
The text of the first quarter report of Harbin Weidi Electronics Co., Ltd. in 2021

author:Securities Daily

Stock code: 603023 Securities abbreviation: Weidi shares Announcement number: 2021-020

Harbin Weidi Electronics Co., Ltd

Announcement of the resolution of the sixteenth meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors

The Supervisory Board and all the Supervisors of the Company warrant that the contents of this announcement are free from any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and assume individual and joint liability for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents.

1. The convening of the meeting of the board of supervisors

The 16th meeting of the 4th Supervisory Board of Harbin Weidi Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") was held on April 27, 2021 in the company's conference room in a combination of on-site and network. Notice of the Supervisory Board meeting was issued in writing and by telephone on 15 April 2021. The meeting shall be convened and presided over by Mr. Ying Qiaoxi, chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and the meeting shall be attended by 3 supervisors and 3 supervisors. The notice and convening of this meeting conform to the relevant provisions of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Articles of Association of the Company, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors and other relevant provisions, and the resolutions of the meeting are legal and valid.

2. Deliberations at the meeting of the board of supervisors

After deliberation and voting by the supervisors attending the meeting, the following proposals were unanimously passed:

1. Deliberated and passed the "Proposal on the First Quarter Report of 2021"

The Supervisory Board conducted a careful review of the first quarter report of 2021 prepared by the Company and concluded that the review procedure of the first quarter report of 2021 prepared by the Company complies with the provisions of laws, regulations, the articles of association of the company and the company's internal management system;

The content and format of the report comply with the regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the information contained can truly reflect the company's current operation and management and financial situation from all aspects;

The first quarter report of 2021 is true, accurate and complete, and is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statements or material omissions;

Prior to the submission of this opinion, no breach of confidentiality was detected by those involved in the preparation and consideration of the First Quarterly Report 2021.

For details, please refer to the "First Quarter Report 2021" published on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (

Voting result: 3 votes in favour, 0 votes against, 0 abstentions, 0 recusal votes.

This is hereby announced.

Supervisory Board of Harbin Weidi Electronics Co., Ltd

April 27, 2021

Company code: 603023 Company abbreviation: Weidi shares

I. Important Notes

1.1 The board of directors, the board of supervisors and the directors, supervisors and senior management of the company shall ensure that the contents of the quarterly report are true, accurate and complete, that there are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and that they bear individual and joint legal liabilities.

1.2 All directors of the Company attend the Board of Directors to consider the quarterly report.

1.3 Liu Gaoshen, the person in charge of the company, Yu Qiong, the person in charge of accounting work, and Zhao Jing, the person in charge of the accounting agency (accounting supervisor), ensure that the financial statements in the quarterly report are true, accurate and complete.

1.4 The Company's first quarterly report is unaudited.

Second, the basic situation of the company

2.1 Key Financial Data

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

Non-recurring P&L items and amounts

√ applicable □ does not apply

2.2 Table of the total number of shareholders, the top ten shareholders, the top ten circulating shareholders (or shareholders with unlimited sale conditions) as of the end of the reporting period

Unit: Shares

2.3 Table of the total number of preferred shareholders, the top ten preferred shareholders, and the top ten preferred shareholders with unlimited sale conditions as of the end of the reporting period

□ apply √ does not apply


III. Important Matters

3.1 The company's main accounting statements items and financial indicators of the material changes and reasons

3.2 Analysis of the progress of important matters and their impact and solutions

The 15th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors of the Company held on December 31, 2020 and the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 2021 held on 19 January 2021 deliberated and passed the "Proposal on the Establishment of Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries for Overseas Investment", the 16th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors held on January 22, 2021 and the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 2021 held on February 8, 2021 deliberated and passed the "Proposal on The Investment and Establishment of Industrial Funds and Related Party Transactions". The Company intends to establish an industrial investment fund with the wholly-owned subsidiary established as the investor and Shanghai Jiuyou Chuangu Investment Management Co., Ltd.

The Company has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary Lishui Liwei Equity Investment Co., Ltd., and on March 25, 2021, obtained the "Business License of Enterprise Legal Person" issued by the Lishui Market Administration for Industry and Commerce, unified social credit code: 91331100MA2HKD254Y, legal representative: Zhang Zhetao, registered capital of RMB 500 million, for details, please refer to the "Announcement on Completing the Establishment of Subsidiaries and Obtaining Business Licenses" published on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange ( (Bulletin No. 2021-012).

On April 22, 2021, the first batch of capital of 20 million yuan has been transferred to the subsidiary.

The industrial fund project to be invested by the subsidiary has not yet been established, the investment target has not yet been determined, and the impact on the financial position and operating results cannot be estimated for the time being.

3.3 Unfulfilled commitments that have not been fulfilled during the reporting period

3.4 Warning and explanation of the reasons for forecasting that the cumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period may be a loss or a material change compared to the same period of the previous year

In the same period last year, it received 4.84 million yuan of "subsidy funds for enterprises successfully issuing direct debt financing instrument products", and the government subsidy funds received in the current period decreased. At the same time, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has been basically controlled in China, and with the increase of vaccination rate, the market demand for buses will gradually recover, but there is still uncertainty, and there will be a risk of demand decline in the market.

Cumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period is expected to change significantly from the same period last year.

Stock code: 603023 Stock abbreviation: Weidi shares Announcement number: 2021-019

Announcement of the resolution of the eighteenth meeting of the fourth board of directors

The Board of Directors and all Directors of the Company warrant that the contents of this announcement are free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement or material omission and accept sole and several liability for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents.

1. The convening of the board of directors meeting

The 18th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors of Harbin Weidi Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") was held on April 27, 2021 in the company's conference room by on-site combined video conference. Notice of this Board meeting was given in writing and by telephone on 15 April 2021. The meeting was convened and presided over by Mr. Liu Gaoshen, the chairman of the board, the meeting should be 7 directors, 6 directors actually attended, the director Mr. Ji Xiaoli could not attend the meeting in person due to work reasons, entrusted the director Mr. Liu Gaoshen to vote on behalf of the company, and the company's supervisors and senior management attended the meeting as observers. The notice and convening of this meeting conform to the relevant provisions of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Articles of Association of the Company, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors and other relevant provisions, and the resolutions of the meeting are legal and valid.

2. Deliberations of the board of directors meeting

After deliberation and voting by the directors attending the meeting, the following proposals were unanimously passed:

1. Deliberated and passed the "Proposal on the First Quarter Report of 2021"

Voting result: 7 votes in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions, 0 recusals.

Harbin Weidi Electronics Co., Ltd. Board of Directors


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