
In Ryan's reddest building, ten young people held a meeting, and they couldn't imagine that history would turn a corner

author:Mr. Wu Liao

"Open the noodle garden, put the wine and talk mulberry."

What was once a famous cultural building is now also a revolutionary red building.

As one of Rui'an's "four famous buildings", in the long river of history, there have been several changes, and there are many stories that are praised by people - because of the iron-boned Huang Tifang, this small building built outside the small east gate of Ruicheng during the Qing Guangxu period, the literati and poets are endless; because of a group of enthusiastic young people, the first party organization of Ruian was born here. Since then, the spark of Ryan's revolution has been ignited here.

The Sang Building has witnessed history and is also remembered by history.

In Ryan's reddest building, ten young people held a meeting, and they couldn't imagine that history would turn a corner

Source: Yu Xiu Ryan

Literati elegant collection, climbing the tower to see the scenery and singing

The Shuo Sang Lou, also known as fei yun ge, was built in the 24th year of the Qing Dynasty (1898), initiated by "Mr. Ruian" Huang Tifang and others, taking the poetic name of the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran "put the wine and sangma".

Why did you build this building? This has to be said from four years ago.

In the winter of the twenty-first year of qing guangxu (1895), Huang Tifang, the left attendant of the bingbu, "retired" from the capital and returned to Ruian's hometown, drinking and poetry with his friends every day, but at that time, there was no quiet place in Ruian City for them to indulge in chanting, so Huang Tifang had the idea of building a building.

The following year, he consulted with the eunuchs Wang Yuesong and Hu Tiaoyuan to raise funds to build a hall building that could not only enjoy the scenery, but also sing songs, and several people hit it off. In the twenty-fourth year of Guangxu (1898), this building was finally completed. From the beginning to the end, it took four years.

But it is strange to say that within three months after the name "Shuo Sang Lou", Huang Tifang, Wang Yuesong and Hu Tiaoyuan suffered misfortunes one after another: Huang Tifang died of illness, Wang Yuesong lost his mother, and Hu Tiaoyuan lost his father. For a time, rumors were rumored, and I felt that "words sang" had the harmonic sound of "words and funerals", which was not very auspicious.

In Ryan's reddest building, ten young people held a meeting, and they couldn't imagine that history would turn a corner

Words Sang Lou old look

In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), after years of wind and rain erosion, the Shuosang Building was seriously damaged, and Huang Tifang's nephew Huang Shaodi funded the reconstruction, so that the Shuosang Building was renovated, and renamed Feiyun Pavilion, by Huang Tifang's son Huang Shaoji Book Seal Plaque, hanging in the middle hall. On this year's Chongyang Festival, Huang Shaodi also felt that he was endowed with a 74-sentence "Dengfei Yunge" long-form music house.

Feiyun Pavilion on the first floor and one bottom, the width of the face into the depth of five rooms, the plane is square, heavy eaves and mountain-style wooden structure, wing angle cornices are high, extraordinary, downstairs around the cloister, upstairs four sides of the window. At that time, there were no high-rise buildings in Ruian City, so the pavilion looked around, and the scenery of the whole city was excellent.

During the Republic of China, there were primary schools and public libraries here, and the most important thing is the birthplace of the Ryan Party organization.

The spark of stars, the beginning of red history

It is no accident that The House of Words became the birthplace of Ryan's first party organization.

After the May Fourth Movement in 1919, a group of progressive and intellectual youths in Ruian used the Shuosang Building as a contact point for publicizing the truth and developing progressive organizations.

One day in the early summer of 1925, the building was very lively. Huang Dezhong, Lin Zhiyi, Xu Zemin, Chen Mingda and 10 others set up the "Zhongshan Doctrine Research Association", which was gathering and discussing here, and the atmosphere was quite warm. In particular, the central speech made by Huang Dezhong was to the point of view and clear- and won the unanimous appreciation of everyone.

Huang Dezhong, formerly known as Dejun, was one of The Early Party leaders at Ryan. The purpose of changing it to "Dezhong" is to arouse the people, throw themselves into the revolution, and create a new China.

Lin went to the disease, formerly known as Baokang, Ruian Chengguan people. In order to wash away the shame of the "sick man of East Asia", he used the pseudonym of "de-illness" as a pen name to write and publish a large number of articles in the "Wenzhou Ta Kung Pao" propagating the ideas of democratic revolution and patriotic ideas for national salvation.

In Ryan's reddest building, ten young people held a meeting, and they couldn't imagine that history would turn a corner

Lin went to the disease

In Ryan's reddest building, ten young people held a meeting, and they couldn't imagine that history would turn a corner

Huang Dezhong

Both attended Ryan Middle School and had close contacts, so they jointly organized progressive youth groups to explore revolutionary truths, and stipulated that every Sunday afternoon, they would come to SangLou to discuss and study.

On July 18, 1926, at the suggestion of Lin Quai, the "Zhongshan Doctrine Research Society" merged with another youth progressive group, the "Hongwen Society", to form the "Ruian Minshe Society", and the Ruian Revolutionary Group grew stronger, and the Zisanglou was used as the stronghold of the Ruian Red Revolution.

In November of the same year, the bright red party flag was displayed in the Shuosang Building, and Ryan's first party organization was born here. In December, Huang Dezhong was introduced to the party by Lin Deyi. At that time, many backbone cadres of the civil society joined the party organizations. In 1927, with the approval of the "Wen DuZhi", the Ruian Special Branch of the COMMUNIST Party of China was established, with Lin Quai as the secretary of the branch, and the "Ruite Branch" was located in the Yansang Building.

Huang Dezhong was very nostalgic for the revolutionary experience of the "Ten People's Group" gathering in Sanglou, and once wrote a poem "Reminiscence of Sanglou": "Bring ten couples to travel here, and encourage each other to strive for freedom." Ding Ding Qianqiu passed on The Marxist-Leninist, and the hammer began to speak of Sang Lou. ”

It was also then that the Words Sang Lou opened the first page of Ryan's red history.

Iron bones, revolutionary heroes and martyrs sacrificed their lives for righteousness

In January 1927, under the excellent situation of the victory of the Northern Expeditionary Army into Zhejiang, the Ruian Workers' and Peasants' Movement was vigorously carried out, and Huang Dezhong, in cooperation with Lin Zhiyi and others, organized a number of mass organizations in Ruian City, such as the County Federation of Trade Unions, the Merchants' Association, the Women's Federation, and the Student Federation, and was very busy.

In February 1927, after the expansion of the Ruian Party organization, the Ruian Group of the Communist Party of China was reorganized into the Ruian Special Branch of the Communist Party of China, and its organs were still located in the Yaosang Building. The Building has become an important activity venue for the Ruian Party organization of the CPC. During that time, The YansangLou played the role of a proletarian fighting command and became a revolutionary stronghold for the Party to lead the armed rebellion of the peasants throughout the county.

In Ryan's reddest building, ten young people held a meeting, and they couldn't imagine that history would turn a corner

Just when the Ruian workers' and peasants' revolutionary movement was booming, chiang kai-shek launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup. This led to the serious destruction of the CCP organization in southern Zhejiang, and Ryan's revolutionary struggle once fell into a low ebb.

In the face of the enemy's white terror, the staunch Communists used the Sanglou as a base to persist in the underground struggle. Under the cover of the Zhongshan Library, they carried out various revolutionary activities.

At that time, Lin Went Ill shifted the focus of his work down to the countryside and went to Taoshan in the Northern District, so that the peasant movement in the Northern District was in full swing. At that time, the Ruian authorities carried out a "clean party" operation against the Communist Party, and Huang Dezhong was in danger, so he went out to take shelter for a while, and did not return to Ruian until the end of the "clean party" in November 1927.

In 1928, Zheng Xin, a commissioner of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee and a Ruian, went to southern Zhejiang to convey the spirit of the Party's Eighty-Seven Conference, implement the work plan of the provincial party committee, rectify and develop party organizations at all levels, expand the workers' and peasants' associations, establish workers' and peasants' armed forces, carry out the struggle for famine and organize the joint uprising of peasants in the three counties. After the meeting, the three county party committees were elected, and Lin went ill to serve as the secretary of the Ruian County Party Committee. However, the following year, Lin went ill and was unfortunately arrested, and after being transferred to the Hangzhou Army Prison, he bravely rebelled and died at the age of 27.

Also in 1929, after the failure of the joint peasant rebellion in the three counties, Huang Dezhong had nowhere to hide in Ruian and had to sneak to Qingtian again. Later, he went to Hangzhou to look for the party organization, but he did not expect that the provincial party committee organs were also destroyed, and the enemy recognized Huang Dezhong's identity, captured him, and detained him in the Hangzhou Army Prison. Even if it is repeated interrogations, coercion and inducement, soft and hard, Huang Dezhong just does not change his mouth. In 1933, Huang Dezhong was killed in prison. He once wrote in "After Torture in Prison": "Arouse the fighting spirit of the workers and peasants, and the lofty ideals are encouraged." The blazing fire is fierce, and the fierce demons are afraid of the bloody knife."

In Ryan's reddest building, ten young people held a meeting, and they couldn't imagine that history would turn a corner

Relocation and rebirth: The original intention of the Red Chamber in the past century has not changed

A hundred years of wind and rain, years of vicissitudes, the "past life and this life" of the SangLou records their stories, and also witnesses the way forward in Ruian's red history.

After the founding of New China, the Shuosang Building was listed as the first batch of cultural relics protection units by the county people's government, and later occupied by the ruian pharmaceutical factory, which was seriously damaged, and was relocated in 2001 due to the construction needs of the South Gate substation.

On July 1, 2014, the Building was rebuilt and relocated to the west side of Longshan Park in Ruian City, which is still a two-story heavy eaves cloister-style building, with a mountain-like roof and blue cylinder tiles, recreating the style of that year. As it is said in the "Reconstruction of the Sang Lou": "Leaning on the left on the Long Mountain, the right is pasting the downtown area, the river of the flying clouds, the beauty of the Wansong, and the heavenly wind of the Long Mountain." ”

The 100-year-old Red Chamber, the original intention is unchanged. Pass on the torch and live forever.

In Ryan's reddest building, ten young people held a meeting, and they couldn't imagine that history would turn a corner

The current appearance of the Sang Building Sun Rin/Figure

Editor: Xiang Dani Editor: Ruian Social Science Federation First: Ruian Seal

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