
Will thyroid, breast, and lung nodules deteriorate into cancer? Don't panic, the doctor will teach you how to deal with it

author:Professor Xie Youliang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

"The company's physical examination found that many of them had thyroid nodules"

"I have several thyroid nodules, but I don't care about them"

"I just finished the check-up today, and there are multiple nodules in both breasts"

"I have several types of nodules, some are checked once every three months, some are checked once every six months, and some are done"

This article is quoted from: Global Network Source: CCTV News Client

In recent years, with the advancement of imaging methods and examination techniques, it has become easier and easier to detect nodules, and many people even find that there are more than one nodule in the body during physical examination. So, is a nodule the same as cancer, or is it likely to become cancerous, and does it need to be surgically removed as soon as possible?

Will thyroid, breast, and lung nodules deteriorate into cancer? Don't panic, the doctor will teach you how to deal with it

Physical examination is most likely to detect: thyroid breast and pulmonary nodules

Nodules are a general concept in medicine, used to describe the relatively small mass in the tissues and organs of our body, which can be an inflammatory reaction caused by infection, or a scar left after the disease has healed, and some are benign tumors that are not too harmful, and the malignant tumors that we are most worried about only account for a small proportion.

Statistically, thyroid nodules, breast nodules and lung nodules are the easiest to detect during a health checkup.

Experts said that among the thyroid nodules found in outpatient clinics or physical examinations, thyroid cancer accounts for about 3%~5% of the overall thyroid nodules. At present, the cervical ultrasound can detect thyroid nodules at the millimeter level.

Fang Jugao, Chief Physician of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing Tongren Hospital: The incidence of thyroid cancer has indeed increased significantly over the years, and it has been in the second place in the incidence of female cancer, the first is breast cancer, which may be related to women's hormones. If there is a malignant thyroid nodule, there is a risk of enlargement during pregnancy. Among men, it has also risen to the seventh and eighth level.

The latest data from 2020 show that breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer to become the first malignant tumor in the world, with an incidence rate of about 43 to 45 per 100,000.

According to preliminary statistics, the incidence of benign breast nodules in women may account for about 60%~80%, including breast hyperplasia, breast cysts, breast fibroadenomas, etc. However, we cannot ignore the possibility of malignancy, especially small nodules that are not painful or itchy.

Jiang Ying, Chief Physician of the Department of General Surgery, Zhongshan Xiamen Hospital, Fudan University: If it is just a benign and small hyperplastic nodule, it can be observed and followed. Breast malignant tumors are called breast cancer, and the incidence of breast cancer and the incidence of benign breast nodules are completely different.

Will thyroid, breast, and lung nodules deteriorate into cancer? Don't panic, the doctor will teach you how to deal with it

The incidence of pulmonary nodules is also very high, however, experts say that 80%~90% of pulmonary nodules are benign, and pulmonary nodules do not necessarily mean that they are malignant.

Fan Hong, Director of the Department of General Surgery, Zhongshan Xiamen Hospital, Fudan University: Pulmonary nodules are shadows of nodular foci of abnormal lung tissue in the normal lung parenchyma. Only a small percentage of malignant nodules may be malignant and may require further management.

What should I do if a nodule is detected?

What should I do if a nodule is detected? If the nodule is not severe, regular follow-up tests are sufficient.

If risk factors are found, such as large size, irregular shape, and abundant blood supply, further investigation, diagnosis, and treatment are required.

Thyroid nodules are divided into 5 grades, usually grade 1-3 are basically benign nodules, and ultrasound examination can be done once a year to observe. High-risk patients with grade 4 and above, confirmed by professional diagnosis or pathology, should be treated accordingly as soon as possible.

Fang Jugao, Chief Physician of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing Tongren Hospital: If it is grade 5, if it is not particularly large, puncture can also be considered, if it is determined to be malignant, especially a malignant nodule greater than 1 cm, it is best to have surgery, because if it grows again, it may grow to the surrounding tissues and even metastasize.

Breast nodules that are evaluated for grade 2 or below are generally benign lesions and can be rechecked once a year, grade 3 nodules can be rechecked every 3 months to 6 months to observe the changes in the nodules, and if they are grade 4 or above, further examination is required, and needle biopsy is performed if necessary to determine the nature.

Pulmonary nodules can generally be divided into high-density solid pulmonary nodules and relatively low-density subsolid pulmonary nodules. Ground-glass nodules are a type of subsolid pulmonary nodules, and the probability of malignancy is generally high, so it is necessary to closely follow up the pulmonary ground-glass nodules that are first discovered, and consult a specialist for evaluation in time.

Will thyroid, breast, and lung nodules deteriorate into cancer? Don't panic, the doctor will teach you how to deal with it

So, which groups of people are high-risk groups? Which misunderstandings should be avoided? And how to prevent the occurrence of nodules? Experts said that in addition to people with family medical history to be vigilant, all kinds of nodules have their own specific high-risk factors, and avoiding these high-risk factors can be effectively prevented.

Detection of thyroid nodules dare not eat iodized salt?

Benign thyroid nodules are mostly caused by hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis and other problems, especially the following groups.

Fang Jugao, Chief Physician of Head and Neck Surgery at Beijing Tongren Hospital: For example, people in areas that have been exposed to radiation, and there may be particularly high iodine intake in the dietary structure, such as eating iodized salt, eating seafood every day, and living by the sea, which may be bad for the thyroid gland. In iodine-deficient areas, such as hilly areas in the interior, if you don't eat seafood or iodized salt, it's not good to be particularly deficient. Many friends have found thyroid nodules in physical examination, and they dare not eat iodized salt, which is the most common misunderstanding. Especially for benign nodules, iodine is also needed for normal metabolism of the human body.

Breast nodules: associated with elevated estrogen levels and high body fat

According to experts, 45~55 years old is the peak age for breast cancer. Women with parents and siblings who have breast cancer are more likely to have a higher incidence of breast cancer than the general population. It is recommended that women take a monthly self-test from the 7th to the 14th day after menstruation. Focus on whether the two sides of the breast are symmetrical, and whether there are abnormalities such as redness and lumps. Postmenopausal people who are infertile, have early or late menarche, and have menstruation for more than 40 years are all at high risk of breast cancer.

Jiang Ying, Chief Physician of the Department of General Surgery, Zhongshan Xiamen Hospital, Fudan University: The onset of breast cancer is related to the increase in estrogen levels. For women, the mood should maintain a relatively calm state of mind, an optimistic mood, pay attention to rest, sleep, moderate exercise, and an appropriate adjustment of work pressure. Studies have shown that long-term excessive high-fat diets are also a cause of breast cancer. High body fat and obesity are also factors that are relatively high in the incidence of breast cancer.

Pulmonary nodules: Those who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day or have smoked for more than 30 years are at high risk

For pulmonary nodules, those who are between 55 and 75 years old and have a history of smoking, especially those who have smoked one pack a day or more than 30 years are also high-risk groups.

Will thyroid, breast, and lung nodules deteriorate into cancer? Don't panic, the doctor will teach you how to deal with it

Fan Hong, Director of the Department of General Surgery, Zhongshan Xiamen Hospital, Fudan University: There are also some people with a history of occupational exposure, some people with chronic lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and tuberculosis, and those who have a history of tumors.

Scientific prevention: healthy living and regular medical checkups

In a word, to stay away from these nodules, we should start with a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and drinking, have a regular schedule and rest, maintain a good attitude, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, and pay special attention to physical examination, after all, most nodules cannot be found by the naked eye.