
Zhou Haimei's family issued a statement: The ashes will be returned to Hong Kong, and the property will be inherited by the mother The cat and dog have been adopted


The sudden death of 57-year-old Hong Kong actress Chow Haimei died suddenly of a heart attack, a sudden incident that is embarrassing. Zhou Haimei is deeply loved by the audience for her excellent acting skills and amiable image, and her death has undoubtedly left a regret in the film industry. Below, let's review the life of this excellent actor and the nostalgia for her.

Zhou Haimei, a legendary name, an elegant actress. Born and raised in Hong Kong, China, she is a Chinese with the Manchu surname Guerjia and graduated from Tam Pok Yu Secondary School of the Hong Kong Shunde Friendship Association. As a veteran in the entertainment industry, Zhou Haimei has won the love of countless audiences with her excellent acting skills and gentle image, and has become a classic in the hearts of a generation. However, just as she was 57 years old, a heart attack took her life, which made people sigh.

Zhou Haimei's family issued a statement: The ashes will be returned to Hong Kong, and the property will be inherited by the mother The cat and dog have been adopted

It is reported that Zhou Haimei's property will be inherited by her mother, and no charitable foundation has been established. The specific arrangements for the repatriation of her ashes to Hong Kong and the cemetery were not disclosed. Zhou Haimei's pet will be adopted by a friend, and the family will reveal the adoption situation after discussion. At the same time, the family also hopes that the media and the public can respect their privacy and do not disturb or photograph, which is also a kind of respect and mourning for the deceased.

Zhou Haimei's family issued a statement: The ashes will be returned to Hong Kong, and the property will be inherited by the mother The cat and dog have been adopted

For the deceased and their families, they need quiet time to mourn and deal with this sudden parting. The media should respect the wishes of the deceased and their families and stop disturbing their grief and private lives. At this time, we should treat this grief with more love and understanding, pray for the deceased, and give enough space and respect to the family. May the deceased rest in peace and the family in peace.

Zhou Haimei's family issued a statement: The ashes will be returned to Hong Kong, and the property will be inherited by the mother The cat and dog have been adopted

Zhou Haimei's death has shrouded the entire entertainment industry in a state of sadness, and her acting career not only has an irreplaceable position in the Chinese film industry, but also left many classic roles and touching performances for the audience. As an entertainment editor, we must face this sudden news with the greatest respect and understanding, and express our deep condolences and condolences to Zhou Haimei. Her passing reminds us of the impermanence of life and reminds us to pay more attention to and cherish our loved ones and friends.

Zhou Haimei's family issued a statement: The ashes will be returned to Hong Kong, and the property will be inherited by the mother The cat and dog have been adopted

As for Zhou Haimei's decision not to set up a charitable foundation, we should respect her choice. Everyone has the right to decide where their property goes, whether it is to leave more wealth for their family or to choose other ways, it is the right of the individual. At this time, we need to understand and respect her personal wishes, no matter what way she chooses, it is a kind of respect for her life's efforts and dedication.

Zhou Haimei's family issued a statement: The ashes will be returned to Hong Kong, and the property will be inherited by the mother The cat and dog have been adopted

Zhou Haimei's departure is deeply regrettable, and it also makes us cherish every moment of our lives even more. Life is impermanent, and every moment deserves our attention. Perhaps, at this moment, we can pay more attention to our loved ones and friends around us and express our love and care for them. Zhou Haimei's death is a warning that let us not ignore the really important things because of the busyness of life, but learn to understand life and cherish the happiness in front of us.

Zhou Haimei's family issued a statement: The ashes will be returned to Hong Kong, and the property will be inherited by the mother The cat and dog have been adopted

Finally, let us pray for Zhou Haimei to go all the way and that she can enjoy eternal peace and happiness in heaven. Her works and images will forever remain in the memory of the audience and become an eternal classic in the Chinese film industry. May she continue to perform her glorious chapter in another world and become a bright star in heaven.

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