
Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

author:Mushroom Xiaoyu

Huo Quzhi received a special reward from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty - ten carts of meat, which was undoubtedly a great consolation and reward in the army at that time.

The soldiers' eyes sparkled with longing, and everyone thought they could finally feast.

However, Huo Quzhi made a decision that made everyone unbelievable: instead of distributing the meat to the soldiers, he left it aside to rot.

This move caused an uproar in the barracks, and the soldiers were confused, discussed, and even dissatisfied. Why did Huo Quzhi act like this? Was he really stingy, or did he have another meaning? What kind of secret is hidden behind this?

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

1. Huo Quai's special tactics: put him to death and then live

During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the situation on the frontier was tense, and Huo Quzhi, as a young general, often led the cavalry deep behind enemy lines.

In this extreme environment, every time he went on an expedition, he faced the danger of total annihilation.

For Huo Quzhi, how to stimulate the combat effectiveness of soldiers has become a major challenge that he must face.

During one of their marches, they received a large supply of meat.

This is undoubtedly a great consolation for soldiers who have been fighting in harsh environments for a long time.

However, Huo Quzhi made a decision that surprised everyone: instead of distributing the meat to the hungry soldiers, he left it to be piled aside until it spoiled.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

That night, the soldiers sat around the campfire, exhaustion and hunger written on everyone's face.

They looked at the rotting meat, and their hearts were filled with doubts and resentment.

"Why doesn't the general divide the meat?" asked a young soldier, puzzled, his voice filled with confusion and injustice.

The soldiers present looked at each other with concern. They also want to know the answer, after all, a meal of good food is enough to invigorate during such a grueling march.

Another veteran, who had experienced several battles, had a deep gaze, and he slowly spoke: "Maybe the general has more far-reaching plans. His words reveal his understanding and trust in the general.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

At this time, the other soldiers began to talk to each other.

Some of them agreed with the veteran's words, while others remained confused.

Huo Quzhi's move is actually an extreme means of motivation.

In this way, he wanted to tell the soldiers that they could only enjoy victory on the battlefield.

And these rotten meats are the symbol of his transmission of this idea.

The next morning, Huo Qubing stood in the middle of the camp, watching his soldiers.

They stood and sat with different expressions, but each of them had anticipation and uneasiness in their eyes for the battle to come.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Huo Quzhi knew that his decision might make the soldiers feel dissatisfied and even cause complaints.

But as a general, he had to make sure that his soldiers were able to devote themselves to the battle when facing the enemy, rather than dwelling on the small profits that were in front of him.

The sun slowly rises and a new day begins.

The soldiers began to get busy, preparing for the upcoming battle.

Even though their stomachs were still rumbling, there was a determined glint in everyone's eyes.

They know that only by winning on the battlefield can they truly enjoy the fruits of victory.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Huo Qubing stood there quietly, his eyes passing through the figures of the soldiers, looking into the distance.

He knew that the battle was not only for the glory of the country, but also for the survival of him and his soldiers.

At such a moment, the slightest hint of weakness can become a fatal weakness.

The daylight gradually became hot, and the soldiers were dressed in battle armor and lined up neatly.

Their expressions are serious, their eyes are determined, and everyone is ready for the challenge that lies ahead.

Huo Qubing walked up to them, his eyes sweeping over each soldier's face.

He didn't need to say much, his very existence was the greatest incentive to the soldiers.

Under his leadership, these soldiers will become stronger and more invincible.

And the enemy in front of them will bear witness to the strength and determination of this army.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Second, Huo Quai's thoughtfulness

Huo Quzhi stood in the tent, his gaze through the gap in the tent, looking at the distant sky.

There were several of his cronies and generals standing beside him, all of whom were quietly waiting for Huo Quai's instructions.

At this moment, the hustle and bustle of the camp seemed to be far away from them.

"Although Emperor Wu of Han has many rewards, if I am not careful, I may become a threat to him at any time. Huo Quzhi's voice was low and firm, and his eyes revealed a thoughtful light.

A close general slowly spoke: "General, what do you mean..." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Huo Quai.

"I mean, we have to be cautious. Huo Quzhi said lightly.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Another cronie bowed his head, and a glint of understanding flashed in his eyes: "I understand, General." ”

Huo Quzhi turned around and walked out of the tent, his steps firm and powerful.

In his heart, there are unknown burdens and considerations.

He knew that as a general, he not only had to achieve victory on the battlefield, but also to consolidate his position in the political maelstrom of the court.

He walked to the center of the camp, where the soldiers were busy preparing dinner.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Although the food was poor, the soldiers' faces still showed satisfaction and anticipation.

Huo Qubing quietly observed all this, and he knew that these soldiers were his most solid support.

As night fell, Huo Qubing summoned his subordinates for a tactical discussion at night.

In the dim light, Huo Quzhi elaborated on his plans and strategies.

His words are clear and every detail is well thought out.

The soldiers listened intently, occasionally nodding their heads or whispering discussions.

They knew that every discussion was a preparation for future battles, and they were full of trust and admiration for Huo Quzhi.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

3. Earn trust

In the corner of the tent, several of Huo Quai's advisers were discussing in a low voice.

One of them looked at Huo Quai, and then turned to his colleagues: "The general's move is really far-reaching. His voice was low, but full of respect.

The other strategist nodded and responded, "The general can always see what we can't. His voice revealed his trust in Huo Quzhi.

The third advisor added, "This move will indeed reassure the emperor. There was a hint of admiration in his words.

The conversation between the four strategists ended quickly, and their eyes were once again focused on Huo Quai's body, and they knew that it was their honor to follow such a general with both wisdom and strategy.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Although Huo Quzhi's strategy seemed to damage his image in the hearts of soldiers on the surface, it actually skillfully consolidated his position in the army and won the trust of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty politically.

He knows that in this age of power and intrigue, every small action can trigger a chain of political reactions.

That night, Huo Quzhi held a small military meeting.

In the dim light, he and his advisers sat around discussing the plan of the upcoming battle.

There was a lot of seriousness and focus in their conversation, and everyone was preparing for the upcoming battle.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

After the meeting, Huo Quzhi walked out of the tent alone, he walked to the edge of the camp and quietly looked at the night sky. The night breeze blows gently, taking away the tiredness and stress of the day.

He knew that as a general, he had to be sober and alert at all times to deal with the ever-changing situation.

Early the next morning, Huo Qubing led his soldiers to start a new day.

They marched in the morning light, and each showed great tenacity and perseverance.

Despite the shortage of food, the soldiers maintained high morale, knowing that as long as they followed Huo Quai, they could hope for victory.

During the march, Huo Qu stopped from time to time to check the soldiers' equipment and physical condition.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Although he is strict, every movement is full of care for the soldiers.

Although the soldiers felt physically exhausted, they were in a very good state of mind.

In the afternoon, Huo Qubing arranged a practical drill. The soldiers split into two teams and simulated a skirmish. In the dust, their movements were swift and accurate, showing a high level of training results.

Huo Quzhi stood aside and watched, his face expressionless, but his eyes were full of praise for the soldiers.

As night fell, Huo Qubing once again gathered his advisers for a detailed post-war analysis.

They discussed the problems and shortcomings that arose during the exercise, and also affirmed the efforts and achievements of the soldiers.

Every word of Huo Quzhi is a thoughtful reflection on the future battle.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Fourth, the rise of the Huo family: behind the political wisdom

After this battle, Huo Qubing had become a leader in the Han Dynasty army, and his reputation spread far and wide.

He not only performed many miracles on the battlefield, but also showed extraordinary wisdom in politics.

His moves, while often unexpected, always achieve unexpected results.

The Wu Gu Rebellion 26 years later was a major change in the history of the Han Dynasty.

This unrest affected the entire imperial court, and many nobles and ministers were involved.

However, Huo Quzhi's family survived this turmoil, and even became the biggest beneficiary of the incident because of his political wisdom and foresight.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Huo Guang, who was assisting the crown prince, Huo Quai's younger brother, stood on a high platform and looked around at the soldiers and courtiers below.

"The reason why the Huo family was able to gain a foothold in the troubled times was due to the foresight of their ancestors. His voice was firm and loud and resounded throughout the square.

After hearing this, an old general said softly: "Yes, the general's wisdom has laid the foundation for the Huo family. ”

"He was not only a great general, but also a wise statesman. A young general added.

"Our stability today is the result of his cunning. Another old minister said with emotion.

These four sentences seem to be the best interpretation of Huo Quzhi, and they also reflect his lofty status in people's hearts.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

The story of Huo Quai's illness has long become a legend of the Han Dynasty.

Every victory on the battlefield is a testament to his wisdom and courage.

Politically, his strategy and foresight won the Huo family long-term stability and prosperity.

In that turbulent era, Huo Qubing not only protected his family from civil strife, but also made an important contribution to the stability of the Han Dynasty. His name became an indelible part of the history of the Han Dynasty.

Day after day, the story of Huo Qu's illness was passed down by word of mouth among soldiers and civilians.

They told about Huo Quai's bravery, his heroic posture on the battlefield, and his political wisdom and foresight.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

In the telling again and again, the image of Huo Quzhi has become more and more distinct, and his story has inspired generations of people. He was not only a military model, but also the embodiment of political wisdom.

Under his influence, many young generals and politicians began to learn Xi his wisdom and strategies, hoping to succeed in their respective fields.

Huo Quzhi's influence even transcended his life.

Even years after his death, his story is still being told throughout the Han Dynasty.

Whether it is a soldier in the barracks or a minister in the court, his name is often mentioned, and his story is used to encourage and motivate themselves and others.

Story: The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu didn't give it to the soldiers when he was sick, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

[1] Liu Jinxiang.Huo Quai: Death is still smelling the fragrance of chivalrous bones[J].Literature and History World,2023(11):60-63

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