
Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

author:Splendid v Shandong


Welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator who focuses on food creation. My slogan is "Focus on Food, Make Life Delicious", and today I would like to share with you a few home-cooked food recipes. These delicacies are popular and are a few of the most common delicacies. We can make the most delicious meals every day using ordinary ingredients. I hope that today's food sharing will bring you happiness and satisfaction throughout the day.

Scrambled eggs with onions

Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

Ingredients: onion, egg, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine.

How it works:

1. Peel and wash the onion, cut into small pieces and set aside. Beat the eggs and set aside.

2. Heat oil in a pan, add the onion and stir-fry until soft.

3. Finally, pour in the egg mixture, add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce and cooking wine to taste and stir-fry evenly.

Chilled bitter chrysanthemum

Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

Ingredients: bitter chrysanthemum, minced garlic


1. Wash the bitter chrysanthemum, remove the old stems and leaves, leaving only the young leaves and young stems, and then put the bitter chrysanthemum into clean water, add a little edible salt, and soak for 5 minutes.

2. Add minced garlic, sugar, balsamic vinegar, salt, light soy sauce and sesame oil to the bowl, stir well, and mix into a sauce for later use.

3. Take out the soaked bitter chrysanthemum, drain the water, put it on a plate, pour in the seasoned sauce, and then eat.

Black pepper fillet

Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

Ingredients: 300g slices of fresh and tender fish, appropriate amount of black peppercorns, half of green and half red peppers, shredded, appropriate amount of minced ginger, appropriate amount of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of salt and pepper, appropriate amount of water starch


1. Prepare the fish: Cut the fish into slices, stir well with a pinch of salt and cooking wine, and marinate for a while.

2. Prepare the sauce: Combine the light soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken essence and black peppercorns and set aside.

3. Stir-fry the fish: Heat the pan, add an appropriate amount of oil, fry the marinated fish slices until golden brown on both sides, remove and set aside.

4. Stir-fry side dishes: Add an appropriate amount of oil to the same pot, add minced ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add green pepper and red pepper shreds and stir-fry until medium-rare.

5. Seasoning: Put the sautéed fish back into the pan, pour in the pre-mixed black pepper juice and stir-fry well.

6. Thicken: Add water starch to the pan and sauté until the juice thickens.

7. Reducing the juice: Finally, season with salt and pepper and continue to stir-fry until the juice is dry, making sure that the fish slices are evenly coated with the rich black pepper sauce.

8. Remove from the pan: Serve on a plate and enjoy the fragrant black pepper fillet.

Roasted chicken with green onions

Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

Ingredients: chicken, green onions, chopped green onions.


1. Clean the chicken thighs, remove the bones and cut them into small pieces, add cooking wine, salt, pepper and starch, and marinate evenly for 10 minutes.

2. Heat the oil, add the chicken thighs and fry them until the surface is golden brown, then add light soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar to taste, stir-fry evenly until the flavor is absorbed.

3. Then add the green onions and stir-fry evenly, cover and simmer for one minute. Sprinkle chopped green onions before cooking, and then serve on a plate to eat.

Sauce big bones

Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

Ingredients: large bones, green onions, ginger slices, 3 bay leaves, 2 star anise, 1 cinnamon, appropriate amount of dried chilies

1. Rinse off the blood outside the big bones with clean water, and then soak them in clean water for about 30 minutes, you can change the water in the middle, so that the blood in the big bones can slowly precipitate out, so that the stewed big bones are fragrant and odorless, and we can prepare the ingredients when soaking, a little green onion, ginger slices, 3 bay leaves, 2 star anise, 1 cinnamon, and an appropriate amount of dried chili pepper for later use.

2. Add enough water to the pot, pour cold water into the cleaned big bones in the cold pot, add a little ginger, green onions, cooking wine, boil the water for another 2 minutes, skim off the blood impurities, and remove the big bones.

3. Boil sugar color, want the color of the sauce bones to be bright and appetizing, sugar color is indispensable, add rock sugar and water 1:1 to the pot, a little cooking oil, slowly boil over low heat, when the sugar liquid is boiled into jujube red, pour a bowl of boiling water, remember that here is boiling water, if you use cold water to fry, stir evenly after the sugar color is done.

4. Add wide oil to the pot, pour in the prepared ingredients when the oil is hot, stir-fry over medium heat until fragrant, then pour in the blanched bones, and stir-fry evenly.

5. Add boiled sugar, 2 tablespoons of soybean paste, 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt and enough water, and stir the seasoning well.

6. After boiling over high heat, turn to medium-low heat and simmer for 40 minutes, if you want to save time, you can also pour it into the pressure cooker, press for 20 minutes, but finally you need to pour it into the wok, collect the juice on high heat, receive the thick soup, and a plate of sauce fragrant, soft and fragrant sauce bones will be ready.

Garlic fillet

Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

Ingredients: Fish fillet, minced garlic, spicy millet, chopped green onion.


1. Clean and drain the fish fillets, boil the water in the pot, put it in and blanch for half a minute, then scoop it up and drain the water.

2. Heat the oil, add the minced garlic and millet to stir-fry until fragrant, then add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and sugar to taste, and stir-fry evenly.

3. Then pour in the blanched fish fillets and stir-fry evenly, sprinkle with chopped green onions to garnish and then take them out of the pot and serve on a plate.

Stir-fried beef with chili

Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

Ingredients: chili, beef tenderloin

1. I buy beef tenderloin, you can also use beef front leg or cow hind leg, according to personal preference. Cut the beef into slices, marinate for more than 15 minutes with cooking wine, salt, white pepper and a little starch.

2. The chili pepper is used, the skin is thin and the meat is tender, and you can also use sharp pepper, screw pepper, Hangzhou pepper, these 4 kinds of chili fried meat are delicious, and very spicy. If you are a friend who can't eat spicy food, you can use green round peppers instead. Heat the oil in a pan and stir-fry the beef first, then change color before serving.

3. Wash the wok, do not put a drop of oil, directly add the chili pepper, and stir-fry slowly over low heat. Press with a spatula to heat it evenly, and sprinkle salt to adjust the base taste.

4. Until the surface of the chili pepper is in a tiger skin state, pour in a little cooking oil, add minced garlic and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, and then add beef to stir-fry together. After stir-frying evenly, pour in light soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste, stir-fry quickly over high heat for 1-2 minutes, and remove from the pot.

Braised beef

Learn these 8 hot dishes to say goodbye to the cold winter!

Ingredients: Beef brisket: 500g, cooking wine: appropriate amount, ginger: appropriate amount (sliced), green onion: appropriate amount (cut into sections), star anise: appropriate amount, cinnamon: appropriate amount, bay leaf: appropriate amount, dark soy sauce: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, rock sugar: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, edible oil: appropriate amount


1. Preparation: Cut the brisket into cubes, blanch in boiling water, remove and set aside. Slice the ginger and chop the green onion into sections.

2. Boil water: Add enough water to the pot, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, put the blanched beef brisket in, boil and remove for later use.

3. Stir-fry spices: Heat the pan with cold oil, add ginger slices, green onions, star anise, cinnamon and bay leaves and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add the brisket: Add the stewed beef brisket to the stir-fried seasoning and stir-fry evenly.

5. Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce and light soy sauce and stir well to evenly coat the brisket with seasoning.

6. Add water and simmer: Add enough water, cover the brisket, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, and simmer over low heat.

7. Simmer until flavorful: When the brisket is crispy, add an appropriate amount of salt to adjust the taste.

8. Juice Reduction: Continue to reduce the juice over low heat to thicken the soup.

9. Plating: Remove the marinated beef brisket and serve on a plate.

I am the author of the field of food splendid V Shandong, if you like my articles, welcome to follow me! Follow me, don't get lost in cooking every day, update food every day. What is your favorite dish? Welcome to leave a message to tell the editor, and everyone will tell us about the most memorable dishes you have eaten in the comment area. If you don't know what to eat every day, welcome to follow me and share delicious food with you every day. The article is updated daily, welcome to forward, so that more people who love food can share it together.