
The old lady sold strawberries and was seriously short of two catties, and the guy had no choice but to shout on the street, "The old lady is a liar"

author:Yeonyue emotion

In our daily life, integrity is the basic principle that every vendor should uphold. However, an incident on the streets of Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, has raised questions about this principle. According to eyewitnesses, an elderly lady was accused of "cheating" by a young man on the street when she gave customers insufficient strawberries when she was selling strawberries.

The old lady sold strawberries and was seriously short of two catties, and the guy had no choice but to shout on the street, "The old lady is a liar"

It is understood that the young man originally planned to buy some strawberries, but after weighing, he found that the weight of the strawberries given by the old lady was obviously insufficient. He then asked the old lady to re-weigh herself, but the old lady did not seem to cooperate. The young man immediately shouted in the street: "The old lady has lied to people!" This shout immediately attracted onlookers from passers-by.

The old lady sold strawberries and was seriously short of two catties, and the guy had no choice but to shout on the street, "The old lady is a liar"

In the face of the accusations, the old lady insisted that her scales were accurate and said that the young man might have read it wrong. However, the young man did not accept this explanation, and he insisted that the old lady return the money. Under the watchful eyes of passers-by, the old lady finally chose to return the young man's money.

The old lady sold strawberries and was seriously short of two catties, and the guy had no choice but to shout on the street, "The old lady is a liar"

After this incident, it attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. Some said vendors should be honest and not deceive customers for profit. At the same time, some people believe that as consumers, they should pay attention to whether the merchant's scale is accurate when shopping, so as not to be deceived.

The old lady sold strawberries and was seriously short of two catties, and the guy had no choice but to shout on the street, "The old lady is a liar"

In response to this matter, the local market supervision department also said that it would strengthen inspections and crack down on illegal traders. They called on the general public to pay attention to the accuracy of merchants' scales when shopping, and called on merchants to operate with integrity and not to deceive customers for profit.

The old lady sold strawberries and was seriously short of two catties, and the guy had no choice but to shout on the street, "The old lady is a liar"

In this incident, the young man bravely stood up for his rights and interests. His actions are worth learning from Xi and learning from. We should learn to protect our rights and interests, and dare to point out and defend our rights against the illegal acts of merchants. At the same time, businesses should also uphold the principle of honest management and provide consumers with high-quality goods and services.

As consumers, we should be vigilant when shopping and pay attention to whether the merchant's scales are accurate. If we find that there is illegal behavior of the merchant, we should report it to the relevant departments in time to protect our rights and interests and the fairness and justice of the market.

This incident also reminds us that honest management is the basic obligation and responsibility of every business. Only by adhering to the principle of honest management can we win the trust and support of consumers. At the same time, consumers should also raise their awareness of self-protection, dare to defend their rights and supervise the market order.

In short, integrity management is the cornerstone of the market economy. Only by working together can businesses and consumers create a fair, just and transparent market environment. Let us work together to build a harmonious market order!

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