
Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

author:Nan Qiao said history

In fact, Wu Yanshu starred with Xi Meijuan in the movie "Mom!". Judging from age alone, 67-year-old Xi Meijuan is actually more suitable for this role of mother.

However, during the filming process, Xi Meijuan humbly gave up many opportunities for expression, leaving the space to Wu Yanshu, hoping that she could play to her fullest. As a result, 84-year-old Wu Yanshu was able to devote herself to this role of mother, showing extraordinary performance connotation.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

Without Xi Meijuan's humility, Wu Yanshu would not be able to interpret the image of this mother so fully. It can be said that Wu Yanshu was able to win the actress at the age of 84, and Xi Meijuan's careful cooperation contributed a lot.

It is precisely because of the tacit cooperation between the two that the movie "Mom!" will be deeply moving, and it will also make Wu Yanshu play a rare surprise of "Wang Bang" in his life.

In 1938, Wu Yanshu came to this world and was fortunate to be born in a family of intellectuals in Guangdong. Her parents are both highly educated and well-off.

Therefore, she has been cared for and strictly tutored since she was a child, and has developed a dignified and elegant manners.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

In an environment of material affluence, Wu Yanshu also has an abundant spiritual world. She has been passionate about the art of drama since she was a child, and often watches the wonderful performances of famous drama artists, and longs for herself to be on the stage and play vivid roles.

Mei Lanfang's "Farewell My Concubine" gave her a deeper understanding of dramatic aesthetics.

Such a favorable growth environment and enthusiastic pursuit of art have created Wu Yanshu's elegant temperament and the soul of an artist. This laid a solid foundation for her to shine on the drama stage later.

It's hard to imagine how different Wu Yanshu's life trajectory would have been without these artistic influences.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

In the 50s of the 20th century, Wu Yanshu came to the Shanxi Drama Theater and began the first half century of his acting career. In order to understand and interpret the image of farmers more thoroughly, she has been deeply involved in rural life for a long time and has personally experienced the difficulties of working people.

Wu Yanshu learned to farm, learned to weave, washed her hands with labor, and washed her soul in a down-to-earth life.

In the drama theater, Wu Yanshu did not choose to parachute into a big role, but started from the grassroots level and accumulated performance experience in a down-to-earth manner. Even if it is just a small role, she will concentrate on performing it with all her might, and carve every performance opportunity with professionalism.

In the past half century, Wu Yanshu has continued to practice, constantly break through herself, and finally become an old actor with profound acting skills.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

Now it seems that it is the consistent words and deeds of this half century that have created Wu Yanshu's superb acting skills. It is precisely because of these accumulations that she was able to win the applause of the audience in her later years and achieve a higher peak in art.

In the 90s of the 20th century, 67-year-old Wu Yanshu retired from the theater. Leaving the familiar stage life is another new starting point for her. In 2010, 72-year-old Wu Yanshu stepped into the first film crew and started her screen career.

In the face of an unfamiliar environment, Wu Yanshu did not pose as a senior artist, but humbly and upward, learning Xi with the open mind of a newcomer. At the scene, Wu Yanshu would not ask to dress up, would not point fingers loudly, but quietly wore her old clothes, carried a small suitcase, and smiled at everyone.

When the director said "cut", she took the initiative to ask the young actors for advice on acting methods, and she had the studious spirit of "living and learning until she was old".

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

It is precisely because of this humble and studious attitude that Wu Yanshu quickly adapted to the atmosphere of the film shooting scene. Although she is 72 years old, she has always maintained a young love for learning Xi.

This set a good tone for her to later shine on the screen.

In 2016, 78-year-old Wu Yanshu began to frequently play various roles in movies. In the face of each character, Grandma Wu is not satisfied with the simple interpretation on the surface, but digs deep into the inner world of the characters.

In order to play an old lady who often climbs ladders, she taught herself ladder climbing skills in advance and experienced this action firsthand. To illustrate a yoga enthusiast, she exercises to be able to perform difficult asana changes.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

Wu Yanshu uses this kind of practical action to explore the acting skills of the characters' living conditions, showing the natural realism of the characters.

It is this kind of dedication and persistent pursuit of acting skills that has made Wu Yanshu, who is 78 to 84 years old, repeatedly won various film and television awards. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the three major film awards 4 times, and finally won the Golden Rooster Award for a movie.

Wu Yanshu told everyone with her own story that her rich life experience and love for acting can support an actor to a higher artistic realm.

In the movie "Mom!", Wu Yanshu and Xi Meijuan, two acting actors, cooperated to play a mother and daughter. On the surface, 67-year-old Xi Meijuan is more suitable to play the role of this elderly mother.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

However, Xi Meijuan highly consciously positioned herself and took the initiative to leave more performance space to 84-year-old Wu Yanshu.

During the shooting, Xi Meijuan humbly hid her light and consciously gave the opportunity to Grandma Wu to fully explore the inner emotions of this mother character. She pays more attention to the details of her performance to enrich Wu Yanshu's performance.

It is precisely because of Xi Meijuan's selfless fulfillment that Wu Yanshu was able to perform to her heart's content, and finally won the recognition and praise of the audience.

When Wu Yanshu won the "Temple of Heaven Award" for Best Actress, Xi Meijuan was sincerely happy for her. The tacit cooperation between the two has achieved the sincere and touching mother-daughter relationship in this movie.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

This wonderful interpretation of you and me also makes the audience admire the mutual assistance and cooperation between actors.

When 84-year-old Wu Yanshu stood on the podium and held the "Temple of Heaven Award" Best Actress trophy, she couldn't help crying excitedly. This award is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a compliment to her acting career.

Since the film, Wu Yanshu has always had a heart to learn Xi and maintain her enthusiasm for acting. Whether it's her youth or twilight years, she actively aspires to explore more possibilities in each role.

Because of this dedication and love, at the age of 84, she is still able to impress the audience and show a wonderful performance beyond her years.

Unexpectedly, at the age of 84, she would play a "king bomb" this year, and this credit is inseparable from Xi Meijuan

This scene also infected the hearts of countless audiences. It turns out that an 84-year-old man can also have such a youthful mentality, can continue to be enthusiastic about art, and can continue to break through himself and forge ahead.

Wu Yanshu used her own story to show everyone what it means to be "I am young and immortal, and my blood is always there".

With nearly 60 years of acting career, she has written a touching story of her persistent pursuit of art. This will surely inspire more people to maintain their enthusiasm for creation and keep their enterprising spirit.

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