
is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

author:Said Hu Yu

In real life, some stories are so twisty and dramatic that they seem to jump directly out of the framework of Qiong Yao's script. Liu Lili is in the whirlpool of love, not only willing to be a "little three" for 45 years, but also in this intricate relationship, she also made money for the original partner, and even gave up her reproductive rights for the original match. This story not only makes people feel the love and hatred in it, but also reflects the complex and deep aspects of human nature.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

Liu Lili

In the Taiwanese film industry, Liu Lili's name is like a bright star, she is not only the most popular female director in Taiwan in the 80s, but also a legend in the hearts of many fans. Liu Lili's artistic career is long and brilliant, and many of the film and television works she directed are deeply loved and have become classics of the times.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

Liu Lili, known as the "Godmother of Qiong Yao Opera", has a special experience on her artistic path. At the age of 37, she began experimenting with films based on Qiong Yao's novels, a move that marked a new chapter in her directorial career.

The in-depth collaboration between her and Qiong Yao has brought the audience a series of soulful and gripping film and television works, which not only caused great repercussions at the time, but are still widely sung today.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

Although there is no detailed record of the specific titles and release years of the works directed by Liu Lili, their works have undoubtedly become cultural symbols of that era and have influenced generations of audiences.

With his unique artistic perspective and keen sense of the market, Liu Lili transforms the charm of Qiong Yao's words into visual images, and their cooperation is not only a simple cooperation between directors and writers, but also a perfect integration of culture and art.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

In Liu Lili's directorial career, her cooperation with Qiong Yao is undoubtedly an unforgettable memory. They tell stories and convey emotions through images, which have influenced the hearts and minds of countless people. This experience is not only an important part of Liu Lili's artistic career, but also a valuable asset in the history of Chinese film and television.

learned that Dong Linghu was married

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

Liu Lili, born in 1938, has always been known as a charming and lovable individual. The trajectory of her life is closely linked to Dong Linghu, a person three years older than her. Their story begins in college and continues through their working years.

In college, Liu Lili's charisma was widely popular and became the focus of many suitors. Among them, Dong Linghu fell in love with her early and never changed. This relationship continued after entering the film and television industry. The two interacted frequently, and gradually, their emotions quietly sublimated.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

However, the picture of love is not always so simple. Liu Lili suddenly discovered that Dong Linghu was already married, and this fact put her in a moral and emotional dilemma. Under the patient guidance of her best friend Qiong Yao, Liu Lili chose to continue this forbidden love.

For the sake of this relationship, Dong Linghu solemnly promised to leave time to Liu Lili, and the relationship between the two became even more confusing. This relationship is like a complex oil painting, depicting the intricacies of love, deception, and life choices.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

The emotional entanglements in the story provoke deep thought. It not only shows the beauty of love, but also reflects the twists and turns and uncertainties in human relationships.

The story between Liu Lili and Dong Linghu teaches us the complexity of feelings and the unpredictability of life. In this delicate balance, love and responsibility, pleasure and entanglement are intertwined to form a story rich in emotional depth.

"Three-Person Love"

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

In the Taiwanese film industry, Liu Lili's name is a legendary existence. As a talented female director, her career is not only closely linked to art, but also to an unusual emotional entanglement.

Liu Lili, who graduated from the School of Political Warfare, and Dong Linghu's fate began on campus, and then their cooperation and affection gradually deepened, building a special relationship that lasted for decades.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

On Liu Lili's artistic path, Qiong Yao's figure is indispensable. The deep friendship between the two has led to a series of unforgettable film and television works, which have added a strong touch to the Chinese film industry.

In private life, Liu Lili and Dong Linghu maintain an emotional connection beyond the conventional, and this relationship includes Wang Mei, Dong's original wife. Together, they have built an unconventional family model that has witnessed each other's sacrifice and tolerance.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

This special three-person relationship is not only a challenge to the traditional concept of family, but also a profound exploration of personal emotions. Liu Lili made great sacrifices for this emotional entanglement, including abortion and sterilization, and she even regarded Dong Linghu's child as her own. This sacrifice and dedication has made her personal life as dramatic and deeply emotionally impactful as her artistic creations.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

Liu Lili's story is a complex weaving of love, friendship and sacrifice. Her life, like her films, is gripping and evocative. In the history of Chinese cinema, Liu Lili has not only left a deep mark on her directorial talent, but her unique life experience has also become a topic of conversation for many people.

Liu Lili was sick in bed

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

On an ordinary day in 2007, fate played a joke on Liu Lili. An inadvertent fall unleashed her cerebellar atrophy.

As time passed, the illness gradually robbed her of her ability to take care of herself. In 2010, Liu Lili had to stay in the hospital and couldn't take care of herself, and Wang Mei became an indispensable support by her side.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

During this difficult period, Liu Lili faced many life and death tests, and each critical illness notice was like a ruthless reminder. Sadly, she had no immediate family members around to sign these notices.

At this critical moment, Wang Mei made an astonishing decision - she divorced her husband Dong Linghu by agreement, so that Dong Linghu could marry Liu Lili, so that Liu Lili would have a name in the last stage of his life.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

In October 2010, the hospital ward witnessed the wedding of this special couple, simple and affectionate. Wang Mei and her children not only gave blessings, but also silently guarded them.

However, happy times are always short-lived. In 2015, Dong Linghu left this world due to cardiopulmonary failure. Three years later, in 2018, Liu Lili also passed away, ending this special three-person relationship, leaving Wang Mei to face the world alone.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

This story, full of sacrifice and love, shows the warmest and selfless side of human nature. It is not only a struggle against fate, but also a profound interpretation of the meaning of life.

Personal opinion

Liu Lili's story is as dramatic and emotional depth as the Qiong Yao drama she directed. Her life is a challenge to traditional notions of love and family, as well as a profound reflection of personal sacrifice and dedication. It's not just a story about love, it's a microcosm of complex human nature and life choices.

is willing to be a junior for 45 years, makes money for the original partner, and sterilizes the original partner, her life can be called a Qiong Yao drama

Liu's experience shows the power and complexity of love, but it also reminds us that everyone's life choices deserve respect and understanding. In this story full of twists and turns, we see the multiple facets of love and the profound connotation of human nature.

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