
After using the hydrogen-rich water bottle, I had a problem with my body......

author:Xinzhi Industry

Before the article begins, let me ask you a question: What cup do you usually use to drink water? Do you know the hydrogen-rich water cup?

With the continuous improvement of people's health awareness, "health preservation" has become one of the hot topics in daily life, among which hydrogen-rich water cups have attracted the attention of young people.

After using the Xinzhi hydrogen water cup for a long time, many friends have reported to us in the background that the use of the hydrogen water cup has brought them some changes, such as: uric acid has dropped, it is not uncomfortable after drinking, blood lipids have stabilized, etc. Is the hydrogen-rich water cup really so "magical"? Today, Shuili Hydrogen will take you to understand and see how experts and scholars verify it!

After using the hydrogen-rich water bottle, I had a problem with my body......

Uric acid dropped

According to the 2021 White Paper on Trends in Hyperuricemia and Gout in China, the overall prevalence of hyperuricemia in mainland China is 13.3%, with about 177 million patients. High uric acid has become the "fourth highest" after high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high blood lipids!

After using the hydrogen-rich water bottle, I had a problem with my body......

Uric acid is a product of purine metabolism, which is produced by human liver metabolism, and long-term high uric acid will cause a series of serious consequences such as hyperuricemia, gout, and kidney stones. Since more than 2/3 of uric acid is excreted through urine, when friends with high uric acid go to the doctor, the doctor will definitely recommend: drink more water.

A study was published in the Chinese Journal of Clinical Health Care in a 3-month randomized controlled double-blind intervention trial evaluating the efficacy of hydrogen-rich water for hyperuricemia.

The researchers randomly divided male patients with hyperuricemia (≥420 μmoL/L) into two groups, both of whom received lifestyle interventions (including health education and lifestyle changes, such as alcohol restriction, low-purine diet, exercise, etc.). On this basis, the experimental group was intervened with drinking hydrogen-rich water (concentration of 1.0~1.5 mg/L) and drank 600 ml of hydrogen-rich water per day, while the control group was intervened with the same amount of placebo water for 3 months.

After using the hydrogen-rich water bottle, I had a problem with my body......

After 3 months, the researchers analyzed the data and found that the diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol and uric acid levels in the experimental group decreased significantly, especially the average level of uric acid in the experimental group decreased by (66.69±111.38) μmoL/L after drinking hydrogen-rich water for 3 months, while there was no significant change in all indicators in the control group.

According to the real-world research conducted by Shanghai Huikang Hydrogen Medical Research Center, it can be known that uric acid levels will be better improved after drinking hydrogen-rich water for about 3~6 months.

I don't feel bad after drinking

Drinking is indispensable for workplace socials and gatherings with friends, and when you wake up the next morning, you have a headache, body aches and nausea, and I believe many people have experienced a hangover. The corresponding "hangover methods" are also varied, mainly divided into protecting the stomach and liver and accelerating alcohol metabolism.

An animal study published in the journal Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine by a team of researchers from Sun Yat-sen Medical University in Guangzhou has shown that hydrogen can alleviate liver damage caused by alcohol intake. Therefore, the investigators proposed that hydrogen may be a novel therapeutic strategy for alcohol-induced liver damage.

After using the hydrogen-rich water bottle, I had a problem with my body......

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So, can hydrogen-rich water improve hangovers?

In 2022, the team of Professor Song Guohua of Shandong First Medical University conducted a clinical intervention trial on 20 healthy volunteers and found that hydrogen molecules can reduce BrAC and relieve hangover symptoms. The research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Special Fund for Young Taishan Scholars.

  • The control group inhaled placebo air for 1 hour, then drank 100 ml of liquor (40% alcohol) within 10 minutes, followed by purified water.
  • The hydrogen group inhales a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases for 1 hour, then drinks 100 ml of liquor within 10 minutes, and then dissolves H2 in water.
  • After the second intervention day (crossover) ≥ 1 week, study group subjects were switched to the reverse order. Breath alcohol concentration (BrAC), hangover severity, and cognitive scores are measured.

It was found that the BrAC values in the hydrogen group were significantly lower than those in the placebo group after 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes, indicating that the alcohol content in the hydrogen group decreased more rapidly. Compared to the control group, the hydrogen group had fewer hangover symptoms.

In conclusion, hydrogen intake has been tested for hangover and hangover, and also provides more hangover options for drinkers.

Lipids stabilized

Many people often check the blood lipid 4 tests when they usually check the body, so that they can understand whether the four indicators of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) are within the normal range. If these indicators are abnormal, such as elevated or low, they may indicate dyslipidemia.

After using the hydrogen-rich water bottle, I had a problem with my body......

Hydrogen molecules (hydrogen) have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and reduce chronic inflammation, many of which are associated with the pathology and etiology of metabolic syndrome and its associated diseases.

So, what is the effect of drinking hydrogen-rich water on improving blood lipids?

The research group of Qin Shucun, a scholar from Taishan in Shandong Province, carried out a double-blind, self-controlled before-and-after trial, and published the results in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinol Metabolic in 2015.

The team randomly divided 68 untreated hypercholesterolemia patients into the intervention group and the control group, the intervention group patients drank 900mL/day of hydrogen-rich water (300mL/time, 3 times a day), and the control group was given the same dose of placebo water for a total of 10 weeks, and their blood samples were collected before and after the intervention and related analyses were performed.

The results showed that the levels of total cholesterol (47.06% → 17.65%) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (47.06% vs. 23.53%) were down-regulated in the hydrogen water group, and although the plasma HDL level did not change significantly, the hydrogen-water group could promote the cholesterol outflow regulator-mediated cholesterol outflow function, and the plasma new HDL level increased.

There are many studies on the improvement of blood lipids by hydrogen-rich water, mainly focusing on reducing total cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels, and in general, hydrogen-rich water improves dyslipidemia and normalizes metabolism in the body.

After using the hydrogen-rich water bottle, I had a problem with my body......

In fact, in addition to improving uric acid, hangover, and dyslipidemia, hydrogen-rich water also has a large number of clinical practice studies in other health aspects, such as the paper published by Ma Xuemei's team at Beijing University of Technology in "Advances in Biotechnology" entitled "Biomedical Research Progress on Hydrogen-Rich Water and Hydrogen-Rich Normal Saline - Clinical Trial", which reviewed the clinical research progress of hydrogen-rich water in metabolic diseases, nervous system diseases, inflammatory diseases, tumors, skin diseases and exercise fatigue. High-level clinical trials provide valuable experience.

So, for those who have never used a hydrogen-rich water cup, how to choose the right hydrogen-rich water cup?

1. The hydrogen production concentration of the hydrogen water cup should be more than 800ppb.

2. The hydrogen water cup adopts the hydrogen production technology of hydrogen and oxygen separation to avoid the production of by-products such as ozone, acid ions, and heavy metals.

3. Be sure to carefully look at the selection of materials for the product, such as whether the wading parts of the cup are food-grade, and whether the electrode plate material is made of titanium platinum?

Have you learned? Forward it to your friends in need!

Disclaimer: This article is a truthful interpretation of the literature and does not constitute any opinion.

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