
Lust is manifested in the kidneys one by one: when the kidney yin is deficient, the body will appear "yang strong" phenomenon, then it is easy to be weak and internal, burning the heart, and the mind is disturbed

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Hou

Much lewdness one by one in the kidneys

Performance: When the kidney yin is deficient, the body will appear "yang strong" phenomenon, then it is easy to be weak and internal, burning the heart, and the mind is disturbed, it is easy to think cranky, always thinking about things between men and women, but the performance is often unsatisfactory - reason: the situation of functional decline and disorders will also be accompanied by soreness in the waist and knees, hot flashes and night sweats, weakness and irritability, and inability to calm down, etc. - (nourishing yin and tonifying the kidneys, clearing heat and removing trouble) - Zhibai Dihuang pill

Polyuria one by one in the kidneys

Reason: When the cold evil invades the kidneys and causes the deficiency of kidney yang and the vaporization of the qi is out of balance, it will lead to abnormal opening and closing of the bladder, and the urine cannot be absorbed, and there will be frequent urination and excessive urination - manifestation: clear and long urine, frequent urination at night, fear of cold, fear of wind, lukewarm limbs, cold hands and feet-(warm the kidneys and help yang, shrink urine and stop the legacy) - Guifu Rehmannia Pill

Much humidity one by one in the kidneys

Reason: The main water of the kidney, which can also transport the water in your body, is the main role of kidney yang, when the kidney yang is insufficient, the water in the body cannot be transpired and vaporized, and it will gather together to form water dampness - performance: This kind of person will be manifested as a thick tongue coating, the face loves to be oily and the stool is sticky and not formed, and it will also be accompanied by soreness in the waist and knees, fear of cold, cold hands and feet - (warm yang qi, water seeps) - Jin Kui kidney qi

Sweating one by one in the kidneys

Reason: When the kidney yin is deficient, the yin essence is insufficient, and the deficiency fire is endogenous, at this time, it will fumigate the fluid in the body, chasing these jin fluid to the outward, such people usually sweat a lot when they sleep at night, but after waking up, the sweat will fall - performance: dry mouth and throat, five heart irritability, heart irritability, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, etc. - (nourishing kidney yin, clearing heat and stopping sweating) - Yougui Pill # Health and Wellness # # Dry mouth # #耳鸣#

Lust is manifested in the kidneys one by one: when the kidney yin is deficient, the body will appear "yang strong" phenomenon, then it is easy to be weak and internal, burning the heart, and the mind is disturbed
Lust is manifested in the kidneys one by one: when the kidney yin is deficient, the body will appear "yang strong" phenomenon, then it is easy to be weak and internal, burning the heart, and the mind is disturbed
Lust is manifested in the kidneys one by one: when the kidney yin is deficient, the body will appear "yang strong" phenomenon, then it is easy to be weak and internal, burning the heart, and the mind is disturbed
Lust is manifested in the kidneys one by one: when the kidney yin is deficient, the body will appear "yang strong" phenomenon, then it is easy to be weak and internal, burning the heart, and the mind is disturbed

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