
There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

author:Pilot-driven slurry


In the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms dispute, Gongsun Zhan's name was like a dazzling star, shining in that era of heroes. However, what is even more talked about are the three outstanding generals under his command - Zhao Yun, Tian Yu and Yan Gang.

They are not only treasures in Gongsun Zhan's army, but also legendary figures in the history of the Three Kingdoms. Zhao Yun was known for his loyalty and bravery, Tian Yu was known for his wit and flexibility, and Yan Gang won the respect of the people for his unwavering loyalty. But in the fate of these three generals, there are hidden secrets and suspense.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

One of Gongsun Zhan's fierce generals: Zhao Yun

In that chaotic era, Gongsun Chan commanded a powerful army with his eloquence. Under his command, there are many heroic generals, and Zhao Yun is one of the most praised. Zhao Yun is famous for his handsome appearance and extraordinary martial arts, but he always feels that his talent has not been fully displayed in Gongsun Zhan.

In Gongsun Zhan's mansion, Zhao Yun often pondered, longing for a bigger stage to show his ambitions. Once, Gongsun Chan held a grand banquet and invited many heroes and celebrities. Zhao Yun was also among the guests. At the banquet, the aroma of wine overflowed and the singing was flying. Zhao Yun stood quietly in the crowd, his eyes revealing a hint of searching.

At the banquet, Zhao Yun inadvertently met Liu Bei. Liu Bei, the Han clan member known for his benevolence, his temperament and conversation made Zhao Yun feel extremely cordial. Liu Bei's eyes were full of care for the people in the world, which made the heroic dream in Zhao Yun's heart even more intense. Zhao Yun couldn't help but step forward and express his admiration to Liu Bei.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

"Gong Liu, your mind makes Zhao admire. Zhao Yun's words were full of sincerity. Liu Bei looked at Zhao Yun, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He responded to Zhao Yun's praise with a smile and said, "General Zhao, if the will of heaven allows, I am willing to create a great cause with you." This short conversation was like a key that opened the door in Zhao Yun's heart.

He began to think deeply about his future, and he knew that his destiny was about to change. In the days since, Zhao Yun's state of mind has changed significantly. He began to focus more on the cultivation of martial arts, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how to better realize his ambitions.

He often recalled the meeting with Liu Bei, and the resonance of the hero's ideals made him firmly believe that Liu Bei was the ideal place for him to display his talents. However, Zhao Yun also knew that it would not be easy to leave Gongsun Zhan. Gongsun Zhan's respect and trust in him put Zhao Yun in a dilemma.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

On the one hand, he has a deep gratitude and loyalty to Gongsun Zhan, and on the other hand, he is eager to follow Liu Bei and realize his ambitions. In such a state of mind, Zhao Yun's inner battle became more and more intense.

On a clear and moonlit night, Zhao Yun stood alone outside the tent, looking at the stars in the sky, his heart full of entanglements and struggles. He knew that whatever choice he made, it would be a major decision that would affect him for the rest of his life.

In the end, Zhao Yun made up his mind. He decided to leave Gongsun Chan and follow his heart's calling. In the dawn of dawn, Zhao Yun rode his beloved horse and quietly left Gongsun Zhan's camp and embarked on a journey to find Liu Bei.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

Tian Yu's twists and turns

In the context of the Three Kingdoms dispute, Tian Yu's fate seems to have always been in a turbulent change. He was initially loyal to Liu Bei, but in Liu Bei's ranks, Tian Yu was unable to find a suitable position to display his talents. This unwillingness and frustration gradually accumulated in his heart, until one day, he decided to leave Liu Bei and defect to Gongsun Zhan.

After Tian Yu joined Gongsun Zhan's army, although he received a certain degree of attention, he always felt that his ability was not fully recognized and utilized. In the Gongsun Chan Army, he was often entrusted with secondary tasks and rarely had the opportunity to participate in major decisions or battles. This situation made Tian Yu feel great frustration and loss. He knows that his talents and ambitions are much more than that.

In Gongsun Zhan's military camp, there are often strategic discussions and martial arts contests. Although Tian Yu has real talent and learning, he rarely has the opportunity to display it. Whenever he saw other generals galloping on the battlefield, an inexplicable anxiety and longing would swell up in his heart. He began to wonder to himself what his future lay for.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

In a conversation with a friend, Tian Yu expressed his dissatisfaction and confusion. He said to his friend, "This place is not a good place to stay long, I need to find another opportunity." These simple words are full of Tian Yu's desire for the future and dissatisfaction with the status quo. Tian Yu's inner struggle was not known to Gongsun Zhan. In Gongsun Zhan's eyes, Tian Yu was just one of the many generals.

So, on a dark and windy night, Tian Yu quietly left Gongsun Zhan's military camp and decided to defect to Cao Cao, hoping to find his own stage under Cao Cao. Tian Yu, who arrived at Cao Cao's military camp, quickly showed his talent. In Cao Cao's place, he was not only reused, but also frequently participated in important military operations.

Cao Cao took a fancy to his resourcefulness and courage and often assigned him important tasks. In several major battles of Cao Cao, Tian Yu showed excellent command ability and tactical wisdom, and won many victories for Cao Cao's army.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

Under Cao Cao, Tian Yu finally found his place. His military talents and resourcefulness were on full display and recognition. At a post-war celebration banquet, Cao Cao praised Tian Yu and said to Tian Yu: "General Tian, your resourcefulness and bravery have added a lot of luster to our army. ”

After Tian Yu heard this, there was a trace of pride and satisfaction in his heart. He replied to Cao Cao: "Prime Minister is wise, it is Tian Yu's honor to serve under your command." Under Cao Cao's command, Tian Yu's talent was fully exploited, and his reputation spread among the Three Kingdoms. He grew from an unknown general to a famous general who feared the enemy.

The story of Tian Yu is not only a process of a general finding his self-worth, but also reflects the characteristics of the times during the Three Kingdoms period, where wars were frequent and heroes were produced. In that era of heroes, Tian Yu's growth and changes were like a microcosm of that era, showing a general's choice and growth in troubled times.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

Loyal Yan Gang

Yan Gang, a fierce general under the command of Gongsun Zhan, is known for his loyalty and bravery. In that era of heroes, Yan Gang's name was like a banner, representing unwavering loyalty and fearless courage. He held an important position in Gongsun Zhan's army, whether it was charging on the battlefield or planning strategies in the barracks, Yan Gang always devoted himself wholeheartedly and did not hesitate.

However, fate is often full of uncertainties. In a fierce battle with Yuan Shao, Yan Gang was captured by enemy forces. As an important general of Gongsun Zhan, his capture was undoubtedly a major blow. After Yuan Shao learned of Yan Gang's identity, he deeply appreciated his bravery. In his opinion, if he could persuade Yan Gang to surrender, it would undoubtedly be a great strategic victory.

Yuan Shao summoned Yan Gang in the big tent. The atmosphere in the tent was tense, Yan Gang was dressed in a battle robe, and when he faced Yuan Shao, his eyes were firm and calm. Yuan Shao tried to convince Yan Gang and showed him the benefits of joining his camp. He said to Yan Gang: "General Yan, I appreciate your martial arts very much, if you can be under my command, you will definitely use it again." ”

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

However, Yan Gang's answer was firm and unhesitating: "I would rather die than betray the lord." His voice was full of determination, which surprised Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao couldn't help but persuade again: "General Yan, why be stubborn and sacrifice your future for temporary loyalty?"

Yan Gang replied: "Loyalty is not a temporary act, but a lifelong will. In the face of Yan Gang's resolute refusal, Yuan Shao felt a trace of helplessness. He knew that such a person could not be convinced. In addition to deep admiration, Yuan Shao had no choice but to order Yan Gang to be executed. Although this decision made Yuan Shao a little unbearable, as a warlord, he also knew the cruelty and necessity of war.

News of Yan Gang's death soon spread throughout the battlefield. In Gongsun Chan's army, the soldiers were devastated. Yan Gang's loyalty and courage left a deep impression on them. Many of them fought alongside Yan Gang and witnessed his bravery.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

Yan Gang's image is like an unshakable mountain in their hearts, and even after his death, his name and deeds are still passed on by the soldiers.

After hearing the news of Yan Gang's execution, Gongsun Zhan's heart was filled with grief and anger. He felt the pain of losing a loyal general. Yan Gang's sacrifice was not only a loss for Gongsun Zhan's army, but also a legend throughout the Three Kingdoms period. His loyalty and bravery have become a symbol of the times, inspiring countless people to stand firm in their beliefs and loyalty in troubled times.

Yan Gang's story has been passed down in the long river of history. His loyalty and sacrifice became a model for future generations to admire, and his name and image were widely chanted by later generations of literati and writers. In that era of heroes, Yan Gang's loyalty and bravery, like a bright star, lit up the sky in troubled times and became an immortal legend.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

The three generals will each show their magical powers

In the magnificent historical picture of the Three Kingdoms, the three famous generals of Gongsun Zhan, Zhao Yun, Tian Yu, and Yan Gang, with their unique characteristics and outstanding contributions, have built a legendary story. They were not only heroes on the battlefield, but also the embodiment of personal character and destiny, and their stories became an indelible part of the Three Kingdoms period.

Zhao Yun is known for his loyalty and bravery. He was extremely brave on the battlefield, whether it was faced with thousands of troops or dangerous situations, he always remained calm and determined, and became a lightning bolt on the battlefield. His loyalty to Liu Bei has become a good story for later generations. During an encounter with the enemy, Zhao Yun rushed into the enemy line alone and rescued the trapped allies.

After the war, he said to his comrades: "In order to protect the lord and his comrades, Zhao has no regrets even if he dies." Tian Yu is known for his wit and flexibility. His strategic versatility has allowed him to play a key role in many campaigns.

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

At a planning meeting, he proposed an ingenious plan to Gongsun Zhan, saying: "This plan can not only confuse the enemy, but also win the opportunity for our army." His tactics helped Gongsun Zhan's army to achieve battlefield victories many times.

Yan Gang's steadfastness and loyalty have become his trademarks. Even when he was captured by the enemy and faced with a life-and-death decision, he still stood by his beliefs. During the interrogation after being captured, he said without fear: "I would rather die than give in, and I will never betray General Gongsun." His steadfastness inspires every fighter to remain loyal in the face of hardship.

Although these three generals have their own specialties, their common characteristics are absolute loyalty to Gongsun Chan and all-out devotion to the war. During a night talk, Zhao Yun, Tian Yu, and Yan Gang gathered in the barracks to review the past battles and future journeys. Zhao Yun said with emotion: "In this troubled world, it is Zhao's honor to be able to fight side by side with you. ”

There are three generals under the command of Gongsun Zhan: Cao Cao and Liu Bei each have one of them, but the last person has no one to surrender

Tian Yu also responded with deep feelings: "Yes, each with his own ability, he will jointly protect this world." Yan Gang nodded silently, his eyes flashing with determination. The stories of these three generals are not only about the bravery and strategy of war, but also about loyalty, wisdom and steadfast personal character.

Their stories occupy a unique place in the history of the Three Kingdoms and have become a model for future generations to celebrate. In that war-torn era, their image was like a ray of light, illuminating the long river of history and becoming an immortal legend.

In those turbulent times, everyone was fighting for survival and faith. The stories of Zhao Yun, Tian Yu and Yan Gang are the truest portrayal of this era. Their fate and choices show the most glorious side of human nature, whether it is bravery on the battlefield or tenacity in adversity, they have deeply touched the hearts of future generations.


[1] Xi Xingquan.Gongsun Zhan's principle of employing people[J].Xue Xi Monthly,2003(3):45-46

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