
When performing missions, the biggest taboo for snipers, this kind of thing should not be touched at all

author:The world of Meow and Wang

As we all know, snipers, as a special branch of special forces specializing in long-range precision shooting, originated in the early days of war and played a huge role in battlefield victory. With the development of firearms technology, snipers have gradually become an important force on the battlefield. From the emergence of World War I, to the glory of World War II, and then to modern warfare, it is an indispensable arm of all countries.

When performing missions, the biggest taboo for snipers, this kind of thing should not be touched at all

Snipers have a unique role on the battlefield. They can destroy the enemy's key targets, demoralize the enemy, disrupt the enemy's chain of command, and provide intelligence support with precision fire. The level of combat power of a sniper depends on his psychological quality, level of training, equipment and ability to use tactics. A range of skills and qualities are required to be competent in their tasks.

When performing missions, the biggest taboo for snipers, this kind of thing should not be touched at all

First and foremost, snipers need to have excellent shooting skills, including accurate sniper shooting and long-range shooting capabilities. Second, they need to have excellent observation and reconnaissance capabilities, and be able to accurately judge targets and environments. In addition, snipers also need to have stealth and camouflage skills to keep themselves safe and covert. And familiar with various terrains and climates.

When performing missions, the biggest taboo for snipers, this kind of thing should not be touched at all

Smoking is considered one of the biggest taboos in snipers' missions and even in their daily training. Because snipers need to be in optimal physical condition and alertness, and the nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco can negatively affect the body. The smoke and smell in tobacco can reveal the location of the sniper, making it a target for the enemy. Therefore, snipers must not touch a cigarette, otherwise they will retire early and leave their careers.

When performing missions, the biggest taboo for snipers, this kind of thing should not be touched at all

The first is that smoking exposes the location: the flames and smells can be detected by the enemy, revealing the sniper's ambush position. Once exposed, you will not be able to complete the mission, and you will also encounter sniping from the enemy, and your life will be in danger, which will bring disadvantages to your army. So snipers need to stay stealthy in order to perform their missions better.

When performing missions, the biggest taboo for snipers, this kind of thing should not be touched at all

The second is that smoking affects alertness and concentration: in a high-stakes battlefield environment, snipers need to stay awake and focused in order to make the right decisions quickly. If you smoke for a long time, you will become dependent on cigarettes, and if you don't smoke for a while, the whole person will be exhausted and distracted. And the sniper mission, usually ambush for several hours, and it is possible to be motionless for several days, so smoking definitely affects the combat mission.

When performing missions, the biggest taboo for snipers, this kind of thing should not be touched at all

Finally, the health effects of smoking: Tobacco is harmful to health, and long-term smoking can lead to serious diseases such as cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. The impact on the respiratory system is significant, and snipers need to be in good physical condition for high-intensity missions on the battlefield. Nothing else, if you don't have enough lung capacity, you can't run.

Therefore, snipers must comply with the non-smoking regulations to ensure their best performance and survivability on the battlefield.

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