
Good governance of buildings promotes the high-quality development of Xuhui science and technology
Good governance of buildings promotes the high-quality development of Xuhui science and technology

Today (26th), the "Innovation and Deepening Building Party Building, Good Governance and Empowering High-quality Development" - Xuhui District Theme Education Longhua Street Emerging Field "One Branch, One Practical Thing" Sharing and Exchange Meeting was held in the West Bank Digital Valley Party and Mass Service Center. Xuhui District focuses on the most active meridians in economic development, and makes every effort to promote the coverage of party building in emerging fields. The Organization Department of the Xuhui District Party Committee (District Social Work Party Committee) will focus on comprehensively deepening the party building in buildings, make full use of the "four-link" mechanism, and focus on building a platform for the integration of party building and good governance, a hub for industrial development, and a window for one-stop service for talents, so as to effectively transform the theme education results into a strong driving force for promoting high-quality development.

Tackling new topics

Located in the core business district of Shanghai's West Bund, the West Bund Digital Valley is an important support for Xuhui District to connect with the national and Shanghai development strategies, promote the construction of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center, and deploy the spatial pattern of "one core, one pole and one belt" artificial intelligence industry. Science and technology innovation landmarks have sprung up, leading enterprises have concentrated their layout, and digital economy industrial clusters have accelerated their momentum.

In the face of the location characteristics of building carrier agglomeration, industrial agglomeration, and talent agglomeration, the Organization Department of the Xuhui District Party Committee (District Social Work Party Committee) innovated and explored the operation mechanism of "one committee and multiple buildings", and gave full play to the leading role of the Party Committee of the West Bank Zhita, that is, the Party Committee of a landmark building will coordinate the coverage of the building carriers of the same industry type in the region, and through the "five synchronization" working method of "synchronous contact with settled enterprises, synchronous establishment of party organizations, synchronous allocation of party building instructors, synchronous party affairs, and synchronous development of party building activities", "a game of chess" Promote the construction of building organization system and build a "strong engine" for building development. At present, the Party Committee of Zhita on the West Bank has covered 15 Party (General) branches in 4 surrounding buildings.

During the theme education period, the Xuhui District Party Committee formulated and implemented a special Xi education plan for emerging fields and other key groups, and promoted the party's innovative theories into buildings, business districts, parks, enterprises, social organizations, and new employment groups. In the West Bank Digital Valley, the West Bank Zhita Party Committee has played a leading role and platform role, and through innovative activities such as "Initial Intention Narrator", "Party Member Pioneer Tour" and "West Bank Talk", the "two new" party organizations in the building have deepened their theoretical Xi, broadened the channels for joint organization construction, and promoted technical exchanges and scientific and technological innovation cooperation.

A new path to good governance

Party building is productivity, competitiveness is strong, and cohesion is fine.

Focusing on "grasping party building, good governance, and promoting business", Xuhui District continues to promote the "Lou Zhihui" governance platform in commercial buildings, establishes a joint conference system for building party building, and guides the heads of settled units, expert talents, and young white-collar workers to participate in building governance through the recommendation of building party committees, enterprise selection, and individual self-recommendation, and representatives of property owners, territorial streets, property companies, and functional departments as the backbone.

Good governance of buildings promotes the high-quality development of Xuhui science and technology

Relying on the governance platform of "Lou Zhihui", the party organization of the "two new" buildings has carried out "one branch and one practical thing", promoted the close cooperation between buildings, enterprises and buildings through project-based methods, closely connected with the top R&D institutions, head enterprises and application scenarios in the West Bank Digital Valley, and promoted "building discussions, building affairs and building management", so as to realize "small things do not go out of the building, and major things are linked and co-governed". During the event, the leaders of the Party Branch of Shanghai United Imaging Intelligent Medical Technology Co., Ltd., the Party Branch of Everstep Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the Party Branch of Zhongzheng Daguang Fund Sales Co., Ltd., and the Party Branch of Fanke Public Welfare Culture Communication Center respectively exchanged views on building public issues such as "Uniting Building Youth", "Promoting Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation", "Deepening the Linkage between Building and Society" and "Practicing Social Responsibility", and exchanged experiences of party building leading high-quality development. Chen Jie, an empowering expert of the "Beautiful Community Pioneer Action" of the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, a tenured professor of the School of International and Public Affairs of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Research Center, commented on the scene.

Service New Matrix

At the scene, the West Bund Digital Valley Party and Mass Service Center was opened, and the "West Bund Digital Valley" online service applet was released.

Good governance of buildings promotes the high-quality development of Xuhui science and technology

Focusing on the problems of job-housing balance such as white-collar Xi, friendship, culture and sports, and childcare in Xuhui Binjiang, Xuhui District combined with the style of Daxing investigation and research to carry out a new round of special research on building party building, promote the close link between building party building and riverside party building and regionalized party building, aggregate the "three lists" of "demand list, service list and resource list", promote the iterative upgrading of party and mass service functions in West Bank Digital Valley, and integrate the establishment of Xuhui Binjiang International Talent Port. The Party and Mass Service Center of West Bank Digital Valley has innovatively created special spaces such as meeting rooms, secret talk rooms, health houses, gyms, etc., equipped with more than 20 service functions in 6 categories, and 9 characteristic activities such as "smart culture", "smart health" and "smart sports" have formed a brand effect, which have been well received by white-collar workers in the building.

In the future, Xuhui District will closely integrate with the actual situation of the region, make greater efforts to promote the full coverage of party building in emerging fields, continuously innovate the effective path of party building in parks, business districts and buildings, serve and unite new employment groups, and inject new momentum and gather new strength to promote the high-quality development of the central urban area.