
Which is healthier to have three bowel movements a day or three days?

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Zhang Yingli. Bowel peristalsis and constipation (review)[J]. Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2011, 45(7): 51-53.

2. Zhang Hongxian. Research Progress on Intestinal Function Regulation[J]. Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 2009, 12(11): 926-929.

3. Zhang Jianmin. Research Progress on the Effect of Exercise on Intestinal Motility and Constipation[J]. China Sports Science and Technology, 2011, 47(4): 159-161.

Bowel movements are important indicators for us to judge our physical health, but specifically everyone has their own bowel Xi habits, some people once every three days, and some people three times a day, different bowel movements are important references for evaluating health in our opinion, so which of the two is healthier?

Which is healthier to have three bowel movements a day or three days?

1. Why does the human body defecate?

Human defecation is an essential function in biology to remove waste products accumulated in the body and substances that cannot be absorbed in the digestive system. First of all, the reason why the human body defecates can be understood from the point of view of waste elimination in the digestive process.

During digestion, after the human body swallows food, the food is digested and absorbed through digestive tract organs such as the mouth, esophagus, stomach and small intestine. In this process, the body releases digestive enzymes to break down nutrients from food and absorb them into the bloodstream for use by various organs in the body.

However, the digestive tract digests parts that are not fully absorbed and substances that cannot be absorbed can form feces in the large intestine. If these waste products are not excreted from the body in time, they will accumulate in the intestines, causing uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating and constipation. Therefore, people need to have bowel movements in order to get rid of body waste in time and maintain the normal function of the intestines.

Which is healthier to have three bowel movements a day or three days?

Secondly, the function of the human intestine is also one of the important factors in the production of bowel movements. The human intestine includes both the small intestine and the large intestine, of which the large intestine is the main place for bowel movements. The large intestine pushes food debris to the rectum through movement, and the intestinal wall inside the rectum feels the stimulation of the food debris and sends signals to the brain to cause a desire to defecate.

At the same time, the large intestine also causes waste products to move towards the anus through peristaltic movements. When waste accumulates to a certain level, the human body senses the need to defecate and controls when and where to defecate through consciousness. This motility and sensory function of the intestine is an important physiological basis for bowel movements.

In addition, bowel movements are also affected by physiological regulation. The nervous and endocrine systems play an important role in bowel movements. When waste passes through the intestines, receptors in the intestines transmit this information to the central nervous system, which sends instructions to the smooth muscles of the intestines to trigger peristaltic movements that promote the expulsion of waste. The endocrine system, on the other hand, regulates intestinal peristalsis and digestion and absorption processes by secreting intestinal hormones. These physiological mechanisms work together to allow human bowel movements to proceed smoothly.

Which is healthier to have three bowel movements a day or three days?

2. Which is healthier to have three bowel movements a day or once a three days?

The frequency of bowel movements, three bowel movements a day and one bowel movement every three days, is medically normal, but three bowel movements a day is more desirable for health.

First of all, the purpose of bowel movements is to remove waste products and toxins from the body that are produced during digestion. Stool is a collection of waste products formed during the body's metabolism, including food residues, metabolites and some bacterial residues that cannot be absorbed by the digestive system, as well as excess water and electrolytes in the body. By having a bowel movement, these waste products and toxins can be removed and the digestive system can be maintained for normal function.

Secondly, having a bowel movement three times a day is better than having one bowel movement every three days to maintain the body's health. Bowel movements too low can cause waste to stay in the intestines for too long, causing them to absorb too much toxins and wastes, which can be a burden on the body. In the long run, it may cause problems such as constipation and intestinal diseases. In addition, frequent bowel movements help to maintain normal intestinal peristalsis, promote the digestion and absorption of food, and avoid prolonged retention in the intestinal lumen.

Third, having three stools a day can reduce the risk of related diseases compared to one stool every three days. Long-term constipation increases the risk of intestinal diseases such as colon cancer, hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps, etc. On the contrary, bowel movements three times a day can help prevent the occurrence of these diseases. In addition, by having frequent bowel movements, you can reduce the retention time of stool in the intestines, which reduces the chance of potentially harmful bacteria breeding, which is also helpful in preventing intestinal infections.

Which is healthier to have three bowel movements a day or three days?

In summary, it is healthier to have three bowel movements a day than one poop every three days. Frequent bowel movements help to remove waste and toxins from the body, maintain the normal function of the digestive system, reduce the risk of constipation and intestinal diseases, avoid prolonged retention in the intestinal lumen and reduce the chance of harmful bacteria breeding. Therefore, we should pay attention to maintaining good bowel Xi habits and moderately increasing the frequency of bowel movements, which helps maintain the health of the body.

Extended reading: How can I have a smooth bowel movement?

1. Develop the Xi of regular bowel movements

Regular bowel movements allow the intestines to maintain regularity and better flush out waste. It is recommended to have bowel movements in the morning after waking up, half an hour after eating, and before bedtime to maintain regularity.

2. Maintain adequate water intake

Hydration is very important for bowel movements. Maintaining adequate fluid intake can help soften stools and reduce the occurrence of constipation. It is recommended to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, which can increase the intake of foods with high water content such as fruits and soups.

3. Increase dietary fiber intake

Dietary fiber is an important substance to promote intestinal peristalsis, which can increase the volume and softness of stool and reduce constipation. You can eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and other foods rich in dietary fiber.

Which is healthier to have three bowel movements a day or three days?

Fourth, moderate exercise

Moderate body movement helps to enhance bowel movements and promote bowel movements. You can choose from walking, jogging, swimming, yoga and other forms of exercise, 3 to 5 times a week, 30 minutes to 1 hour each time.

5. Avoid holding stool

Holding stool is easy to form Xi habitual constipation, so when you feel the desire to defecate, you should go to the toilet in time and do not hold stool.

6. Avoid sitting and lying down for long periods of time

Sitting and lying for long periods of time can reduce bowel movements and increase the risk of constipation. It is advisable to move around every once in a while to promote intestinal peristalsis.

Which is healthier to have three bowel movements a day or three days?

7. Maintain emotional stability

Long-term mental stress, anxiety, depression and other bad mood can affect intestinal motility and lead to aggravation of constipation. Maintaining a good state of mind and being fully relaxed can relieve constipation difficulties.

To sum up, in order to have a smooth bowel movement, we should develop the Xi of regular bowel movements, maintain sufficient water intake, increase dietary fiber intake, exercise moderately, avoid holding stool, avoid sitting and lying for a long time, and maintain emotional stability.