
You don't know about chronic salpingitis yet

author:Yu Yueping, Department of Infertility of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Fallopian tube inflammation due to inflammation of the lower genital tract and spreading infection, such as chronic cervicitis, endometritis, parauterine historisy, etc. Fallopian tube hypertrophy and pyometra and hydrops caused by chronic salpingitis are one of the important causes of female infertility.

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1. Chronic interstitial salpingitis (simple hypertrophy)

Due to long-term inflammation, the connective tissue between the walls of the fallopian tubes proliferates and fibrosis, which thickens and hardens the walls of the fallopian tubes, thickens the tube body, and blocks the lumen. Fallopian tube tortuosity is often associated with ovarian inflammation and adhesion to the posterior lobe of the broad ligament, which is difficult to separate.

2. Isthmus nodular salpingitis

It is characterized by nodular thickening and hardening of the isthmus, hypertrophy of the muscle, and the endothelial epithelium of the fallopian tube invades the muscle, which is a change of chronic inflammation. The lesion causes blockage of the isthmus, leading to infertility.

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3. Pyometra

It may be the result of acute inflammation or chronic purulent infection, or it may be the result of adhesion atresia of the umbrella area. It is characterized by thickening of the tube wall, marked thickening of the tube body, thick pus in the lumen, pale intima, and reduced or absent mucosal folds. It can be combined with ovarian abscess adhesion and adhesion with the broad ligament and posterior uterine wall.

4. Hydrosalpinx

Chronic infection may be due to umbrella blockage, and fallopian tube fluid and inflammatory exudate accumulate in the ampullae. The wall of the isthmus is thick and the cavity is narrow, and if there is adhesion blockage, the fluid in the tube is difficult to drain, and it is not easy to absorb and form a gallbladder-shaped effusion. No or mild adhesions to adjacent tissues.

5. Tuberculous salpingitis

Salpingitis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is often granulomatous-like, and various types of chronic inflammatory changes can be seen in the fallopian tubes, such as ulcers, caseous, miliary nodules, isthmus nodules, simple hypertrophic inflammatory changes, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis can be found or pathological examination can find specific changes of tuberculosis nodules. May be accompanied by manifestations of systemic tuberculosis.

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1. General Treatment:

Patients with chronic salpingitis usually need to maintain an optimistic mood, eliminate their worries and depression, establish confidence in overcoming the disease, maintain a happy mood, pay attention to the cleanliness of the vulva, exercise, increase nutrition, and improve the body's resistance.

In terms of diet, it is necessary to avoid cold, spicy and cold foods such as cold drinks, spicy hot pot, wine, etc., and eat nutritious, easy-to-digest light foods, and eat more vegetables and fruits.

You don't know about chronic salpingitis yet

2. Medication:

Chronic salpingitis is caused by ascending infections such as vaginitis and cervicitis, and for patients with good general condition, mild symptoms, and can take oral antibiotics, oral antibiotic drugs are generally selected, such as levofloxacin capsules, metronidazole tablets and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. Surgical treatment:

If the symptoms of chronic salpingitis are too severe, drug treatment is ineffective, or local adhesions are caused, which affects the preparation for pregnancy, the fallopian tubes can be surgically promoted, and salpingostomy can relieve the adhesion obstruction at the umbrella end of the fallopian tube effusion and increase the chance of conception and fertility