
He was so stupid that he was not guilty and pleaded guilty himself??After the man got engaged, the defendant was sentenced to 3 years for rape in the first trial!

author:Inspirational Workshop A

The unbelievable story begins - a man, who was originally innocent, but because of his inadvertent "um", turned the innocent into guilty, and the whirlpool of judgment was about to swallow him.

He was so stupid that he was not guilty and pleaded guilty himself??After the man got engaged, the defendant was sentenced to 3 years for rape in the first trial!
He was so stupid that he was not guilty and pleaded guilty himself??After the man got engaged, the defendant was sentenced to 3 years for rape in the first trial!

The case began with an engagement banquet in which the man paid a bride price of 100,000 yuan and signed a prenuptial agreement. On the fourth day of the engagement, a relationship entanglement occurred in the marital room. However, the dramatic turn of events occurred when the woman asked for her name to be added to the title deed and asked for the remaining $100,000 bride price. The man refused the woman's request, and the woman then reported the crime of rape.

He was so stupid that he was not guilty and pleaded guilty himself??After the man got engaged, the defendant was sentenced to 3 years for rape in the first trial!

During the trial, when the man was asked about the incident, he said "um" out of nervousness. This unintentional act became a key point in the trial, and the court saw it as evidence of a guilty plea. Both the client and his family strongly retorted, claiming that it was just a misunderstanding and that the man had not committed rape.

He was so stupid that he was not guilty and pleaded guilty himself??After the man got engaged, the defendant was sentenced to 3 years for rape in the first trial!

This story is full of emotion, a man who was innocent, because of a moment of nervousness, actually confessed to the crime in the trial, is this because the interrogation method is too tough, or the man's own clever overturn? The twists and turns in the trial process are incredible, and also provoke deep thinking about judicial justice. The fragility of human nature and the thorniness of the law make the whole case confusing. Perhaps, the Blade of Justice needs to be pointed more precisely so as not to draw innocents into the maelstrom of judgment