeters, but don't look at it small, people are very aggressive, it is a standard carnivorous insect, in addition to eating mosquitoes, but also eat tadpoles, small fish, some farmers will also use the characteristics of the water fly, it is used in agriculture to hunt pests.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

This time, the water fly also has a very special predation method, it tests its surroundings through its sense of touch and legs, and once it catches its prey, it will quickly eject specialized predatory organs and quickly send the prey into its stomach.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

This process only takes 300 percent of a second, so when it hunts, humans are basically imperceptible to the naked eye, although the water fly is an aquatic insect, but its breathing mode is not the same as that of fish, the water fly breathes through the tracheal gills of the abdomen, this organ is in the rectum of the water fly, it absorbs the dissolved oxygen in the water through the rectum, so as to achieve the breathing needs in the water.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

It is said that the water fly has a high nutritional value, and now there are artificial breeding water flies, the market price is generally more than 30 yuan a catty.

When it is not prey, it usually stays motionless in the water, so it is very easy to catch it, and Chinese foodies seem to be very fascinated by this game, just like a cocoon chrysalis, which is very popular in the market.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

In order to be able to eat the water fly, everyone will take advantage of the time when it is not grown, so it is difficult to see dragonflies in rural areas now, I remember when I was a child, I could go to the park and see flocks of dragonflies flying around on the lawn and lake, but now it is basically gone.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

Therefore, we still try not to eat the water fly, otherwise this species will be eaten to extinction sooner or later, it does not have the ability to mate as a larva of the dragonfly, so it needs to be an adult before it can reproduce, but the growth cycle of the water fly is not fixed.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

Different water flies will have different growth cycles, the short ones take two or three months, the normal ones are one to three years, and the slow ones need seven or eight years, but unfortunately, adulthood also means death, because adult dragonflies have a very short lifespan, basically they can't live for 8 months, so it can be said that most of the time of dragonflies is spent in water.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

Because of the high market price of the water fly, some people will definitely catch the water fly for profit, which has also caused the wild dragonfly population to decline sharply, until now it is becoming more and more rare.

It takes 8 years to grow up after eating thousands of mosquitoes every year, but it is caught in large quantities as a delicacy

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