
Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it

author:Enjoy green food in the mountains

In winter, the wind is bitter and the temperature plummets. In order to keep the body warm, we need to pay attention to food supplements. Cold weather can consume a lot of energy, so we need to eat some foods that warm up our bodies and stomachs to replenish our energy. This not only strengthens the body's resistance, but also prevents the occurrence of colds.

Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it

Daylily, known as "brain vegetables", is a good food supplement in winter. Not only does it help improve memory and boost brain power, but it is also rich in vitamins and minerals with many health benefits. Whether it is the elderly or children, eating more daylily on weekdays will have certain benefits, whether it is the body or the brain.

Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it

Daylily, also known as enoki, is a common vegetable. Not only is it delicious, but it is also extremely nutritious, rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. Therefore, it is very beneficial to consume daylily in moderation in your daily diet. Today, I will share with you 5 benefits and contraindications of daylily.

Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it

Improves Memory:

Daylily is rich in lecithin, a substance that has a significant effect on enhancing brain function and improving memory. Regular consumption of daylily, especially among students and brain workers, can significantly feel clearer thinking and improved memory.


Winter weather is dry, which can easily lead to constipation. The dietary fiber in daylily helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and soften stool, thus achieving a laxative effect. For people with constipation, or those who want to maintain gut health, eating more daylily is a good choice.

Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it

Clearing heat and detoxifying:

Daylily has a bitter and cool taste, and has a good heat-clearing and detoxifying effect. In winter, due to the low temperature and dry air, people are prone to fire, throat irritation, etc. At this time, proper consumption of daylily can help eliminate heat and dryness in the body and relieve discomfort.

Moistens the lungs and relieves cough:

Daylily has a good moisturizing effect on the lungs, and has a certain relieving effect on dry cough and itchy throat that are common in winter. For long-term smokers or people living in areas with poor air quality, regular consumption of daylily can help protect lung health.

Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it


The vitamins and antioxidants in daylily help inhibit the formation of melanin, keeping the skin fair and smooth. At the same time, it also provides the nutrients that the skin needs, enhancing the skin's elasticity and resistance.

I would like to share with you a daylily practice, whether it is cooking for children or drinking for adults at home, you can arrange this delicious daylily stir-fried meat.

Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it

Stir-fried daylily meat:

Stir-fried pork with daylily is a delicious home-cooked dish that is simple to make and delicious in taste.

First, gently soak the daylily in warm water, then wash it carefully and cut it into neat pieces.

Pork is shredded and marinated with cooking wine, light soy sauce and starch to add flavor. This treatment not only preserves the tender taste of the daylily, but also makes the pork more tender.

Then, heat the pan with cold oil, add green onions, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add shredded meat and stir-fry until it changes color.

Then, add the daylily and stir-fry, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste.

Finally, add a small amount of water and cook until the daylily is cooked and soft.

However, while daylily has many benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. The following groups of people need special attention:

People with splenogastric weakness:

Daylily has a bitter and cool taste, and for people with weak spleen and stomach, excessive consumption may increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, causing diarrhea, indigestion and other discomforts.

Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it

People with weak breathing:

Some people may be allergic to certain ingredients in daylily, causing conditions such as poor breathing. Therefore, people with breathing problems should be cautious about eating or avoiding daylily.

Eat daylily in winter, 5 benefits are "uninvited", but these people must not eat it

For the elderly, daylily helps keep the mind active. And for children, daylily contributes to intellectual development and promotes brain development. In the cold season of winter, let daylily become a regular guest on your table to protect the health of you and your family.

In short, daylily is a nutritious vegetable with multiple functions, but it needs to be eaten in moderation according to its own situation during the eating process, especially for specific groups of people who need to be more cautious. While enjoying the deliciousness and nutrition of daylily, you should also pay attention to your own health, mix ingredients reasonably, and maintain nutritional balance.

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