
"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

author:Mickey is back

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"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings
"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

Sentence | 小昕



Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the main contradiction in mainland society has been transformed into a contradiction between the people's ever-growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development.

This means that the problem of material supply and demand has been solved, and people's eyes have gradually changed from survival to life.

Many people are beginning to pay attention to body problems and physical health problems, and more and more people are starting to live a self-disciplined life every day.

But as everyone knows, the wrong exercise can lead to deformation of the body and even damage the body.

People who like fitness must avoid the following 3 self-discipline mistakes!

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

Aerobic exercise is done for too long

People who like to go to the gym are basically divided into two types, one is to pursue a perfect body, and the other is to exercise to lose weight.

But they all have the misconception that they can achieve their goals by doing more aerobic exercise.

In fact, if you want to be effective in cardio, you don't have to spend as much time on cardio equipment as possible.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

Some people are eager to lose weight, and they work out crazy on aerobic fitness equipment, which takes two or three hours.

If you look closely, experienced people will find that this type of exercise is problematic, either because of the wrong method of equipment operation, or because the rhythm of the exercise is not right, it is not possible to get effective movement, and it may also damage the body.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

And long-term aerobic exercise will not only not lead to a loss of fat, but will also make the muscles less, the body's resistance will decrease, and cause discomfort.

Proper aerobic exercise should focus on the following four core elements.

Aerobic exercise refers to the exercise completed by the oxidation and decomposition of energy substances under the condition that the body has sufficient oxygen supply.

It has an irreplaceable role in prolonging life, improving the quality of life, reducing fat and shaping, and improving cardiopulmonary function.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

If you want to get the ideal exercise, the duration of aerobic exercise should not be less than 10 minutes, and the most reasonable time is between 30~50 minutes, but the specific situation depends on the individual's physical fitness.

In general, people with strong physical and mental endurance will exercise for a long time, but if their physical fitness is poor, or they do not have a large amount of time to exercise, the ideal effect can also be achieved by accumulating the amount of exercise.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

The second point is the intensity of exercise, in which heart rate represents an important significance.

The mildness of aerobic exercise should be controlled at 60%~85% of the maximum heart rate of the individual, and the current popular view in the world is (180-age), for example, 35-year-old people engaged in aerobic exercise, the maximum heart rate should be 145 beats / minute.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

The third point is the frequency of exercise, stipulating a cycle to adapt to their own exercise, generally every other day exercise is the best, some people will exercise every day, thinking that this is self-discipline, in fact, it has caused a serious burden on the body.

Last but not least, it's important not to do cardio alone.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

There are many aerobic sports items, such as badminton, table tennis, basketball, elliptical, mountaineering, etc., it is best to choose more than two sports methods, and the results and benefits are far greater than a single Xi training method.

There is no distinction between weightlifting and weighting

When it comes to muscle training, men and women often have a big misconception.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

Boys generally pursue large muscle mass, in order to show the charm of men, often choose overly heavy dumbbells or barbells, girls on the contrary, they are afraid of training to be muscular, choose very light gym equipment.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

But in the process of weightlifting, whether you choose too light or too heavy, it will greatly affect the effect of fitness.

Choosing a barbell that is too heavy can cause sports injuries, joint injuries, tendon, muscle or ligament strain, etc.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

If a boy wants to gain muscle, it is not that the efficiency will be better with a heavy barbell, and the method of exercising muscles is more needed, as long as the method is right, even a very light barbell can have a training effect.

Girls should not be afraid of lifting too much weight, because women and men have different physiques, even if girls practice Xi weights, there will be no big muscles like boys, and will only form a more perfect muscle line.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

In the early stage of weightlifting, you need to warm up, fully stretch the muscles in the back of the thighs, inner thighs, calves, etc., move various joints, and jog for a few minutes to keep your body in a hot state.

During weight lifting, it is necessary to achieve a standard movement, which is the best protection to avoid injury, keep the spine in the middle position, and pay attention to the leg muscles.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

Concentration, if you are carrying heavy equipment, be sure to concentrate, because if you do not do it properly, it can seriously damage the bones and joints.

Set a strict training schedule for yourself, work out step by step, and don't challenge with heavy weights as soon as you come up.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

After lifting weights, stretch the muscles and squeeze and push the sore muscles to relax the muscles.

Ignoring invisible muscle groups

In the process of fitness self-discipline, we always pay a lot of attention to the core muscle groups.

It is common to hear people posting on Moments, showing their biceps, pecs, abs, etc., and women will show their hips or right-angled shoulders, but few people pay attention to their small muscle groups.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

But in fact, the neglected small muscle groups play a more important role in fitness.

For example, if there are people around you who love running, you will definitely find that they protect their knees very well, and even wear knee pads.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

This is because if you don't exercise properly, you may have a broken meniscus and make it impossible to exercise again.

However, if we can pay attention to the small muscle groups such as knees and arms during exercise, it can help improve our movements.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

This requires that when training, we should pay attention to the diversity of movements, not just local exercises. Through a variety of training, small muscle groups and deep muscles can be stimulated, which can increase the coordination and stability of the body.

Women should pay more attention to shaping exercises, using anaerobic exercise with aerobic exercise, so that all parts can be effectively exercised.

"Reverse fitness" is not advisable, and people who love sports are advised to try to avoid 3 self-discipline misunderstandings

In addition, in addition to self-discipline exercise, more attention should be paid to "eating", whether it is male muscle gain or female weight loss, it is very rigorous in eating, and the nutrition should be rich enough.


We should regard fitness as a long process of self-discipline, not in a hurry, in the slow quantitative change, we will be able to produce a qualitative leap.

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