
Is it cyber health or cyber health?

author:Popular Science China

Everyone knows the benefits of fitness to the body, and everyone knows the harm of staying up late.

After staying up all night, the cardiovascular system will be overloaded, the beating rhythm of the heart will also be disordered, and the cardiovascular system will not be rested. Even if there is no history of heart disease, it can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction because of the overburden.

Is it cyber health or cyber health?

Source: Photographer: Pexels

In addition, high-intensity exercise after staying up late is also easy to cause various sports injuries. Think about it, after staying up all night, our spirit is in a stage of deep exhaustion, it is difficult to concentrate, and we may even hallucinate in a daze. At this time, doing high-intensity exercise can easily lead to irregular movements and increase the possibility of various sports injuries.

In this case, it is also recommended that you get a good night's sleep and get enough rest before exercising. And the amount of exercise should also be adjusted a little, and choose relatively relaxed activities. For example, you can choose aerobic exercises such as stretching, low-impact jogging, and swimming, and keep the intensity of your exercise strictly controlled.

Is it cyber health or cyber health?

Source: Photographer: Bruce

Here, I recommend a way to judge the intensity of exercise, you can try to subtract your age from 220, and then multiply the result by 60%, which is the upper limit of the exercise heart rate, and the exercise heart rate will never exceed this number, and the cardiovascular system will remain in a relatively safe range.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that if you can go to bed early in your daily life, don't stay up late, if you have to stay up, the best way to recover is also sleep rather than exercise, and it is best to arrange exercise after sufficient rest.

Is it cyber health or cyber health?

图源 摄影师:Jair Lazaro

Planning and production

Audit丨Ma Yong, professor of Wuhan University of Physical Education

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