
Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

author:Gluttonous old than
Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

#Let's have some dry goods# When it comes to bread, I believe many friends will instantly think of it: crispy and soft taste, sweet taste, taste a bite, as if you can feel the sun shining on the wheat field, the rich aroma comes to the nose.

Bread originated in Egypt, flourished in Europe, and gradually became popular after being introduced to the mainland in the late Qing Dynasty. Especially with the acceleration of the pace of life, a loaf of bread, a glass of milk, and an omelette when we get up in the morning can not only fill our stomachs, but also meet our nutritional needs.

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

However, although the bread is good, some unscrupulous merchants either use low-quality ingredients or add a lot of sugar or margarine to cater to the taste of customers. Therefore, when buying bread, remember to read carefully, know how to buy bread, never pick the following 6 kinds, not only not nutritious but also spend more money, so for the sake of health, it is recommended that you take a look!

The first type: "meat floss" bread

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

Many friends like to eat meat floss bread, mainly because the meat aroma of meat floss and the wheat aroma of bread are fused together, the taste is richer, and the taste is also full of aroma. However, the reason why people like to eat meat floss bread is because the essence of meat floss is meat, and the taste is mellow.

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

In order to reduce costs, some businesses will choose to use "artificial meat floss", which is made of soybean plant fiber plus food additives, flavors and a large amount of salt, which is a high-salt, high-calorie, high-fat food. Note: Real meat floss has a meaty flavor, while fake meat floss has a flavor flavor and has more powder.

The second: "creamy" bread

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

In general, brioche bread is very popular with female friends. However, everyone found that the bread made in the bakery can be stored for at least two or three days, and the bread made with animal butter, let alone three days, is not for a day. Therefore, such cream bread, to put it bluntly, is made of vegetable butter, and it takes more than 50 days for this cream to be metabolized after entering the human body, so it is not recommended to eat it.

The third type: "puff pastry" bread

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

Puff pastry bread is very popular nowadays, and it is crispy and refreshing to eat in one bite. However, the shortening in shortbread, to put it bluntly, is still made of vegetable butter, which is what we often call margarine, which can cause most harm to our health, I believe everyone knows. The point is, in a shortbread, the amount of shortening alone will account for one-third of the total bread!

Fourth: "whole wheat" bread

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

In the past, if anyone could eat fine pasta, it was definitely a rich family. However, now that the living conditions of every household are getting better and better, coarse tea and light rice are becoming more popular! Therefore, as soon as whole wheat bread was introduced, it immediately became popular all over the country! However, real whole wheat bread is throat-pulling, and there is not the slightest bit of sweetness.

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

Therefore, many businesses are using fine flour with bran granules, so that it has the taste of whole wheat and can make people eat comfortably, the key is that such whole wheat bread has little dietary fiber, but the sugar content is very high, and it is easier to make people fat when they eat it often.

Fifth: fruit bread

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

There are generally two types of fruit bread: one is bread made with canned fruit, and the other is bread made with fresh fruit. There is no doubt that canned fruit has excessive sugar content, and fresh fruit bread is the best place for microorganisms to multiply due to the temperature and humidity of the bakery, as well as the moisture and sugar content of the fruit itself. Therefore, it is not advisable to use canned fruit and fruit bread that has been sitting for a long time.

Sixth: jam bread

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

Many friends think that jam bread is delicious and nutritious, but in fact, the jam in jam bread is not pure jam, but made of cyclamate, flavor, starch, etc., and such jam is extremely high in sugar. To tell the truth, delicious is delicious, but it is not suitable for the elderly and children at home.

——Old Yu said——

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

In the end, some friends will ask: Lao Yu, according to you, what kind of bread can be eaten? In fact, good bread is made with flour, water, yeast and a little salt, it must be without sugar, preservatives, and flavors!

Buy bread, people who know how to never pick these 6 kinds, don't spend more money without nutrition, and take a look at it for health

Therefore, as long as the bread meets these conditions, it can be eaten, and if you don't know how to choose, you can check the ingredient list, and you can understand. The above is the content shared with you today, I hope it can help you. If you like Lao Yu's article, please help like and retweet it, so that more friends know, this is my biggest creative motivation! Finally, thank you for watching, thank you!

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