
Suddenly, an Israeli airstrike killed Soleimani's comrades......

author:National Business Daily

Edited by Li Zedong

According to a CCTV military report on December 26, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps announced on the 25th that Israel attacked the southern suburbs of Damascus, the Syrian capital, and Syed Razi Mousavi, a senior adviser to the "Quds Force" under the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, died in an Israeli missile attack.

It is understood that he is one of the oldest and most experienced advisers to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Syria, and was a comrade-in-arms of the late senior Iranian general Soleimani.

Suddenly, an Israeli airstrike killed Soleimani's comrades......
Suddenly, an Israeli airstrike killed Soleimani's comrades......
Suddenly, an Israeli airstrike killed Soleimani's comrades......

Image source: CCTV military screenshot

It is understood that on January 3, 2020, senior Iranian general Soleimani and Muhandis, deputy commander of the Iraqi militia "Popular Mobilization Group", were killed in a US drone attack near Baghdad International Airport. The attack, which was ordered by then-US President Donald Trump, sparked an outcry in Iraq and Iran.

According to the overseas network on January 4, 2023, citing the US "Newsweek", on January 3, local time, while mourning the senior general Soleimani who was killed by the US airstrike, Iran announced a list of defendants involved in the assassination of Soleimani, revealing that a total of 94 US citizens were involved, including former US President Trump and former US Secretary of State Pompeo.

Suddenly, an Israeli airstrike killed Soleimani's comrades......

An Iranian holds a portrait of the slain senior Iranian general Soleimani at a memorial ceremony to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of Soleimani and Iraqi commander Abu Mehdi Mohandis in a U.S. airstrike in the Iraqi capital. Image source: Visual China

Announcing the list of indictees, Kazim Ghalibabadi, deputy head of the Iranian judiciary for international affairs and secretary-general of the Supreme Commission for Human Rights, said that the judiciary had collected the necessary documents and that at least three full volumes of files on the 94 indictees were ready. Among the 94 people, there are three main defendants, namely Trump, Pompeo, and McKenzie, the former commander of the US Central Command.

In addition to the 94 U.S. citizens, the list includes 17 Iraqi citizens, as well as an unknown number of German and British citizens. Garibabbadi said the indictment focuses on defendants who are U.S. citizens and that "no one is immune to the judicial process." ”

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement condemning the United States

According to CCTV News on January 2, January 3, 2023 is the third anniversary of the assassination of Soleimani, a senior general of the "Quds Force" under Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, by the United States. On the 2nd local time, the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement to once again condemn the criminal acts of the United States while remembering Soleimani.

The statement pointed out that the US government designed and carried out a terrorist attack against Soleimani during his mission in Iraq under false pretexts such as counter-terrorism and criminal acts that violated international law and international principles. The criminal assassination of Soleimani by the United States is an example of its organized terrorist activities. The statement said that the U.S. government has clear international responsibility for this crime, and the relevant Iranian authorities have been holding those responsible accountable.

The statement stressed that in accordance with the policy of combating terrorism and extremism, Iran will continue to work to maintain peace and stability in the region, and Soleimani's sacrifice will not affect Iran's goal in this regard.

Daily Economic News Comprehensive CCTV Military, CCTV News, Overseas Network

National Business Daily

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