
The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

author:Late life

Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, a city full of the history of the Red Revolution, where people inherit the fine traditions of the Chinese nation and carry forward the virtues of respecting the elderly, caring for the young, and being courteous. In this beautiful city, a heartwarming and touching story took place.

The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

During rush hour, Ms. Wang drove her car down a busy street. As she drove past a zebra crossing near a school, she saw two boys preparing to cross the road. Ms. Wang immediately slowed down and stopped far in front of the zebra crossing, signaling for the vehicles behind her to stop as well. She was worried that her vehicle would scare the two children, so she chose to park far away from the zebra crossing to give them plenty of safe space.

The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

Seeing Ms. Wang's courtesy behavior, the two boys immediately quickened their pace and crossed the road safely. However, instead of leaving immediately, they stood on the side of the road and bowed to Ms. Wang to express their gratitude. This simple action made Ms. Wang feel very surprised and moved. Her tired heart instantly lightened a lot, and she felt that she had done something very meaningful.

The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

"I just did what every driver should do, give way to pedestrians and keep them safe," Ms. Wang said. However, the children's behavior made me feel very warm, and their bows made me feel that my efforts were recognized, and it also made me more convinced that our society is full of positive energy. ”

The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

This little story soon became a good story among the citizens of Yan'an. People praised Ms. Wang's civilized driving behavior, and they were also pleased with the gratitude and respect of the two boys. This incident is not just a simple traffic courtesy, but also a collision of hearts and minds, showing mutual respect and understanding between people.

The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

In the city of Yan'an, such stories are not unique. The citizens here, whether in life or work, uphold the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and convey positive energy with their own practical actions. They believe that a harmonious society can only be built if everyone is able to respect others.

The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

Ms. Wang's story also inspires more people to join the ranks of civility and courtesy. Many drivers say that they will pay more attention to pedestrians when driving, especially near schools and in front of zebra crossings. They hope that through their own efforts, they can create a safer environment for children to grow up.

The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

At the same time, this story has also made more people start to think about how to pass on positive energy in their own lives. Whether it's through a simple courtesy, a warm greeting, or a selfless help, everyone can be a transmitter of positive energy and make our society a better place.

The owner of the zebra crossing gave way, and the boy hurriedly bowed and thanked him after seeing it

In Yan'an, a city full of revolutionary spirit, such stories happen every day. The citizens here use their own practical actions to interpret the core values of socialism and show the fine traditions of the Chinese nation. They believe that as long as everyone can have love in their hearts and act politely, then our society will be more harmonious and better.

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